Author Topic: US cannabis refugees cross border  (Read 1202 times)

Offline marauder

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« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2002, 10:51:40 AM »
Hmm, first the "Underground Railroad" now this...
Oh well, welcome :)
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Offline Elfenwolf

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« Reply #46 on: July 24, 2002, 11:08:13 AM »
Originally posted by AKSWulfe

If you dealt with hard core drunks all day, you'd see the correlation between the two I am making. A hard core pothead and a hardcore drunk are one in the same, they are both mindless vacant eyed zombies without a thought in there head except getting their next fix.

WHAT?!?!? I can't believe you would have the odacity to compare the two, SW!! It's obvious you've never seen a recovering alcoholic toejam all over themselves, have seizures and maybe even DIE from their withdrawal symptoms.  As far as being "mindless vacant-eyed vombies," I'd rather see a "zombie" stoned on pot driving  than a drunk "zombie" weaving down the road. The drunk "zombies" are the ones who cause nearly 60,000 traffic fatalities every year. LOL Sorry, but I see the hard core crack, heroin, meth and (ahem) alchocol addicts sleeping in the doorways and holding up cardboard signs. The pot users are the ones walking by on their way to work, maybe dropping some change into an outstretched junkie's hand. The pot smokers are the clerk who waited on you, the guy who assembled your computer, or maybe the lawyer who defended you in your last drunk driving trial (not you personally SW).

SpOOk I have a hard time believing you put people on 72 hour psych watches because they're running down the street in a phychotic rant just from smoking pot. However, if this is true then you can expect a call from Hangtime asking for some of that  "super psycho weed." And of COURSE kids who start smoking pot will be enticed to try Meth or Coke because thanks to Government policy the kids must buy their dope from the same guy who sells E, Meth and Coke!

Rather you want to talk about pot specifically or the War on Drugs in general you must admit the current Government policy has been a dismal failure. We have more people in prison today for drug offenses than ever before, there are more, and better, and cheaper drugs on the street than ever before, and more people use drugs than ever before.

It's intresting to note that in the not-too-recent past alcohol was illegal and pot was legal- and it wasn't medical research that reversed that situation but rather political lobbying and all the graft that goes with that. Wouldn't it be ironic if alcohol were illegal and pot were legal and alcohol were classified as the dangerous drug  it really is?

Personally I don't care what your drug of choice is as long as you're a productive, responsible adult who isn't a burden on society, and keeping drugs illegal has only created more of those types. Personally I don't give a damn what ANYONE does in the privacy of their own home as long as there's no victim or danger to themselves or others. That being said, then, a question- Do you think Renee Boje deserves to spend 10 years in prison? Or do you believe Ashcroft is making a political statement by his aggressive persuit of Cannibis Clubs in California?

Offline Curval

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« Reply #47 on: July 24, 2002, 11:50:47 AM »
Elfenwolf?  Is that you man?  Welcome back!  Listen, a few friends of mine and I are thinking about bungee jumping this weekend.  Interested?

Sorry, had to be the first.:p
« Last Edit: July 24, 2002, 11:59:47 AM by Curval »
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline Udie

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« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2002, 11:54:54 AM »
well I predict massive forest fires tonight at approximately 5:15 pm give or take 5 seconds.  They will occure in my bedroom :D

Offline lord dolf vader

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« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2002, 12:06:16 PM »
lucky bastard.

all dry here. close to a month :(

Offline lord dolf vader

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« Reply #50 on: July 24, 2002, 12:07:04 PM »
and withdrawals include, well nothing but beeing pissed at udie for havin some.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #51 on: July 24, 2002, 12:15:05 PM »
libertarian is the way to go on this and many other topics.   Let everyone decide if they want to smoke the crap or not.  

pot makes you stupid... at least while you are smoking it.   it makes you paranoid and gives you a one track mind... pot makes you wimpy.    Some people are affected in even worse ways.

I say let em smoke as much as they want but don't tell me you drive cars or operate heavy machinery as well on pot as not.    you kill someone in a car while high on pot you need to be charged with murder.   No big deal... Get to many "driveing under the influence " and you lose your licence,

I don't really care... I am a lazy person so I wish more people smoked pot so that the competition was less.

Offline Shuckins

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« Reply #52 on: July 24, 2002, 12:39:37 PM »
Thanks for you $0.02 worth Midnight,

I've never used it myself, but have had friends that did.  In my 48 years I've had to deal with mj users and drunks.  Of the two, drunks were the most dangerous.  You can't convince them they have a problem, or to not get behind the wheel of a car.  They were more likely to start arguments or fights.

On the other hand, the mj users were just as hard to convince that they had a problem.  A close friend of mine experimented with both.  When he was drunk, he thought he was a better driver.  When he was smoking dope, he was a laid-back but extremely silly twit.  His ability to make decisions was definitely impaired.

I'm not for conducting a witch-hunt for mj users.  If it's use helps cancer victims then I am all for letting them have it.  Would the rest of you who want it legalized please stop playing the role of the selfless humanitarian.  That isn't the real reason you want it legalized.;)

Regards, Shuckins

Offline Elfenwolf

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« Reply #53 on: July 24, 2002, 01:47:22 PM »
Originally posted by Shuckins
Thanks for you $0.02 worth Midnight,

Would the rest of you who want it legalized please stop playing the role of the selfless humanitarian.  That isn't the real reason you want it legalized.;)

Regards, Shuckins

You're right, Shuckins. The REAL reasons I want to see it legalized, along with virtually every other illegal substance, has more to do with a logical position on the issue more than for humanitarian reasons, although you must admit 10 years in a federal prison for growing pot in your bedroom does seem rather Draconian, don't ya think?? LOL Actually most pot growers who are making 100 grand a year tax free, using poison to control the pests like deer and rabbits, answer to no enviromental regulations like a legitimate business must do and harass and threaten their neighbors wish to maintain the status quo and keep it illegal.

If heroin were to become legal do you think there would suddenly be an epidemic of heroin abuse or do you think the availability of clean needles and a cheap supply might cut down the infection rates of diseases like hepititis and HIV? Personally I have no desire to use Heroin rather it's legal or not- and if you think heroin is made less available due to its legal status then think again. The biggest concern of a heroin addict is getting the money to buy his drugs at artifically inflated prices- not where to FIND the drugs.

To assume one could be opposed to the prohibition on drug usage of ANY kind simply because they want to legitimize their own illicit usage is like assuming the only reason people would be in favor of equal rights is because they're a minority.

How do you feel about your friends' usage of alcohol and marijuana concerning the potential for a tragedy? You stated he thought his driving ability was better after a few drinks and when he smoked pot he sat around his living room, grinning for no reason and craving chocolate-chip ice cream. Personally I think he's more of a menace to society if he's drinking and driving and I'd rather to see him stay home and get stoned rather than drive drunk. But then again I don't have your background in law enforcement- I'm sure you've pulled more mangled bodies out of car wrecks due to marijuana abuse than alcohol abuse.


Offline Udie

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« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2002, 01:50:34 PM »
Originally posted by lord dolf vader
and withdrawals include, well nothing but beeing pissed at udie for havin some.

 hey!  you're a liberal communist nazi!  I've got to keep you angry with me about something!!! :D

Offline Shuckins

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« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2002, 02:03:33 PM »
Do the police test for marijuana use in the bodies of people killed in driving accidents?  Just curious.

By the way, Elf, my friend drove while both stoned and drunk.  In my opinion, he was dangerous either way.

Regards, Shuckins :)

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #56 on: July 24, 2002, 02:10:04 PM »
I believe someone tests for drugs(of any sort, legal or illegal) in a person's body if they die/killed in a car accident... otherwise they wouldn't have those statistics for people involved in car accidents that die or are sent to the ER that have alcohol and/or weed in their system.

If I remember correctly, in the early 90s there were far more people admitted into the ER for driving under the influence of alcohol than weed... while the combination (weed and alcohol) was THE most common in auto accidents that result in death and/or serious injury.

Either way, if you are under the influence of anything- whether it be cold medicine or the hardest drug you can find- you shouldn't be behind the wheel.

Offline Udie

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« Reply #57 on: July 24, 2002, 02:10:47 PM »
Originally posted by Shuckins
Do the police test for marijuana use in the bodies of people killed in driving accidents?  Just curious.

By the way, Elf, my friend drove while both stoned and drunk.  In my opinion, he was dangerous either way.

Regards, Shuckins :)

 That's a very bad combo!  My roommate and I have a saying.  When you smoke a doob after drinking you are doing what we call "multiplying"  because the pot "multiplies" the effect of the beer making you 9 times more drunk than you were before you smoked.  This is a real phenomena (sp?) I won't smoke much if I've been drinking because it will cause me to get sick like I drank too much, then again I only drink at AH cons :)

 smoke first then drink a couple of beers is a diferent buzz altogether.  Still one should never get behind the wheel after doing this, but defenately not after drinking first then smoking.  BAD move.....

Offline Elfenwolf

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« Reply #58 on: July 24, 2002, 02:15:17 PM »
Shuckins, I wouldn't advocate driving under ANY substance, but c'mon now, we all know the statistics of DUI fatalities vs. marijuana-related fatalities- although admittedly I'd rather have my pilot have had a drink before my flight rather than just smoked a joint.

We're getting off topic a bit, bud. (No pun intended) The question I have is rather or not this woman deserves to be incarcerated in a Federal Prison for 10 years MINIMUM for growing dope or do you think she's a victim of political persecution by John Ashcroft against California's passage of the medismal marijuana initiative? And yes, I agree the proponets of medical marijuana are trying to get "a foot in the door" for ultimate across-the-board legalization, but the bottom line is that a majority of voters in California voted for this propisition while a minority of voters in the USA voted for the man who appointed John Ashcroft Attorney General.

, Elfen

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #59 on: July 24, 2002, 02:15:53 PM »
Originally posted by Udie
That's a very bad combo!  My roommate and I have a saying.  When you smoke a doob after drinking you are doing what we call "multiplying"  because the pot "multiplies" the effect of the beer making you 9 times more drunk than you were before you smoked.  This is a real phenomena (sp?) I won't smoke much if I've been drinking because it will cause me to get sick like I drank too much, then again I only drink at AH cons :)

I know this effect all too well... it's a toss up for me. I think after about 9-12 beers if I smoke, the toilet starts calling my name. It's usually about 50/50 that I'll be "fine" (although, still entirely too f'ed up).