Well I've had that worthless crap of a "pain killer" Vicodine a couple of times. I tell them now don't even bother I'll take Ibuprophen works like a charm! but no buzz!
My favorite would be the "cocktail" they gave me when I had and upper gastroendoscope thingy a few years ago. I.V. demerol, they let that "simmer" for about 20 minutes

then they hit me with valium in the same I.V.

wowzers! they said I wouldn't remember a thing, but they were wrong.
Imagine this

The old udster laying on the gerny (sp?) naked under the bed spread, nervous as all get up. Then they (the 2 HOT nurses) hit me with the drugs. Then my big mouth enters the picture! Those poor ladies, but I sware up and down it was funny to me at the time! Well that is untill they stuck that damned camera down my throat all the way to my stomach! I wish I didn't remember that one. (Note to self ask for more valium next time!)

Surgical procedures can be fun to talk about