Author Topic: Is A Bomber Ruining Your Day?  (Read 1262 times)

Offline lazs1

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Is A Bomber Ruining Your Day?
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2001, 09:12:00 AM »
sling...  April?   How could that be?   I'm sure i would have noticed the devestation someone of your skills would have caused my beloved knitland...  Oh, yeah, I was a rook back then too...   Nevermind.

I really hate that... everytime someone "hunts"  me I miss it somehow.

Offline Hooligan

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Is A Bomber Ruining Your Day?
« Reply #46 on: September 26, 2001, 11:58:00 AM »
Sling is a fat DRUNK bastard.  I could easily see him bombing rooks when he intended to bomb knights.  Besides those FDBs probably can't remember what they did anyway.


Offline sling322

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Is A Bomber Ruining Your Day?
« Reply #47 on: September 26, 2001, 12:19:00 PM »
That was back in my pre-FDB days before I mastered the fine art of lawndarting in a fighter.  I enjoyed buff driving and I learned a lot about formation flying from Sunchaser, but I dont see what the big flap is over them.  Just another target in the air.

My feelings haven't really changed much.  I used to get mad about people squeaking about bombers all the time, but now I am just indifferent to it.  I fly to have fun, but I also like to fly with an objective in base capturing or getting the reset or whatever.  I could care less what someone else thinks about how I play or what my "rank" is.  I will up in a bomber from time to time to pork some hangars or fuel or ammo to help my side....its all in the name of having fun.  Sure there are times when I just wanna furball....I hop in my trusty N1K2 (for the whine inducing qualities it has) and point my nose to the nearest enemy engagement and try to stay alive.

Like I pointed out in another thread...there is room for everybody in here.  It doesnt have to be an "us against them" thing.  Bombers are and always will be an integral part of the game.  9 times out of 10,  furballs are the result of one side or another trying to capture a base.  When this happens, the buffs come in and hammer the hangars which clears the way for troops, etc.  The furball then moves on to the next frontline....its just the way things are.  I dont know how HTC can tweak it, but I am sure they have some ideas.

Guess I got a little long-winded here, but my main point is:  Dont worry about what others want to what you want and how you want and have fun.

Offline DanielMcIntyre

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Is A Bomber Ruining Your Day?
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2001, 01:47:00 AM »
Buff guns are NOT tweaked according to HT in a prior post.  Apparently the same ballistics model as on your P51 or P47. .50AP, cept theres a whole lotta them and your sitting on their six like a big fat juicy target approaching at prolly 100 mph.  Think of it as a HO with a P47 except the P47 gets to fire twice as much ammo.


Offline lazs1

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Is A Bomber Ruining Your Day?
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2001, 07:59:00 AM »
sling... i would love to take your advise and fly what I want how I want but... the buffs in AH have too much affect on my time online.   I would love to ignore em or, if they were 10 times more realistic, fight em but...