Author Topic: Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.  (Read 422 times)

Offline GtoRA2

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2002, 06:53:15 PM »
lol Elfy?  Did you even bother to do a search or type  ?

Go for it! I am sure you will fit in their comunity!!!:D

Offline Gunthr

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2002, 07:41:53 PM »
Did the mother make any effort to enter her son's world? Did she make any attempt to explore the Everquest environment to reach out to him there?

They might have been able to make a life together in that game. :D

If she really loved her son, she could have worked herself into a situation where she would have gotten some exposure to a character in the game who could have been a father-figure for the boy ... a Knight? A Magician? Maybe even a King!

I don't know anything about that game, but it seems that if she had made an effort to connect with some figure in it that the boy could respect, they could have made a nice family, even if it meant that she had to toil for years working her way up. :D

Maybe, just maybe, she could have given birth to a brother or sister for young Woolley, and maybe then the boy wouldn't have felt so isolated and alone. They could have had a life that, for all practicle purposes, would be similar to the average American family. The kid could've been a contender. :D

Sure, it might have been a little nuerotic, but at least they'd be happy. :p

And for the Woolleys, the real world, where foriegn nationals take alternate turns killing each other and adults prey on children, would blur and fade fuzzily,comfortably, into the distance...
« Last Edit: April 02, 2002, 07:44:30 PM by Gunthr »
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Offline Elfenwolf

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2002, 07:48:15 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
lol Elfy?  Did you even bother to do a search or type  ?

Go for it! I am sure you will fit in their comunity!!!:D  

At least I don't drive a GAS GUZZLER!!

Offline superpug1

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2002, 08:21:25 PM »
that is a scarey thing. But I have to say it.


Offline GtoRA2

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2002, 11:55:17 PM »

I expected better from you? Making fun of my car? How funny!
Guess you can't come up with your typical BS, without hours or maybe days of thought?

You really would fit in with the rest of the socially retarded in EQ!

Offline -tronski-

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2002, 12:34:15 AM »
Woolley knows her son had problems beyond EverQuest

WTF is she blaming Sony again??

Thats the problem with the world, no-body takes responsibilty for what they do...the devil made me do it, too much metallica made me rob that store, playing doom made me shoot 15 people, Aces high is causing my cronic masterbating...

Jeez, I hope Sony sues her being an idiot.


n.b Cronic masterbation is really caused by too much Coca Cola, and the devil ( yes it is Bill Gates )
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Offline Virage

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2002, 04:00:08 AM »
Hmmm do I sense some Bulletin Board Denial?


Offline Mighty1

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2002, 07:11:34 AM »
She just as nuts as here son was.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Elfenwolf

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2002, 08:56:51 AM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2

I expected better from you? Making fun of my car? How funny!
Guess you can't come up with your typical BS, without hours or maybe days of thought?

You really would fit in with the rest of the socially retarded in EQ!

Sorry if my post is a little bid disjointed, GTO, but I was awake playing Evercrack for the last 14 hours. Actually I envy you your car. Goats were THE ride back in MY day, anyway.

Let me get two hours' sleep, maybe play more Evercrack and I'll try to come up with something more in line with my typical BS...Of course you don't make it easy on me cause you don't say anything too stupid or outlandish.

Offline Sikboy

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Re: Re: Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2002, 09:41:14 AM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu

What does the mother hope to obtain?  Warning stickers on Everquest?  Maybe something like "WARNING! THIS GAME IS INCREADIBLY ADDICTIVE!".  That should do the trick.  I'd recomend "WARNING! THIS GAME MAY MAKE YOU WANT TO FLIP OUT AND CHOP OFF HEADS CAUSE ITS SO SWEET!"


When I was a kid, I used to scour the TV-guide looking for movies to watch late nights on weekends. I'd throw out anything that didn't have "nudity, adult situations, adult language" Those warning tags were very handy indeed.  Of course this was back in the 80s when even Skinemax was tame by todays standards.

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Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Lance

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Stupid woman tries to blame Sony for her son's suicide.
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2002, 11:05:59 AM »
Heh, I had a friend get me to try Everquest.  I played long enough to see that Sony's definition of fun was completely different from mine.  You all would really laugh at some of the crap people subject themselves to there.  Take this example:

    Organize 24+ people to help you kill a monster, this triggers the appearance of a quest monster some 48-96 hours later.
    Convince at least 6 of those people to sit and wait with you for 48-96 HOURS to kill lesser monsters and wait for the quest monster to appear.  If you don't wait the entire time, any other person can waltz in and 'claim' the quest monster for themselves.
    When the quest monster finally appears, organize 36+ people within 10 minutes time to kill it with a coordinated effort.

All of that is for ONE STEP of ONE QUEST that produces an item for ONE PERSON.  I don't think Halle Berry giving a gagging oscar speech with my crotch as the audience would convince me to participate in that.  But there are plenty of people that do.  Its part of what it takes to be 'successful' there.

As for the lady, she's probably just looking for a reason for her son's unreasonable act, and afraid as hell to look closer to home right now.  Everquest was a symptom of that guys mental problems, not the cause.

Offline GtoRA2

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Sadly Lance is not exaggerating!
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2002, 11:43:54 AM »
My buddy to get his Epic weapon( each class has one and they are very hard to get) had to go to a special dungeon 8 times, and spend over 6 hours a shot, just to have the item he needed NOT drop! lol he eventually just bought it with in game money!

Another funny aspect of it, like Lance described, is not matter how long you camp something there is always the possibility of someone showing up right as it spawns and taking it from you! LoL and what can you do? Nothing, if they do more damage it is theirs, no mater how many hours or days you waited (YES days! some epic quest involve random spawns that can take 96 hours or more to show up! people will have friends play there character just so they can camp the item continuously!). You can't even kill them since you can't kill other players on the normal servers!

Is it all bad, No it has some fun aspects, the world is interesting and the graphics are good. playing at low levels is fun enough. The game starts to go downhill after 50th level.

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« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2002, 12:26:43 PM »
I don't think Halle Berry giving a gagging oscar speech with my crotch as the audience would convince me to participate in that.

Well done Lance!:D

Offline Beefcake

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« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2002, 01:45:17 PM »
Actually GtoRA2, if you give a GM (game master) a file log showing you camped the mob, and that someone stole it from you, they can take the item away from the person that stole it, and give it to you.
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Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2002, 02:10:01 PM »
 Yes and no, heh I worked as a guide for about 6 months, and the only thing we where told we could use as proof of wrong doing was the /report file.  The problem with that is the players cant see it, the DM has to dig it up off the server if I remeber right.

 On top of that, it was all up to the server GM to make the call, and sometimes they are hard to get ahold of!  They also being human can be A: Bad at what they do B: Petty and decide not to help  C:good at their job and loved.

Trust me I quit being a guide over a few cases where I checked a players soul file and they had offense after offense and where back doing the same stuff, and our Server GM would not close his acount. :mad:

Some of this may have changed, I have not been a guide or had access to the guide rules in over a year and have not played EQ in over 8 months. :D
« Last Edit: April 03, 2002, 02:21:18 PM by GtoRA2 »