Originally posted by easymo:
For the last forty years I have preferred the company of bikers to that of "decent folks". The reason for this is that when a biker calls a man an amazinhunk, he does it to his face. He does not just go around the neighborhood badmouthing the other guy.
As you guys well know, I rarely post to these types of threads, I like to keep my posts light and humourous however......
From what I've gathered we AH'ers are considered rude and crude by AW'ers & WB'ers, this may in a large part be due to the fact that some members of our community are quick to call someone an A-hole.
Some feel that because they pay thier $30 a month they are entitled to play anyway they want and be as offensive as they want.
In a small part I contribute this behavior to people "forgetting" that there is a real live person on the other end of thier abuse, and there is more than just a computer screen recieving thier keystrokes.
Of course a larger part of it is "internet courage" as it's too easy to be an A-hole when the possiblity of getting your bellybutton handed to you is so remote as to be non-exsistant.
Then add in the individuals that just like to get a rise out of someone and feel the easiest way to do that is to insult them.
Not to be forgotten are the "name in lights" people, the ones that like to see thier name scrolling down the screen/text buffer so much that when they run outta positive things to type, resort to negative or inflammatory comments.
As you all know there is not an easy solution to these behaviors, although it appears that HTC is taking steps to curb it.
I'd hazard to guess that the old adage of "treat others as you'd like to be treated" just isn't part of some players beliefs.
I think it should be remembered that while it's true the squeeky wheel gets the most oil, it's also true that it's the first wheel that gets replaced, as a couple of banned members have recently found out.
I'm sure alot of AH'ers feel as I do, That a player's online gaming ability has little to do with how much I respect them, it's more in how they interact with those they come in contact with that really makes 'em noteworthy community members.
Kieran has always been a class act, as demonstrated by how he conducts himself in the game and here on the AH BBS.
And IMO is a respected community leader.