Author Topic: Some useful additions  (Read 106 times)

Offline bloom25

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Some useful additions
« on: April 05, 2002, 05:36:17 PM »
Hi HT!  Great work on 1.09, I really like the new features you added with this version. :)

I had some ideas for some minor little additions that would be very useful.  Please don't think that I am in anyway disatisfied with AH as is, it's the best of the genre, but these are just things I've thought of recently.

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1.  Give us the ability to create a sort of autoexec.bat or .forward style file that AH would read in on entering the arena.  (Enter into the text buffer.)  This could be used to implement the permanent squelch list people have been asking for, AND some other things.  Lines would be separated by returns or commas, whichever is easier to implement.


startup.txt (saved in AH directory) contents:

.squelch dweeb1,.squelch dweeb2,.salvo 1,.wingman friend1,hello knights

I suppose it would be even better if under setup an item could be added that creates this file automatically.  All that the user needs to do is enter text lines to be added to the file and a little window to view the added lines.
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2.  Add the ability for AHvoice to send voice data to the server, and the server to echo back the packet to get some idea of your volume and soundquality that others hear.

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3.  Add a ping time and packet loss to setup > netstatus.  (BTW:  I really appreciate the ping times on the arena select list.)

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4.  A setup item to select whether or not films save the text buffer and/or voice.

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5.  Ability to modify text (remove bad words etc) within AH film so we can create good training films.

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6.  Figure out why Adobe photoshop (and other applications) can't read .bmp files created by AH.  Paint can read them, Photoshop reports "unable to parse file."

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7.  (This is probably a bigger one.)  Have a texture mapped to the planes when they take damage.  Have a seperate one for MGs and cannons.  (Similar to the bomb crater textures we have now.)  These would appear at the appropriate location when we were shot.  The MG texture would just be a small little black dot, the cannon texture would be kind of a jagged hole.

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8.  If you do the bomber formation thing, give the users the ability to pick between different formations.  I.E. Box, Line Astern, V, Line Abreast.

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9.  Have planes give off a short puff of black smoke when they make sudden throttle changes.  I've read many accounts from pilots describing how they knew an enemy plane was about to decelerate or saw them because of this. :)

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10.  Give squad CO's (or any other member with proper permissions) the ability to give MOTD type pop ups to squad members when they enter the arena.  This would be very useful for squad night type situations where your squad enters the arena one at a time and the same information must be relayed to everyone time after time.

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Offline flecha

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Some useful additions
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2002, 01:58:14 PM »
Hi Bloom
Regarding point 2 in your list yuo can actually tune yourself for that test:

.radio 5 bloom25

thatīll do it
