I think HTC going to 512x512 maps is the proper way to go. So I think the design should focus on this size. that doesn't mean the fields need to fill up the whole map.
Also , I like the idea of the 3 teams each being split into 2 areas on the map. IMO it stops the gangbanging and insures you have a field to up from.
This is really hard to give a realistic terrain shape, while breaking it into 3 EQUAL parts.
Here is a draft ( already in the editor ) I have started. The 3 teams i split with the red lines to show land owners. The HQ placement I just put in, which at first causes a problem. I think the water is equal for each teams CV's to fight each team equally.
IMO i feel we should stick to greens and earth tones.
Remember this map is 512X512 Cv's will fit up most of the "rivers" you see on the map.
The map doesn't really show elevations. but as you get closer to the enemies HQ ( or further inland ) you'll be fighting an up hill battle.
I'll pop a few feilds in and post the .res file in here. I'll constantly change add stuff from the comments so I'll post the upgraded res files in some sort of numerical order.