Originally posted by AKSWulfe
If you dealt with hard core drunks all day, you'd see the correlation between the two I am making. A hard core pothead and a hardcore drunk are one in the same, they are both mindless vacant eyed zombies without a thought in there head except getting their next fix.
WHAT?!?!? I can't believe you would have the odacity to compare the two, SW!! It's obvious you've never seen a recovering alcoholic toejam all over themselves, have seizures and maybe even DIE from their withdrawal symptoms. As far as being "mindless vacant-eyed vombies," I'd rather see a "zombie" stoned on pot driving than a drunk "zombie" weaving down the road. The drunk "zombies" are the ones who cause nearly 60,000 traffic fatalities every year. LOL Sorry, but I see the hard core crack, heroin, meth and (ahem) alchocol addicts sleeping in the doorways and holding up cardboard signs. The pot users are the ones walking by on their way to work, maybe dropping some change into an outstretched junkie's hand. The pot smokers are the clerk who waited on you, the guy who assembled your computer, or maybe the lawyer who defended you in your last drunk driving trial (not you personally SW).
SpOOk I have a hard time believing you put people on 72 hour psych watches because they're running down the street in a phychotic rant just from smoking pot. However, if this is true then you can expect a call from Hangtime asking for some of that "super psycho weed." And of COURSE kids who start smoking pot will be enticed to try Meth or Coke because thanks to Government policy the kids must buy their dope from the same guy who sells E, Meth and Coke!
Rather you want to talk about pot specifically or the War on Drugs in general you must admit the current Government policy has been a dismal failure. We have more people in prison today for drug offenses than ever before, there are more, and better, and cheaper drugs on the street than ever before, and more people use drugs than ever before.
It's intresting to note that in the not-too-recent past alcohol was illegal and pot was legal- and it wasn't medical research that reversed that situation but rather political lobbying and all the graft that goes with that. Wouldn't it be ironic if alcohol were illegal and pot were legal and alcohol were classified as the dangerous drug it really is?
Personally I don't care what your drug of choice is as long as you're a productive, responsible adult who isn't a burden on society, and keeping drugs illegal has only created more of those types. Personally I don't give a damn what ANYONE does in the privacy of their own home as long as there's no victim or danger to themselves or others. That being said, then, a question- Do you think Renee Boje deserves to spend 10 years in prison? Or do you believe Ashcroft is making a political statement by his aggressive persuit of Cannibis Clubs in California?