The main rule is:
"DON'T EVEN OPEN THE TERRAIN EDITOR until you have worked out the design in detail on paper first and gotten HTC approval."
This is how we basically worked through the process.
1. Find out HT's basic design philosophy and rules of thumb. (
2. Work out an initial land mass layout (draw in a paint program) with rough elevation data. Iterate through as many versions as needed to get approval.
3. On top of the land layout with colored dots, decide on field and factory locations. You must meet the field number requirement while maintaining the required average density. Iterate through as many versions as needed to get approval.
4. ONLY THEN start work in the terrain editor to implement the design you and HT have agreed to.
5. At intermediate stages, build a res file to send to HT for evaluation. Fix anything he doesn’t like BEFORE proceeding.
6. Iterate through step 5 until terrain is complete.
So you see, even though the new editor is not out yet, you have weeks of work to be done before you’re even ready to touch the editor. In fact, the new editor is backwards compatible and is ONLY needed to set the fields zone ownership parameter so you could almost complete your entire terrain with the old editor before ever needing the new one. At the very end, with the new editor, you could set your zone ownerships and zone master fields.
So what are you waiting for? Though Nuttz as I’m sure you’ve seen, there are many more people willing to run their mouths than roll up their sleeves.