Author Topic: I would like to see the US attack I** to get rid of that b*st*rd S*****  (Read 589 times)

Offline Pepe

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I would like to see the US attack I** to get rid of that b*st*rd S*****
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2002, 08:05:16 AM »

You want Disneyland Politics? Here is a fine example of that:

Originally posted by takeda
That is, killing people is BAD.

Killing teens in a disco or a mall is BAD.
Killing teens throwing stones at tank is BAD.
Killing people while they drive their car around is BAD.
Killing even supposed criminals on the spot with an AG missile or a handgun without judge o jury is BAD.


Or you can take the thread title too...

Oh, and you don't know where is my hometown. But this do not surprise me, you seem to talk very loud about a lot of things you seem to ignore either.


Offline takeda

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I would like to see the US attack I** to get rid of that b*st*rd S*****
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2002, 08:33:27 AM »
Pepe, for now on, i'll mark irony with tags so you can get it right, you seem to misread my posts a lot. The title of the thread might be convoluted and a bit trollish, but I think that my point comes through across the thread...

The cartoon land stuff was directed at our friend samm, your arguments were more articulated and to the point than his were.

About the killing people is BAD line taken out of the thread and thrown at me as cartoony, if you can find a better idea to start with, please provide it.

I donīt claim to know everything, it is just that out of interest and curiosity for this problem I got to read a lot about it and even mostly using the Israeli side as a source, I have come to think of it in this way.

The fact is that if we shouldn't justify the suicide bombers using the occupation as a pretext, we shouldn't either justify the occupation because of the suicide bombers.

The problem of separating terrorism from justified freedom fighting is in a big part a moral problem, if you step down from the moral high ground, you have already lost. Keeping the moral high ground doesn't assure you get rid of all problems, but it is many times the only thing separating you from the terrorists.

Offline Tumor

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I would like to see the US attack I** to get rid of that b*st*rd S*****
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2002, 09:04:11 AM »
Stop arguing lol.  When push comes to shove the Isreali's will hand whoever is shoving them yet another slap-down and things will calm down again for awhile.  The Palestinians "may" get thier state but they won't do it at the expense of Isreal, and not the U.N. or NATO or the E.U. or the U.S.A. or any other entity is ever going to "tell" Isreal what they will or won't do.  Thats just how it is.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline takeda

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I would like to see the US attack I** to get rid of that b*st*rd S*****
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2002, 09:24:49 AM »
Letīs hope they get a real state and not the bantustan they righfully refused to accept from Barak.

That won't happen if Sharon gets his way.

BTW, last post, those who really want to understand, should have by now, back to lurker mode.

For those who have time and want some eye opening reads go here:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2002, 09:37:18 AM by takeda »

Offline Toad

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I would like to see the US attack I** to get rid of that b*st*rd S*****
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2002, 10:02:17 AM »
Originally posted by takeda
Letīs hope they get a real state and not the bantustan they righfully refused to accept from Barak.

Yes, it's quite clear that taking Barak's deal would have been foolish. I mean, look at the great strides that have been made since that last peace process was terminated.

So stupid to take whatever you can get peacefully and then continue to work towards a better agreement both in the UN and the world press.

The "human bomb" approach is doing so much more for the Palestinian drive to statehood. Looks like Israel is offering them a MUCH better deal now, eh?

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline ~Caligula~

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I would like to see the US attack I** to get rid of that b*st*rd S*****
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2002, 12:09:23 PM »
Caligula how can a Jew have this type of hateful racist superior Nazi attitude? WTF did you guys take notes and study in the camps?

Please quote me on any racist comments I might have made.
I still state,I would not mind any arab,muslim,christian or whatever kind of people in Israel only if they mellowed out,accepted that Israel rightfully exist and worked together to make Israel a better place for everybody.
The palestinians failed to do that,and after 54 years they`re still being a bunch of punks,instead of just dealing with it,and making themselves better.