Author Topic: UH HUH, Yeah Right....  (Read 1812 times)

Offline ~Caligula~

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UH HUH, Yeah Right....
« Reply #120 on: May 05, 2002, 02:13:51 PM »
btw Caliguka:
Your location looks like it says "California" but this sentence says you're from Israel.
"But I will have my own country to raise my childeren in peace.
And what You see on CNN is how that country has to be defended from people who want to destroy it."

So are you Israeli citizen in U.S or are you only planning to move to there?
Anyway now I understand why your opinions are like they are

I`m about to move there,hopefully I`ll be living in Israel by october.
Ya`ll all be happy,coz I won`t have any time for posting on this BBS.

Offline Nashwan

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UH HUH, Yeah Right....
« Reply #121 on: May 05, 2002, 02:25:42 PM »
Curval, sorry for my absence, my cable modem went down, and until tuesday I am on dial-up.

....what I was looking for was a population census of the region during those times. I don't know for a fact, but I have a feeling the figures will contradict your 1922 stats and show that there were probably very few ansestors of the current Palestinian population lived there.

Do you believe ncient claims outweigh modern ones?

Can I, as a Celt, claim land and ownership of England because I can prove my ancestors were there befoe the Angles and Saxons?

Can native Americans claim ownership because they can prove they owned the land before European settlers came?

No legal system in the world recognises ancient claims like this.

For several hundred years, the population of Palestine has been almost wholly Arab, although until 1918 they were occupied by the Ottoman Empire.

I have posted the first British census taken in 1922. However, look at more recent times. 1 settlement in the West Bank predates Israel's conquest of the area in 1967.

Some more figures:

Settler population of West Bank and Gaza:
1972: 1500
1991: 95,000
2001: approx 200,000

On average, 2,200 acres of Palestinian land is confiscated each month to build new settlements and expand existing ones.

Where there are mosques there are Musilm "settlements".

No, there are Muslims living under the laws of the land they have settled in. They have not set up fortified hilltop villages, and brought in an occupying army to enforce their will. They have not taken 75% of the water resources, and imposed curfews on neighbouring towns and villages. They do not have the right to carry automatic weapons, they do not carry out pogroms against the local population.

Offline Sandman

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Re: Since when is california a country?
« Reply #122 on: May 05, 2002, 02:30:15 PM »
Originally posted by weazel
The land of fruits and nuts.....

Careful bud...

A large portion of the people inhabiting the San Joaquin Valley just might be related to you. Migrant workers from Oklahoma during the depression.

Offline Curval

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UH HUH, Yeah Right....
« Reply #123 on: May 05, 2002, 06:50:25 PM »
Originally posted by Nashwan
Curval, sorry for my absence, my cable modem went down, and until tuesday I am on dial-up.


...No problem man

Now, as to what you wrote..

Do "I" believe in ancient claims over modern ones?

Well....the UN certainly seemed to, when they orchestrated the evolution of the modern state of Israel.  Does it really matter what "I" think?

"No, there are Muslims living under the laws of the land they have settled in. They have not set up fortified hilltop villages, and brought in an occupying army to enforce their will. They have not taken 75% of the water resources, and imposed curfews on neighbouring towns and villages. They do not have the right to carry automatic weapons, they do not carry out pogroms against the local population."

Agreed...."settlements" was probably a bit strong.  I should have said "neighborhoods"...better?

Glad that they behave themselves in the neighborhoods in the west.  If they started blowing themselves and others up in the land they have settled in, more drastic measures might perhaps be necessary.
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline Nashwan

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UH HUH, Yeah Right....
« Reply #124 on: May 05, 2002, 07:39:15 PM »

It's no LOL'ing matter.

Friday I went from a 512k connection to 1 Mb. That lasted for a few blissful hours, but now I'm down to 56k. It's terrible. The other ME thread takes about 3 minutes to load in.