Author Topic: <S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!  (Read 179 times)

Offline LePaul

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<S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!
« on: July 23, 2002, 11:09:27 PM »
Only had time for one sortie tonight.  Flying Knight, I thought I'd head towards the port we were slowly trying to take.  I up a 109 G10, usually I'd take full gas + external tank, but opted to take a bomb to see what kinda dive bomber this thing could be (answer, probably pretty good if I didnt suck!)

Attached is the some sort of loose order, I'm watching out over P36 and spot some cons, carefully picking and choosing which to tangle with.  A P51D makes a head on pass on me, and since it takes two to tango, after the pass, snap around to see if he'll make another.  He does, and gets lit up with some 30mm.  A few minutes later, another P-51 does the same thing and gets a free skydiving lesson.  Score, 2 kills.  Kill 3, I have no idea how I got, I beleive it was a 109 that I fired a few shots at, and perhaps did more damage than I thought...or, the pilot may have simply crashed upon landing.  Dunno.

Fun part.  I'm hearing on the vox that our guys are near the field, so I'm looking out for our goon.  Well I see a dot low...its a goon, but not one of ours.  I'm down to just the measly machine guns on the G10 now and head over with a small parade of cons behind me.  To summarize, and the film shows, this guy took complete advantage of his slow speed and manuverability.  I managed to get a few stray shots on him, but nothing to write home about.  With just MG rounds, I was trying to hit either his cockpit or blow out his tail.  I'm not sure what his damage was, but he indicated he had "pilot wounded" (after the joust) so perhaps he stalled/spun and passed out, thus augering....because I really dont think I did enough damage.

Oh, and lastly...I was on vapor (you know how the G10 sips gas...:rolleyes: ) And glided my plane to a Vbase, managed to fit under the tent, and exit with the kills!

Here's the film...3mb

Yes, you can say you witnessed a buff dweeb fly a 4 kill sortie now.  Them single engine jobbies are kinda fun  ;)

Offline tgnr2001

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<S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2002, 11:47:28 PM »
Thanks for posting our encounter BD5 .  You wounded my pilot (err  I guess that's me) on the (I think) 3rd pass.  After that was a challenge figuring out where you were when my screen was dark :(

Anyway.. was fun.  I knew there was no way I was getting into 40, just wanted to see how long I could last  :D


Offline LePaul

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<S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2002, 08:03:16 AM »
You did well....just as I'd overfly you, you'd commence a hard turn to me.  If I was trying to out turn you, I couldn't...and knew this.  I was more likely to stall spin trying to do that.  I tried to extend, thinking you'd maintain your course, only to turn around and you were coming at me!

If I'd had some more potent ammo, this would've been a much shorter encounter  :)  Im just amazed none of the cons near 36 came to rescue you.  That's what I spent a lot of time looking for.

Either way, nice joust.  I'm glad you were unarmed  ;)

Offline Nifty

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<S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2002, 09:56:16 AM »
This belongs in the General Discussion forum!

proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline tgnr2001

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<S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2002, 09:58:21 AM »
No one came to help because I couldn't keep track of you, fly and type a HELP!!!!!!!! message at the same time  :)   I tried calling on prox voice channel, but no one was close enough to hear it.  You actually hit me two or three times.. so I was wondering why I didn't blow apart  :D   Now I know.


Offline tgnr2001

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<S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2002, 10:04:46 AM »
Originally posted by Nifty
This belongs in the General Discussion forum!


How the H____ should I know where it belongs.. I'm a dweeb  :p


Offline Ripsnort

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<S> to a very ballsey C-47 pilot!
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2002, 11:25:13 AM »
Originally posted by Nifty
This belongs in the General Discussion forum!
