Here, I'll make it easy. Just fill in the blanks and I'll be right over to claim my land.
COMES NOW...the Claimaint, GoFaster, being of Scottish heritage, and having a residence in a former colony of England and current independent nation of the United States of America, to make the following Claims:
Claim One: That his great-grandfather, GreatGranPa GoFaster, was subjected to the moral crime of political and religious persecution by the British government and the British government-endorsed Church of England, and such moral crime bearing no statute of limitations due to the fact that, during the temporal period of the moral crime, it was not a crime recognized by the British government, but was otherwise a crime against morality.
Claim Two: That his great-grandfater, GreatGranPa GoFaster, sought refuge from political and religious persecution so described in Claim One above, and did emigrate from Scotland to the former English colony and current independent nation of the United States of America.
Claim Three: That due to the religious persecution so mentioned in Claim One, that GreatGranPa GoFaster, and his heirs, descendents, and other beings lawfully entitled to proceeds of the GoFaster estate, were wrongfully denied ownership of their land, property, and other chattel, and were rendered to a state of poverty prior to emigration from the great nation of Scotland.
WHEREFORE the Claimant, GoFaster, seeks awards for damages regarding losses incurred by said actions of the nation of England, in an amount to be determined to be the equivalent of GreatGranPa GoFaster's farm, with the calculated increases to wealth and property so determined by calculating the average increase in wealth for the great nation of Scotland.
WHEREFORE the Claimant, GoFaster, further seeks restoration of citizenship to the Crown, with the rights, privileges, and benefits entitled thereupon, including the right to bear royal title.
SO ORDERED AND DECREED THIS ________ Day of _________ by the ORDER of THE HONORABLE __________________________ .