Author Topic: <S!> Saturday night CT'ers!  (Read 5709 times)

Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2002, 10:26:50 AM »
yup that was me  i was diving on another hurri lost my edge so i extended away i checked my 6 a hurri 1.1 away so i think no big deal enguage wep i should be able to pull away a minute later i am getting peppered by .303 and shot down by sabre. how did you catch me? i am assumming you e state  was better wont take my speed for granted any more thats for sure.

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2002, 11:29:56 AM »
Originally posted by keyapaha
You know when I first saw the plane set for this weeks CT i thought hmmm we have the upper hand in planes this week .

I've been scratching my head all through this thread.  I, also, thought that the Emil would dominate.  Ain't so, at least when I'm flying one.  I thought the Hurri I would be toast.  Ain't so, even when I'm flying one.  I never thought much about the Boston at all, until Corwin ran my Emil down in one.  (How embarrassing.)  I never thought I would maintain any interest in a setup that has only one single-engine Axis fighter type against only one single-engine Allied fighter type.  Ain't so; I'm finding this has been one of the most interesting setups of all.

That is, when it's up and running.

- oldman

Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2002, 12:11:58 PM »
I think the dedicated axis flyers have the preconceived notion that the hurricane is weak and slow ( i know i did )

  Not all that slow and definatly not weak not from the tail end that thing eats up bullets only weak points is the fuel tanks near the canopy  and ofcorse the eng so HO and front quarter shots are the quickest way to down a hurricane correct me if i am wrong here hopefully we can fly there tonight CT was down last night so had to fly MA  testing my skills at upping from a vulched field and flying to the nearest furball (which usually was right over the airfield was good fun )

  hoping for the CT to be up tonight I have a feeling  the 27th Sentai gonna have a very big night.

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2002, 12:16:37 PM »
When I mention how difficult having only a hurri 1 to fly is, I am assuming that the 109e pilots are flying, well, well.

Currently the stats look like this
126 109s dead from furry hurries

133 hurries dead from 109s.

56 dead 110s from hurriattacks

74 hurries dead from 110s

Here is my favorite!!!!!!!!
17 dead ju88s cause of the go-cart with guns

15 dead hurries from ju88s

oh and speaking of that winged devil the boston.

0 kills of 109s from a boston

20 dead bostons from a 109.

bostons have killed 4 110s,
110s have killed 27 bostons.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2002, 12:20:05 PM by ergRTC »

Offline Dukebro

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« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2002, 12:33:34 PM »

"Hey, keep it down in here,  you're gonna wake my baby!!":o


Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2002, 12:34:06 PM »
Originally posted by ergRTC
oh and speaking of that winged devil the boston.

0 kills of 109s from a boston

20 dead bostons from a 109.

Hmm.  A computer error?  It was quite clear that Corwin got me, and I'm sure I was in an Emil and he was in a Boston.

- oldman

Offline Sabre

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« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2002, 12:36:37 PM »
Originally posted by keyapaha
yup that was me  i was diving on another hurri lost my edge so i extended away i checked my 6 a hurri 1.1 away so i think no big deal enguage wep i should be able to pull away a minute later i am getting peppered by .303 and shot down by sabre. how did you catch me? i am assumming you e state  was better wont take my speed for granted any more thats for sure.

Yeah, I was up high above the other Hurri that was chasing you.  Because I had icon on him (but not on you), I was able to track you against the ground.  The other Hurri told me you were in a gentle bank to the left but pulling away from him.  Looking at the map, I guessed you were trying to get pointed towards your nearest friendly base.  So, I just put it into a shallow banking dive and pointed my nose ahead of where I thought you'd be heading and poured on the coal.  I started out at least 3k above you, travelling at max level speed, so all that altitude got converted into speed.  That and a convergent course put me on your six with lots of closure.  You made a good attempt get clear, but with all the BB's I was putting in the air, a lucky hit was inevitable.  Nice fight, btw .  I actually landed a four-kill sortie that night.

CT Staff
"The urge to save humanity almost always masks a desire to rule it."

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2002, 12:55:10 PM »
Well I will have my little hurri all polished up and ready for the onslaught keya.  I dont think many of the vf27 are gonna be there, many real life things in the way this week.  We will try to make your night interesting though!

Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2002, 12:56:27 PM »
ahhh ok I thought the one already on my six was u and yes i was trying to get pointed back to my base i was in nomans land and no help ok that makes sense now .:)

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2002, 01:57:07 PM »

The Ki-67 has no place in any setup before The Battle Of Leyte Gulf (Oct 44).  The Ju88 is a much better substitute for the G4M Betty than the Ki-67.  Especially in pre-Hellcat setups.   Poor Wildcat is slower in level flight at all levels than the Ki-67.  That just ain't a good substitution in my opinion.  Just because it has meatballs on the wings doesn't mean it should be subbed in for 1940 Burma!

Planes the CT desperately needs for fuller Pac action.  G4M, B5N, B6N, D3Y, P-39, P-38F, Ki-43 and Ki-84.  This would allow the CT to fully get by in the Pac theater.  A B-25 or B-24 would be nice too, as well as an earlier B-17 and then for late action a B-29.  

Western ETO and Med is kinda nice right now.  Curtiss Hawk would be spiffy for early war, as well as a friggin' Stuka!!!  Also, Blenheims, Wellingtons, He111's and Do17's for early action.   An earlier 190 wouldn't hurt either.  :)  Better Italian representation would be nice of course.

Eastern ETO...  lots of Russian stuff to add and a later Stuka, the one with the BFG!!  :D

Anyways, asking for a Ki-67 in a pre '44 setting is asking for imbalance for the Japanese side.  If some of the above planes ever get added, you will see me live in the CT for early PTO and BoB setups.   :)
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2002, 02:59:11 PM »
HIYA ERG!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back..................;)
Sorry I had to take off a few hours and get some work done, damn boss doesnt know the importance of a good dodge the turdball contest on the AH BBS.
Erg I am sure that there is occasion in this post, where I did not see or comprehend what you were trying to communicate, all that aside, the 109G10 is everything you say it is. I never said it was'nt. Now what I am saying is this......................... ....
Not taking anything away from the bombing raid you guys ran last Thursday. Here are my opinons on what happened. First the 190A8, is a great interceptor if it can catch the buffs. The 109G10 is a great fighter, however it would not be MY first choice to attack bombers. I did get one good pass at your formation from pointblank range the first encounter with your buffs over the North Sea, in a Bf-109G10. However I was clean without the cannon package, and could only manage to damage a B-17. I think you mentioned you went ahead and bailed from it later because it was slowing your formation down.
Okay thats about as good as it gets with a lone 109G10 attacking a good sized formation of buffs, without the extra cannon package or rkts. You guys flew high enough to render the FW-190A8 a non player, not a whine by me, just damn good tactics on the part of you guys, in my opinion.
The real secret to your success was the escorts, thats about the best escort job I've seen by anyone in AW,WB's or AH. Not once did they run off after fleeing LW fighters, and leave the Buff formation at risk. I even mentioned  in my AAR to the 27th Sentai, that my hat was off to the Escort pilots. The G10 even if it got close the defensive fire was muderous, again realistic.
For some reason I don't know if it's the times we all fly or what there never seems to be any large commitment of any AH Jagdgeschwaders during our squad nights during ETO's. I wish there was. Many of the guys clawing their way to try and get at the buffs were Allied guys trying to even sides up, whom I appreciate the effort from.
Yes the 262 was only perked for 5 points as Oleg mentioned earlier, but most people are not flying CT every night , and a lot of people logged on that tried to get 262s to at least get at the bombers couldnt, no whine just bad luck. You guys ran a great mission, and achieved your objectives, I assume. Your individual radar icons nevered showed just bar dar, don't know why, dont really care, so we were constantly answering the question where are the buffs?,, while trying to get to your formation. In fact my second hop I stayed very near your buffs for most of the time, I had a 109G10 had the cannons, and was just trying to get an opening in the escort coverage to sneak in and take a swipe.
I decided I was going to have to be paitent so I backed off hoping the escorts would get lazy or make a mistake. I then decided to start trying to vector help to the area, I was giving Oldman the formations location and heading and all the sudden I have tracers all over the sky around my plane. I tried to get the hell outta the way and elude the 3 ponys that had saddled up to my six oclock, and how I missed them I'll never know, but man they came outta nowhere. However I didnt get away Warloc made short work of my 109. I got one more chance at you guys about 30 mins later you were on the way home, I tried for a HO on the buffs but between your defensive fire and Terrors P-51
all I did was give you guys another burning plane to watch.:)
After that I gave up. It was a great mission you ran, and it was successfull because you used your strentghs against our weakness, thats exactly how a battle should be won, no qualms about it. You used your advantage, now I almost didnt reply to this thread because I thought A: He's joking or B: He's stupid.
I ruled out B, BTW;)
I then thought did he not see the advantage they had the other night, and how well they exploited it?
So I replied in my usual polite manner. Now I never said this was a good matchup we have this week. I did say the Axis have the advantage this week. I also maintain that there  is a clear Allied advantage 3 out of 4 set-ups.I also think thats HISTORICAL.  Now I can't do anything about the 262 when it's available. If everyboody flew it yes it would be a problem, it's kind of like the Spitfire when it's available you can bet half the people don't like it. I have yet to get a kill in AH in the 262, and I think when I was Allied I was only killed 3 times by 262s, so if I tend to poopoo on the 262 factor it's mainly due to the fact that i usually ignore it if I'm axis, and avoid it if I'm allied.
On the A6m2 I'll agree that I'll never agree with you on it. I'ts kinda the opposite of the Bf-110 for me. I don't have the historic success flying a A6M2, that i should, but I have way too much success flying a Bf-110 than I should.
Now for Gainsie Mr RedTail444 :D
Yes RT and I have a lot in common, thats prob why we like to go at each other, maybe we seperated at birth or something.:D
You say you guys are pushing my buttons? I'm of the opinion I'm pushing yours!;)
This is PSY OPS BOYS! Both sides sticking till they hit a nerve!:D
Erg I love to post this picture on a thread like this, and it speaks for it'self.

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2002, 03:05:21 PM »
ahh lowe, alls well that ends well.  Now grab your ankles its squad night.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2002, 03:15:55 PM by ergRTC »

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2002, 04:24:52 PM »

The Ki-67 was in combat with the IJA in April, 1944, well before October, 1944.  The IJN's first use of the Ki-67 was in October, 1944, but that clearly was not the first use.

We do need the G4M2 or Ki-21-II, but likewise we need a slow assed target of an Allied bomber such as the B-25B instead of the Boston  Mk III which simply outruns every early war Japanese fighter.

To those who want some "Allies squishing the Japanese" setup, you do realize that, baring unhistorical limitations, you simply cannot get that, just as the "Japanese squishing the Allies" setups don't work either.  Both of these require a difference in pilot skill that far overshadows the difference in equipment.

You will never be facing 95% rank newbies flying A6M5s, Ki-43-IIIs and Ki-84-Is in any AH setup.  Therefore you will never get the slaughter you're imagining in you mind.

The Japanese fighters were not (excluding the Ki-84 and N1K2-J when they worked) quite as good as the US, USAAF and RN fighters, but they could still fight and pose a real threat.  It was the pre-war Japanese pilot training doctrines that really caused the problem.  They had elite pilots due to it, but it simply couldn't produce pilots any where near fast enough.  When they finally realized this and switched it was too late, especially after the Marianas Turkey Shoot where we killed many, many of their trainees.

You will never see that in AH unless you find a way to render the skills of the 27th Sentai and others irrelevant.  Maybe be able to set it so all Japanese aircraft start already missing an elevator and an aileron.

Of course, if that happens we'd better see USAAF and USN aircraft starting in a likewise crippled manner for the early war setups.
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline HiJack

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« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2002, 04:36:57 PM »
Damn I love this watermelon heheheheherolfrolfhehe, damn i think i just peed my pants!  Thanks for the praise Lowe, I thought that mission was great, by the way we didnt get all we wanted, that was to obliterate your 262 field( we assume that was it) still havent got the bombing figured out, missed alot, and we landed the flights of buffs   out of the 7 that started. If we frustrated a few people that was the intention,our mission, but I think It was fun for most who participated, on both sides, and like i said before there will be more so get ready.  By the way figure you guys have got the Sentai goin good so come on over, sure you miss your Hellcat, oh what the hell, youve probably flown it since we have, havent seen it in here in ages.  Oh ya Blue if thats the only film you have of you killin me you didnt have it on often enough thats for sure!
  Whoops meant to say out of the 7 that started 3 landed, lost 2 to discoes and 2 to axis, no escorts lost until after we started home, all were low on ammo and gas by then just did a lot of dodging think we lost 3or 4 then,of course i was one of them, and only got one kill and one assist. Still a crummy pilot thats for sure one of these days ill get better, maybe!

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« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2002, 04:44:13 PM »
karnak, I think this has all gotten confused in the ranting.  What i am talking about is a scenario that has, lets say an f4u in it rather than a f4f.  We try to limit planes to a historical context by doing things like making them available at only one base (like the p51ds, lancasters,  b17s, and 262s in the last scenario).  

We often have these early war scenarios under the excuse that we have a fuller planeset there, but in fact looking at this scenario, we have only a hurri.  In pacific setups we go early cause we supposedly have more planes there but I dont see it.  We have the p40b, f4f, the a6m2, and the val.  Thats it.  (I may be forgetting something)

What I would like to see is just a good old pac setup where the allies get the planes they were flying in 1944/45, and just as we have to 'deal' with only having a hurri (not that its a bad plane, but not much variety), the ijn folks can just 'deal' with only having a nik, a ki, and a zero.
