First, I'd like to say this isn't a whine. I'm also sure much of this has been stated before.
The populations of each country have been unbalanced on several occasions. What I'm wondering is if this is something that should be rewarded and promoted in game. Perhaps I'm mistaken on the numbers, if I am, someone please explain the break down.
As one country gains a numerical advantage, the other countries usually start dropping. What I'd like to suggest is an in game system to balance this disparity. Modify score and perk points based on percentage of population. For example, if Knights have 100, bishops has 50 and rooks have 50, Knights should score fewer points/perks. Rooks and Bishops would score more points. Nothing drastic, I'm not sure what kind of percentage, but something to encourage players to stick it out when the going gets tough.
What do you think?