Author Topic: Biggest "egos" in the game?  (Read 6752 times)

Offline Voss

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #90 on: September 15, 2002, 10:37:17 PM »
I did. Although, it's probably been lost to the various changes in the UBB here, I have posted some images here (aircraft & vehicles, and Screenshots and Images forums). None of those are any part of T.A.S. (note no 13 on it) or any other video game; vaporware or otherwise.

I still model from time-to-time, but I fly AH in all my free time (as you all know I live in this game) and so progress has been abysmal.

BTW, 'Vaporware' is a term first coined by Ann Winblad. She was discussing a product that seemed to have disappeared from the scopes of software vendors after its creator had made its development known. That creator was Bill Gates and the software was Windows. Well, history will not repeat itself there.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Offline Shane

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #91 on: September 15, 2002, 10:38:54 PM »
urchin, that was in his kesmai days, before EA pulled the plug...

yeah, he's a damn fine artist, huh?
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
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Offline Yeager

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #92 on: September 15, 2002, 10:44:21 PM »
Damn!  that IS awesome stuff there Frank.  My apologies, I will now digress as previosuly suggested.

Wonderful stuff.  Thanks for the link.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Urchin

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #93 on: September 15, 2002, 11:11:02 PM »
He's a much better artist than me, thats for sure.  I'll try to attach a 'sample' of my 'work' to show you what I mean.  

Here is a Fw190 attacking a B-17 from the rear.  You'll just have to take my word for it.

Offline DrDea

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #94 on: September 15, 2002, 11:31:06 PM »
The biggest ego is.................

The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline Grayeagle

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #95 on: September 15, 2002, 11:54:28 PM »
This is from a close associate who was part of the Voss scam called 'TAS' .. and aye, Maverick .. he probably took the name of the squadron, but the scam was not done by the squad was perpetrated by Voss.

> How much money did he get from who?

 Before I answer your question, I'll put my cards face up on the table, just so you know where I'm coming from.
 Back when Paul "Voss" Hinds began his Scam I had already been playing AW for several years. Voss was a member of an Air Warrior Squadron called the 13th TAS, a Squad that has since had links with other online flight sim's and is also currently running in Aces High.
 I only mention that because TAS was the name of the new online game at the centre of the scam, and it is important to point out that they were in no way connected with it, as far as I know the other members of the Squad are all honourable men.

 Also, I've never written any of this down before, so by way of disclaimer, I will say that I'm working entirely from memory, but this is in any case how I remember those events as they occurred.

 I was one of the beta testers for TAS and although I was one of the lucky ones, the scam cost me money, and wasted a great deal of my time. Also, let's not forget that at the time this was the biggest, longest and most outrageous scam ever to hit the flight sim' community! Now you know where I'm coming from, I'll answer your question.

The person who lost the most was the main investor, Michael "Amok" Hobuss, who I believe was one of Voss's AW Squad mates. From my perspective as one of the beta testers, the deal appeared to be that Voss did all the programming and design while Amok covered the expenses and development
costs, including having a new powerful development machine delivered to Voss, setting up and maintaining the beta team, bulletin board, and all advertising and promotional costs.
 Now before we go any farther, let's just look at that set-up. Voss had built credibility by claiming to have two doctorates, and vast relevant experience, he was not just exaggerating, he was deliberately giving false information to a squad mate, in order to
encourage him into parting with money and equipment for services he knew that he could not deliver.

 He was never in the CIA, was never an F-16 pilot and he did not shoot down two enemy aircraft has he claimed, he did not own
a P-51, and has probably never even flown one, and he did not have two PhDs.
 He fabricated that entire web of lies with the obvious motivation of securing investment for his own personal gain.

This scam lasted a long time, and was fed with screen shots that looked magnificent, but which were in fact only artwork, and the delays were blamed on all manner of incredible circumstances, a scorpion bite, brain tumour, even some mention of special missions with the CIA.

 During that time a large number of people were involved on the beta site, and I was one of them. I've heard that some of the beta testers were also asked for front money, but I can't recall being asked, but I do remember that I didn't send money. So I can't confirm that.

 The scam dragged on so long that someone eventually checked into his background, and his military service was the first thing to come under scrutiny.
 When it transpired that he had not been an F-16 pilot in the
USAF, he invented the CIA story to explain why his name didn't appear in military records, but the wall was beginning to crumble.

 As more of his lies were exposed, Michael Hobuss became suspicious, but no doubt found it very hard to believe that a squad mate would lie and steal from him, so at that point he was actually covering for him.

 Then things began to move quickly, because his stories were stretching credibility to the limit. I know how long you need to remain in education to get a PhD, not to mention two! Computer skills that exceeded those of the best programmers of the day, USAF training, a flying career, converting to F-16s, recruitment by the CIA, a privately owned P-51, and this man appeared to have achieved more than most could manage in two life times.

 Everyone was suspicious and people were asking awkward questions. Michael Hobuss was also getting nervous and began asking awkward questions too, and that's when Voss disappeared. The Scorpion bite! It was reported that Folk
even visited Voss in hospital, so perhaps that part was true, but it just went down hill from there.

Time dragged on, and after more revelations, and no further evidence that the game even existed, Voss was supposed to have a brain tumour resulting in the end of the game's development, but then Michael Hobuss blew the whistle!
 He admitted he had been conned, and lost his hardware, the
expenses and development costs, and that there never was any game. Any beta testers who had fronted money to the project had lost it. I had spent a lot of time logging onto the beta test site and incurred telephone costs and wasted many hours of my own time, but I was one of the lucky ones!

 How much did Michael Hobuss eventually lose, I can't say, but I'd guess the figure must have been at least several thousand, and to be fair I heard that he was able to recover some of it. I'm not even sure how much I lost, I certainly wasn't bothered about it because it would have only been a fraction of what I was spending on AW at that time :)

 This was a classic con! He fooled an investor, into parting with money and goods, by pretending to be something he wasn't.
 The scam involved a large number of people, and left the community shaken, not because they had been taken in by a conman, but because they had been taken by one of their own,
some one many believed to be a squad mate and a friend.
 For many it wasn't so much the money as the betrayal, that hurt that most.

 Now I guess that all this could be forgotten if Voss had gone away, but he is still here, and he is attempting to rebuild his stock in the community.
 Only recently he put out a call to the Aces High community to become involved in another project, that appeared to have all the hallmarks of another scam.
 I was amazed when I saw it, and I thought to myself, "Here we
go again". Make no mistake, given the opportunity I believe he would do it again, it even looks very much as though he has actually tried already.
 But fortunately, nobody took the bait. They never took the bait thanks to the efforts of those who remember, nobody has been allowed to forget.
 The community has successfully protected itself by not allowing others to be taken in. That in my humble opinion is the morally correct, right and proper, thing to do.

 When I see folk rehash the Voss stuff (as you call it) I'm always pleased to see it, because everytime it comes out I think that perhaps another few individuals have been made wise to him.
 It also saddens me to see others defend him, because they are only helping him build a platform from which to strike again.

I haven't been able to give you exact figures, but does that answer your question?


-brought to you by Frank P. 'Gray Eagle' Williamson
 (no .. I dont live in VA any longer .. presently packing for a move to Phoenix, AZ .. of all things :)

I am glad you enjoy the art I have done, +mia's web site dedicated to the WW2 pilots that live in the Bay area is very well done. When he asked for images, I gave him all I had that applied. They were done over several years between 'crushes' and 'deadlines' while I was at Kesmai .. for fun.

-evil grin- .. I am playin around with Microsoft Flight Sim 2002 a bit, and buildin a few of my favorite planes. Felix, of the Damned, is gettin a web site up to feature them as I finish 'em.
 There's a whole huge ball of stuff to do for one o' them planes.
 I have a Ryan STA (along with the supercharged version) flyin, and I did a remodel of a nicely done P-51 ..done in 'Crazy Horse' livery. The dynamic reflections finally enable me to make aluminum that looks like aluminum :)
'The better I shoot ..the less I have to manuever'

Offline moose

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #96 on: September 16, 2002, 12:04:36 AM »
Ah cmon Voss you mean to tell me the only ammo you have left in this mudslinging contest is some stupid pictures?

Break out some really crappy renders of the Wb3 engine and photoship GEs name on them. That'll get this party started again.

Gray, since you live in the area maybe you might be interested in a little get together for New England sim pilots?

There was a plan in the works last winter but it got shelved and I'm trying to drum up support for it again.

Offline Urchin

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #97 on: September 16, 2002, 12:28:14 AM »
Since my last piece of artwork has such critical acclaim, I'll unveil my new piece now after only 15 minutes of work.  

This is entitled "This poor Mossie caught on fire after only a couple shots from the P38!"  Again, I've taken some freedom of expression... in fact this is more of a nuevo art piece than a strict rendition.

Offline BUG_EAF322

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #98 on: September 16, 2002, 12:43:45 AM »
Yes i made it in a closed thread !!

Offline J_A_B

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #99 on: September 16, 2002, 12:47:59 AM »
Dang Urchin, you could be the next Picasso!

Sell them on Ebay and see what you get  :D


Offline akak

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #100 on: September 16, 2002, 01:04:34 AM »
Originally posted by Voss
I looked all over the net for information on Mr. GrayEagle, and all I found was porn, and a portrait before he earned his wings.

This is one of my favorites from GE.  


Offline Pooh21

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #101 on: September 16, 2002, 04:29:50 AM »
P38 looks quite lifelike Urchin.
no wonder they eat all my 30mm, M1 tank armor :(
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Offline Creamo

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #102 on: September 16, 2002, 05:32:21 AM »
GE's pilot art has none of the 'sunny side up egg eyes' on a 'ape looking hideous 3 pixel block head' details, like AH.

It's rather void.

Thank gad.

Offline Masherbrum

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #103 on: September 16, 2002, 06:14:14 AM »

When I attend my first con, more than likely in two years (2004).  I will by the 13TAS a round of beers.  

It is sad that you are being burned at the stake here for reasons I don't even want to understand.   I guess some people in here  don't need a "second chance" Voss, their lives have been perfect.  

I know we've been in some scraps in the MA.   I have to say that you are a good stick and a gentleman, unlike some of the pukes in here who think their toejam don't stink.  You, at least back.

Voss and see you up there.

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Offline popeye

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #104 on: September 16, 2002, 08:16:44 AM »
Yo, GE!!  Long time.  :)


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