Masherbrum: Enjoy life, keep flaming religion for no reason, YOU show your true colors Miko. Keep "trying to be right"
Where did you find me flaming religion? By mentioning Voltaire? What, is he on the list of proscribed books?
I never made a secret of my non-religiocity. At the same time I stated my preference in living in religious society as long as separation of church from state is maintained.
I am fortunate to work in an environment where most of the people I run across are smarter than I am - however improbable it may sound. And quite a few of them are religious and command my utmost respect.
I just made a statement above that I view dumb atheists exactly the same as I view dumb religious people - and do not care for either kind much.
Doesn't that indicate thet I would never attempt to argue validity of religion by implying mental inferiority of it's adherents- if I ever cared to? Even if I did, wouldn't I be arguing with a smart person who can understand my arguments? And would I be trying to persuade a smart person that he is dumb?
Why would I ever be offending or arguing or even talking to a person I consider dumb? What would be a point?
I do not start religion-bashing threads. I do make comments on particular inconsistencies to show off my erudition in an internet version of pissing content but mostly to practice my English and in hope to elicit some smart and educating responce from a few people on this board who are worth listening to.
If you ever suspect that I may be offending someone, it would be more productive to ask me. I will gladly confirm or dispell it and edit my post for more clarity, if needed. Of course if you just look for a pretext to fly off the handle, be my guest...
midnight Target: Seems as though some of us are a little too sensitive. Was Voltaire saying that only the lower class benefitted from religion? I don't think so.
Absolutely not. What he ment was that society benefitted when lower class had a religion - even if it was detrimental to the lower class as religion sometimes was. Bunching together and exchanging bodily fluids during church rituals was an exellent way to spread desease. A single mother and her bastard baby would have benefitted from not being rejected by society for religious reason. A divorce is often better than alternative but catholicism does not allow it. Without religious insistence on obeying authority they could have been more active in demanding higher wages or better living conditions, etc.
Voltaire could not think of a better way of keeping his chamber-maid honest than religious belief in all-seing punishing God. They did not have close-circuit TV surveillance then.