Author Topic: bishops numbers are a gameplay problem  (Read 759 times)

Offline dedalu

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« on: September 13, 2002, 10:46:41 AM »
Bishops aways have 4x and knights 2x rooks numbers. It's a gameplay problem and must be solved.

Offline LePaul

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2002, 10:59:38 AM »
Surely ye jest.

Let people fly for the side they want.  I've traded sides in an effort to balance things out, but the boo-hooing from the former side for being a "traitor" and other baloney make me leery of doing that again.

Offline HFMudd

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2002, 11:06:37 AM »
Seems like just a month ago it was the Knights that were the problem.

I must not be remembering correctly. :rolleyes:

Offline Innominate

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2002, 11:17:54 AM »

Offline dedalu

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2002, 12:36:29 PM »
Originally posted by HFMudd
Seems like just a month ago it was the Knights that were the problem.

I must not be remembering correctly. :rolleyes:

This problem have more than 3 months... I think that it isn't a country specific issue. Much people simple change to the most populated side.

What do you think about a perk cost when it occurs?

Offline Don

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2002, 12:47:24 PM »
IMO its not a Bish problem so much as it is the way the fights are fought. It really gets boring to go after the country that has the fewest numbers, and ignore the country that has the most.
This is the problem. Bish have 30 fields, Rooks have 18 Nits have 24 fields. Nits go after Rooks, Bish go after Nits and Rooks cuz they have enough in numbers...Bish win without being really challenged.
There are many variations of this theme but, the end result is predictable. Bish can't be blamed for having the most nor can any other country. Its the way each country uses their numbers that determines the outcomes.

Offline Innominate

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2002, 01:27:46 PM »
If this is referring to last night,
Bish GAINED numbers.

Bish didn't win because of our numbers.  We picked up an early advantage, shut down the knights HQ(Causing many to log off) while doing most of our work against the rooks.  The knights had no defense, making it easy to do.

An advantage causes numbers to shift.  A country that picks up and holds an advantage will also gain numbers.

The problem isnt the bishops, the knights have more players than we do at peak hours.  The problem is the rooks who are consistantly outnumbered.

As for the gangbangs,
The most common situation currently is knights and bish fighting, with the rooks playing lapdog to one side.  So don't squeak when you're the subject of the gangbang.

Offline LePaul

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2002, 01:38:01 PM »
I think you hit on something....when a country's radar is down, especially for a long time, people log out.  I noticed this to a smaller degree when night time came...numbers would dip a bit, and regain some after night had passed.

I was flying Knight last night and we just couldnt seem to interest people into capturing A39, and then, defend our HQ.  Everyone seemed to want to stay planted out in the middle "wedge".

That, and the Pizza Map is difficult to really find the main "fight" due to its size.  I called out a few times on Channel 2 to find out where most were.  No replies.

As for reduced perks in that situation, I don't think that really does anything.  If I'm down to a few bases and now I have an Me262 at my wont do anything more for me...I'm better off continuing to up a Dora or a 190-A8, something I can get a 4 or 5 kill sortie in and perhaps make a difference turning back the tide.

2 cents

Offline mosgood

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2002, 03:58:26 PM »
I don't think that there should be anything done about the number dispersment.  These numbers have already worked themselves out to what human nature has dictated.

There isn't somekind of BONUS to being Bish or Knit, except having more guys on your team.

If most people like to be Bishop or Knit, because they go toward the team that has the most numbers, than it's their choice.  Of course there are also other reasons as well.  

Mine for staying Bish is because that's what my squad flys.  If someday, my priority changes, than so will I.

If you're a Rook than, IMO, you must not have that need or have some other reason that is more important to you than having the numbers and so you stay Rook.  Maybe you like being the underdog and by being Rook, your getting what you want.

If someone else on another team is getting tired of not having the numbers on their team, change teams.

Since this is the way the cards have fallen, obviously it's human nature and it's the way the everybody wants it.

Offline JB73

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2002, 08:02:26 PM »
sorry but perking a country change wont work ......

all new players are bishop by default. they have no perks to change then when they do why would they leave to a lesser populated country and lose perks.?

the only possible solution i see to stop spies and country jumping is to have all country changes approved by HTC. (like THAT would ever be a possibility lol... the administration alone would require them to hire 1 if not 2 people for this)
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Kweassa

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2002, 11:02:36 PM »
JB73, Hitech specifically mentioned that the "Bish default country" is a myth. The players are said to be allocated randomly at first log on.


 In my observation, it is something about the tendency of players in a certain time zone. In European time zones the numbers are usually equal, but once it shifts to the US prime time,  things begin to change.

 The problem is, the numbers drops down for a certain country - typically Rooks - when other countries start gaining them.

 Since the numbers stats are usually even at European prime time, this could only mean that the players newly logging on at US prime time are choosing certain countries exclusively. For whatever reason it is, US players log on to mostly Bish and Knits, and they are not logging on to the Rooks. So, for 5~6 hours till the prime shifts from US east coast to the West coast, the Rooks are in a constant banging.

 The things start waning as finally the prime leaves US West coast, crosses the pacific and lands at Asian timezone.  


 Maybe there's some tendency of US based players that avoids the Rooks as their country of choice?

Offline Leslie

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2002, 03:50:53 AM »
Originally posted by JB73
sorry but perking a country change wont work ......

all new players are bishop by default. they have no perks to change then when they do why would they leave to a lesser populated country and lose perks.?

the only possible solution i see to stop spies and country jumping is to have all country changes approved by HTC. (like THAT would ever be a possibility lol... the administration alone would require them to hire 1 if not 2 people for this)

I can understand the Rooks' frustration at times with the numbers, but you gotta admit, it keeps us on our toes, and has produced something good in the RJO...necessity is the mother of invention.

I've played AH for almost three years... Rook the whole time in the MA.  The only questionable thing I've seen concerning game play, was where a high ranking player would come over to take command of a CG, either to remove it from play or to get it sunk.  I've only seen this done twice, though it may have happened more often.  The majority of players in the MA are honorable, so I don't see it as a big problem.  I'm not referring to spying here.  I'm talking about out right cheating.  Spying implies aloof observance and conveying of info, but not participating in extortion by seizing a CG.

One possible solution to this occurence, would be for a CG override, or "foul" tab be installed in the clipboard.  Once this is activated, a pop-up would show for the three highest country players to approve or disapprove of the CG commander in question.  I believe this feature would rarely be used, but would be in place when necessary.  It's sad to have to go to the trouble to add such a feature, which would almost never be used.


Offline JB73

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2002, 04:25:50 AM »
Kweassa / Leslie ... u both have good points...

im a bit suprised u both knew i was a rook given my mentioning nothing about what country i fly for :)

however u know im a rook .. fine by me .. but like most rooks im PROUD of it.

back to the point... we were talking about the #'s balance of the countries.... personally ive never heard about htc saying the original country of new players is random.. in fact every nob iv seen is a bish till they switch. even myself when i joined.

try it offline of TA if you have never been there.. u will be  a bish by default. that was my point about it.

like i said there is never a chance of htc monitoring country changing... it other than that i see no reasonable change to the imbalance and spies/CV stealers in the MA...

oh well <> and nice debating with you :)
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline stegor

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2002, 08:41:35 AM »
Bishops aways have 4x and knights 2x rooks numbers. It's a gameplay problem and must be solved.

Another one on numbers in Arena:rolleyes:
There no solution unless (maybe) u want only two countries instead of the present three.
Anyway, too much bishes? Just improve your aiming an shot them the more you can:D :p

Btw   Pacau:)
4° Stormo C.T. "F. Baracca"

Offline sling322

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bishops numbers are a gameplay problem
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2002, 09:15:13 AM »
Bishops dont always have more numbers.  Its a cyclical thing.  Maybe in your time zone there is a problem, but its not like that all the time.

I used to switch and fly rook from time to time, but got tired of all the spy accusations so I wont be doing that anymore.