Author Topic: Growing and expanding possibilities  (Read 209 times)

Offline Jase

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Growing and expanding possibilities
« on: August 02, 2001, 12:03:00 PM »
I've has some fun lately in aces high flying something I never thought I would.  An "E" plane.  A traditional b&Zer the G-10.  The old saying, "if you can't beat them, join them" seems to describe my experience.  When I first got to Aces High I was frustrated somewhat by the lack of aggressive turnfights in the MA.  Most spits and niks would run, try and rope, or just plain auger.  And the ponys, la7's ect would b&z all day.  So in an experiment to check how the "E" pilots flying the ponys/la7's ect would react to fighting something similar, I took up the g-10.  Not exaxctly known for its turning ability.  Then BAM!  Everyone was turning!  I've had some of the best and most aggresive flying I have ever had in the last few weeks, both in training and in the MA.  Ponys stall turning, La7's cutting throttle and trying to turn inside me...on and on.  Very aggresive fighting.  The moral of this post is this.....If you don't like the way a certain group of people are flying a certain group of planes.  Try flying against them in WHAT they fly.  They just might suprise you at how aggressive they really can be.  My appologies to those "E" plane pilots I ribbed for not turning when I first got to AH.  In reality they can be very aggressive in their planes.  :)

Offline Zippatuh

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Growing and expanding possibilities
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2001, 12:26:00 PM »
My favorite 1v1 fights are:

La7 vs. La7

51D vs. 51D

Not necessarily in that order.  When ever possible if I find myself dragging the same aircraft that I happen to also be flying, I will try and lead them away from the group, AA, or whatever for the duel.  They have always been the best fights.  I like killing 109’s and Yak’s but I will never engage one of these unless I have the advantage.


Offline Mathman

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Growing and expanding possibilities
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2001, 04:45:00 PM »
My favorite 1v1 fights in the MA is F6F vs. Just about any plane.  Why?  Well, aside from being a big fan of the Hellcat, I find it to be very versatile.  I can BnZ the Zekes and I can TnB the Ponies.  It gives me a challenge because it forces me to use the strengths of my plane vs. the strengths of whatever plane I am fighting against.  Usually, the fight boils down to who makes the mistake first (which, usually, is me) of trying to fight the other guy's type of fight.


Offline NUTTZ

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Growing and expanding possibilities
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2001, 05:08:00 PM »
my Favorite 1 VS 1 is... Me Niki, them C-47


Offline wolf37

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Growing and expanding possibilities
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2001, 05:25:00 PM »
hey NUTTZ:

have you beaten a C-47 yet.   :D

Offline NUTTZ

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Growing and expanding possibilities
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2001, 07:00:00 PM »
Only on HO's :)


Originally posted by wolf37:
hey NUTTZ:

have you beaten a C-47 yet.    :D

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2001, 08:08:00 PM »
My mentor  :D Rraf once said to me:

 " 'Turning and Burning', and 'Booming and Zooming' is not something different in aspect of energy management. TnB is the use of energy in the horizontal state, and BnZ the vertical state. While some factors cause one to think BnZ is somewhat more 'efficient' than the other, it is not necessarily so.

 One does not win a TnB fight with 'the ability to turn'. One wins with how the energy is used and maintained. A certain plane with 'good turning ability(ie. Zekes, Spits, N1Ks..)' means only the plane manages energy more effectively than other planes compared in the horizontal state.

 Nobody fights purely 'TnB' or 'BnZ'. The terms 'TnB' and 'BnZ' is nothing but some convinient way to describe a certain style in energy management. In essence, there is only one way you fight - by managing energy better than one's adversary. Fundamentally, TnB and BnZ is the same.


  :) Oh.. nuthin' .. it justed crossed my mind.