Author Topic: First v1.10 zone terrain  (Read 5335 times)

Offline Aub

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First v1.10 zone terrain
« Reply #180 on: June 06, 2002, 10:24:20 PM »
Cmon! Only 20 more to GO!!!


Offline Sky Viper

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« Reply #181 on: June 06, 2002, 10:24:21 PM »
OK, here are some good words for you poor AK's.

Nice job defending your ground btw.

I like the Strat presented in this terrain.  Personally it is appealing to think that heightened strategic thinking is necessary to accomplish anything.

I like that the map is 512sq.  More room to move.

I like that HTC "FINALY" is using "Player Created" terrains.

I'm proud of you gents for making it happen.

I'm jealous that you gents can get enough time together to make it happen. :D


Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #182 on: June 06, 2002, 10:32:13 PM »
And I apologize for blowing my cool.  Its been a long week.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #183 on: June 06, 2002, 10:50:35 PM »
No, you didn't say anything about the aircraft mix. I brought it up because the whole idea surrounding the MA is gamey to begin with.

Hmm simplified Ground vehicles to being with... simplified bombers (currently)... fighters,bombers, and ground vehicles engaging the same nation, type, or ally of that nation during the real war... bombers engaging bombers(!!) ally's during the real war in particular... and fictitious countries!

The only "realistic" thing in this game is some weapons modelling, and the fighters.

I just don't understand where anyone can pull a "realism" argument out for an arena based completely on fiction....

Offline AKIron

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« Reply #184 on: June 06, 2002, 10:58:16 PM »
Sour grapes plain and simple.

We didn't ask for paise or compliments. We do ask that your mature enough to reserve judgement until you fly the damn terrain.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2002, 11:02:39 PM by AKIron »
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #185 on: June 07, 2002, 12:24:46 AM »
Originally posted by AKSWulfe

I just don't understand where anyone can pull a "realism" argument out for an arena based completely on fiction....

Havnt posted in this thread yet cos I was gonna wait until I'd flown the terrain first......but.......this I gotta respond to.


what I and many of the people who've already expressed an opinion in this thread were hoping for was more accurate terrains like Mindinao so that we can INTRODUCE more realism in our flying.  Yeah, sure, ok it's all fictional but at the end of the day, it's just a game and that game is what you make it. Events dont happen often enough or at times I wanna fly (CET here, no events at 5pm on a friday evening) and the CT is never full enough (I wanna fly with 400 people, not 50) so that leaves the MA.

If you take off in the secure knowledge that it's a fantasy world and dogfighting is what it's all about then fair enough, personally I fly like this game is an RPG, not a flight sim.....and realism of the terrain set helps my little fantasy to be more me anyway.

Fighting on a hippy symbol doesnt help.

However, I'll still fly it and THEN give comment on the terrain itself.  Maybe I can just zoom the map in and try to forget what the whole pizza looks like and concentrate on the local area.

In any case, there's more terrains coming out and I'm still hoping we'll get some realistic sets to compliment the fantasy ones.


P.S.  WTG btw, lotta work there and (appart from the general shape) it looks great at first glance.

Offline Superfly

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« Reply #186 on: June 07, 2002, 01:29:53 AM »
Originally posted by Sky Viper

I like that HTC "FINALY" is using "Player Created" terrains.

Just to clear it up.  The FIRST terrain ever made for Aces High was created by a PLAYER.  Also, the CT is all "Player Created" terrains.  We haven't made a single one of them.  
« Last Edit: June 07, 2002, 08:36:23 AM by SUPERFLY »
John "Superfly" Guytan
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Offline Lance

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« Reply #187 on: June 07, 2002, 09:59:40 AM »
Heh, by virtue of this thread, this terrain is already the most entertaining one in the set.  You go girls!

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #188 on: June 07, 2002, 10:12:44 AM »
Using a "realism" argument in a fantasy arena just doesn't make sense to me.

Immersion? Well, if you can immerse yourself into believing you are in a real combat situation when P51Ds are dogfighting P51Bs, 109s are shooting down Zeros, B17s are fighting... well I've mentioned it all before... then why would a terrain matter so much to you? Cuz the look of it based on the map?

You can zoom it in 4 times and THEN it'll be the size of your mindanao and probably look like it could be from somewhere in the world at that point.

But like I said- immersion or not- that Mindanao map has proven to be a failure in terms of gameplay. One country is ALWAYs screwed, and the country that owned the west of Mindanao was pretty much safe.

It ain't no hippy symbol either.

Give us four countries, we can make a pizza box. Give us two countries we'll make a pizza cutter.

WB had a bunch of non-real terrains in the course of it's initial history. This issue never came up.

We've had two in the MA- Baltic and Mindanao.. and neither worked that well for the MA.

Offline Rude

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« Reply #189 on: June 07, 2002, 10:19:04 AM »
Never ceases to amaze me.....someone takes the time and effort to contribute to our sim, and others crap all over it without any true first hand knowledge of it's attributes. Making hasty judgements lacks wisdom.

I personally was suprised by it's overall look, but also realized that the look of the total has nothing to do with playability. Even if I do not prefer this new terrain over others, I'll still fly it just like I fly Mindanao...I don't care for it's playability, but have made adjustments to how I fly so that I can have fun.'s a great sim/game....let's allow it to evolve and be glad of that fact, unlike some in other sims who have no hope.

Thanks to the AK's for your effort....never have liked any of you personally, but am glad to see a new terrain:)

Peace<--------------------- this represents an attempt at humor because the terrain reminds me of a peace symbol....capiche?:)

Offline Frost

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« Reply #190 on: June 07, 2002, 10:21:54 AM »
Let's get down to the real issue.  When are we gonna take bets on where the "black hole" is gonna be( i.e. A1, A44 and center isle)?

BTW...I think you guys did a great job on this map.  My feeling is the MA is made for gameplay and this map (regardless of looks) will give have a good mix of gameplay for bombers, fighters and vehicles.  It's gotta be hard to build a historical looking map without making it uneven for at least one of the sides and still keep the gameplay enjoyable for everyone.  Rather than wanting one map to be perfect let's ask for a good mix of maps.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #191 on: June 07, 2002, 11:02:50 AM »
what I and many of the people who've already expressed an opinion in this thread were hoping for was more accurate terrains like Mindinao so that we can INTRODUCE more realism in our flying. Yeah, sure, ok it's all fictional but at the end of the day, it's just a game and that game is what you make it. Events dont happen often enough or at times I wanna fly (CET here, no events at 5pm on a friday evening) and the CT is never full enough (I wanna fly with 400 people, not 50) so that leaves the MA.
And what most of the people who have expressed an oppinion in this thread still fail to realize is that the MA is about balance above all else.  All you'd really have to do is find 3 similar land masses pretty equal distances apart and have reasonably similar fronts with equal water/ocean access to all of hem.  That's all.

Besides... you should definately be looking for realism outside of your cockpit window... not on the clipboard.  I cannot believe that people are so concerned about immersion in regards to the most gamey feature in AH (the clipboard).

And I'll gladly dispute any claims that something like the English Channel map is any more immersive.  I fly across the channel and I still bump into a port, an airfield with a square town right next to it.  From the aircraft... it all looks the same.  From the clipboard though... I can look and see that it is supposed to be England... just withought anything on the terrain that would distinguish it as such.


Offline -sudz-

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« Reply #192 on: June 07, 2002, 02:15:31 PM »
Hey, AKs, are you going to try more maps in the future or did this thread make you swear off contributing for all time?


PS  Not that I've flown this terrain but I'd like to complain about the forth tree on the summit of the hill just outside A45 - it's too close to that 3rd sheep by about a foot or so. Totally unrealistic.

Offline Flossy

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First v1.10 zone terrain
« Reply #193 on: June 07, 2002, 02:29:31 PM »
Originally posted by -sudz-
PS  Not that I've flown this terrain but I'd like to complain about the forth tree on the summit of the hill just outside A45 - it's too close to that 3rd sheep by about a foot or so. Totally unrealistic.
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline AKIron

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First v1.10 zone terrain
« Reply #194 on: June 07, 2002, 02:46:37 PM »
Originally posted by -sudz-
Hey, AKs, are you going to try more maps in the future or did this thread make you swear off contributing for all time?


PS  Not that I've flown this terrain but I'd like to complain about the forth tree on the summit of the hill just outside A45 - it's too close to that 3rd sheep by about a foot or so. Totally unrealistic.

We're way to hard headed to take a hint, some of us will likely do another before too long.

Tree? We ain't got no steenking trees!
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.