I used to enjoy reading posts from players like Nash, Leonid, and banana. If what I have said has contributed to them backing away from the boards then I am immensely ashamed.
Oh no no man, absolutely not. Not even close Kieren. And even the heated political debates we got into awhile back were kinda fun, really. Ya know... interesting. I learned a lot from you.
As far as me backing off the board, uhm... not sure if I can pinpoint a reason. Maybe though...
I guess I find this BBS to be rather cyclical.
That is... a new version comes out (or for whatever reason), and we see an influx of new guys around here. With that comes the new rounds of extremely tired complaints. Chog/Niki, Buff guns, chute shootin' dweebs, HO's suck... erhm... you get where I'm going. Been there seen it done that.
But alas, posted again as if these gripes weren't already beaten to death a thousand times over already. So, there's just not a whole lotta new info to add that hasn't been said many many times in the past. Perhaps just replying with a link to one of the hundreds of related threads where that stuff was hashed out would be appropriate. But that would mean going and finding those old threads and that wouldn't be too much fun.
And it's not that I can blame the new guys for this either though. I mean, to them, it's all brand spanking new. When I first started here, I personally never really lay awake at night sweating over the thought of gettin' killed in my chute or anything like that... but hey. Different strokes I guess. At this point in time it's rocking the very foundation of their worlds, some of them, and who am I to suggest that they, ah, breathe or something. At least you can only do that so many times before it gets a bit monotonous.
And I sure as hell aint gonna *contribute* to those sorts of squeak fests... mostly cuz I really have no complaints.
I was thinking the other day... if I started one of those threads, what would it be about? Couldn't think of anything. Not one original idea. In fact, the only thing I could think of that I wanted to see in AH was that if you didn't move yer mouse for 5 seconds, the pointer would disappear so it wouldn't keep gettin' in the damn way allatime.
So yeah... whaddahmy gonna add to yet another hispano discussion? Kinda hard to get involved without making things nastier, I reckon. I just haven't got the creativity for it.
But... that being said, I'll post more frequently when I get the taste for it back. I've never stopped reading this forum. And my lack of input here lately *certainly* is due to nothing you've said. From my perspective, easymo is gettin' a little too excited over....uhm... whatever this particular thread is about.
To many of us, flight simmin' is a serious hobby.... a passion if there ever was one... But it's prolly not such a good idea to get too swept up in these little sideshow dramas. They just make the participants seem a little... I dunno....goofy? Don't get me wrong though... usually quite fun to read. Yeah, it would be rather boring otherwise. But it's nothing at all... really... it just doesn't mean anything... when yer locked into a 5 minute deck fight against a superior opponent. Those battles are why I fly AH. Not for the battles that happen on this BBS.
But... heh... I'm human. I'll get sucked in again and again for sure...
Christ... it amazes me sometimes how much I ramble on.