Author Topic: Biggest "egos" in the game?  (Read 6835 times)

Offline airspro

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #135 on: September 16, 2002, 05:54:01 PM »
Now you have to admit the he (Voss) has "The Wobble" beat hands down .:rolleyes:
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline Thrawn

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #136 on: September 16, 2002, 06:04:01 PM »
Uh, still here eh?

Hi guys!  *waves* :D

All we need now is a death threat!

Offline Voss

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #137 on: September 16, 2002, 06:12:42 PM »
I already answered every point in this thread more than a year ago. For those of you unwilling to except those answers, you can go diddly yourselves. For the remainder, that must endure this annual roast, I apologize.

Here again is my F16. Note that it is an R/C job, and quite pretty. Pity the P51 and Fokker Dr. 1 didn't survive the years of use.

Offline jbroey3

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #138 on: September 16, 2002, 06:16:45 PM »
Is this the plane that you flew in desert storm Voss?


Offline Thrawn

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #139 on: September 16, 2002, 06:19:14 PM »
Whelp, that ought to be good for another fifty posts.

Offline senna

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #140 on: September 16, 2002, 06:23:46 PM »
Nice F-16 VOSS. Can that thing fly five miles up where all the clouds are?


Offline deSelys

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #141 on: September 16, 2002, 06:30:06 PM »
So this is what the CIA markings look like?

I'm disappointed, I thought they were dull grey or matt black...
Current ID: Romanov

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye... then it's just a game to find the eye

'I AM DID NOTHING WRONG' - Famous last forum words by legoman

Offline senna

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #142 on: September 16, 2002, 06:33:20 PM »
VOSS, I know how to make a small charge for an RC bomb you can sling on the centerline if your interested. You'll need a pack of red chinese firecrackers, makes a nice 3 feet fireball you can see during the day. Let me know.


Offline =Jagr=

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #143 on: September 16, 2002, 06:48:31 PM »
This is a cut and paste from a while back..

The "Robey" character is a real USAF veteran BTW...  

So Paul Hinds said he was a B-2 pilot and 'astronut?'

The following is an extract from private email he sent me in response to
questions raised about his background.

[My questions...]
> Also, I gathered from a post of yours [Mike Hobuss] awhile back (2 months) that you
> were assigned to USAFA and Paul was there as an "inmate" to use your
> term. Well I can't find anybody named Paul Hinds nor Paul Hines that
> ever graduated from USAFA. Most data only covers up until
> the class of 1994. Of course if he graduated in 1995...went to UPT and
> F-16 RTU (as he told me in email that he flew F-16s) that would put him
> in a line cockpit around December of 1996. Obiviously he was not on
> active duty six months ago.

[Hinds' Response]
Not that it's anyone's business; I was a zoo animal in '77-'79 before I
transferred out to MIT under cooperative education with
and later "AeroDyne Industries." At Lockheed-Martin I tested several
aircraft that were testbeds for technologies implemented in later types.
did a lot of company work, too. In '83 the Air Force decided it was time
launch my true career, which is not a subject for discussion.

Stop for a moment...he started at the USAFA in 1977, and would graduate
in 1981. And he managed to conduct flight tests sometime between 1981
and 1983? Okay, UPT (AF pilot training) takes 12 months, and guys finish
with approximately 200 hours in jets. Sooooo, here we have a guy with
200 hours in jets conducting industry flight tests between 1982 and
1983. Sure I believe him.

Back to our story

> So can you tell me when you were stationed at the Zoo? I'm finding it
> very difficult to defend him when I can't find any F-16 bud (active
> duty, ANG, AFRes, or former like myself) that has heard of Paul. And
> three different zoomies have looked through the AOG (Association of
> Graduates) resources...nada. The last Hinds to graduate was/is a guy
> named John back in 1984 that became a navigator.

There is a Bruce, from my family, that graduated in the early 70's (not
sure of the date). He was chief test pilot on the B-2 project.

Anybody got something they want to share?

Robey...Spanish Inquisitor

Offline =Jagr=

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #144 on: September 16, 2002, 06:49:48 PM »
FYI after this guy posed these direct questions, the only reply was a large sucking sound from Voss...

These are simple questions. Please try to answer them as clearly and
in as direct a manner as possible.

1. If a person was making false statements about your background
(specifically, being a pilot in the U.S.A.F., being a veteran of a
secret combat mission over Iraq in which you shot down 2 enemy
aircraft but were forced to bail out as well, etc.) why did you do
nothing to set the record straight at the time?

2. What is the name of the doctor in charge of your cancer treatments,
his office phone number, and the name of the hospital he works at?
Will he know who Paul Hinds is if he is contacted? Would you give him
the authority to verify that you have been treated for caner? If you
would do such a thing, it would really assist in defending your
credibility against the attacks of those who think you have none,
would it not?

3. What is the name of the person who was claiming to be you? What was
his explanation for his alleged actions?

Offline =Jagr=

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« Reply #145 on: September 16, 2002, 06:51:57 PM »
Ahh the good old days :)

: Nos, his claims have been disproven beyond a reasonable doubt. As


pips, R.Price, et al,

If you are looking for confirmation, or denial, go to hell, stop reading
now, and accept your current opinion as *truth*. I don't lie. That should
be simple enough, even for you twits.

  I don't appreciate the general witchhunt you guys have created in
response to letters sent just a month ago. Not even a month ago. To LIE and
pat each other on the back for a "good kill" after a few of you got
together and gossiped and rumorized, etc. is just totally unlike anything
an Air Force Officer would do. Navy pukes maybe, but not Air Force.
Furthermore, to perpetuate this *crap* on the usenet is something I would
expect of idiotic brats, not airmen.

  To begin with, this all began after a review I did with Michael and *name
withheld* for our "soon to be released" game. Michael slipped and said
something "off the record" which I then corrected and asked *name withheld*
to ignore. He agreed. Three months passed before Robey Price began looking
into things which are none of his business. Got that Robey? It's NONE OF
YOUR BUSINESS! You, and you alone, are responsible for the escalation of
this crap. I don't blame you (too much) though. It must be pretty boring
hauling cattle for a living. Had I NOT fallen ill at such a poorly timed
occasion I would have gotten back to you. I believe your letter deserved
more then a perfunctory (look it up) note which is all I have had time for.
Yes, I answered others. No, they were short notes and did not involve
calling up people in far away places to confirm something for you CHILDREN!
BTW, your note was dated May 10, 1997. Not March 10, which some idiots are
trying to convince us all of. I am not so easily fooled, so get used to it.
  Yes, pips, I quess that includes you.
  THEN! Of all the nerve! You send a young man into a den of lions to
obtain information for your kangaroo court! Do you really lack
entertainment to this degree? Just what the hell did you expect him to come
back with? Then I get all these psychopathic ravings in my email. "Oneman
and Voss are the same guy", and "I called the University." You're a real
loser Robey! I mean that! Even the liberal press of today has more couth
then to print such rubbish before they CAREFULLY review the facts.
  Do I owe you an explanation? Hell no! Am I going to give you one? In a
pigs eye!
  I never said anything like what you are implying (hell, outright stating)
on the BBS, on WB, or even in AW. If you think I did, or any of your
friends, you need to get off the cold medicine and rejoin the real world.
  Now, I wonder why Paul "Voss" Hinds is SO PISSEY? Well, you have
obviously made an outright attempt to thwart my efforts in creating a bona
fide flight simulation. You have made Michael so nervous he is withdrawing
from our partnership. You have caused the closing of our BBS, and now my
best development team element is so upset he's withdrawn from the team. Now
my squad has even asked for my resignation! Thanks "skeptical amazinhunk" (his
words)! Could I sue you? YES! Am I going to? I don't think it's necessary.
Do I want you on the beta team? I think you know the answer; all of you.
  The next time you hear something on a VIRTUAL GAME, take it for the
virtual crap it is. You never know who is flying that rig over there. I
know ICI doesn't like more then one person flying a single account. So
fornicating what! If they want to keep me off the game, that's their loss.
I expect to lose quite a bit of ground with all the bull splatter you've
stirred up. I appreciate it, I really do.
  Now, if you don't mind, I am going to have to work VERY hard to come up
with the cash to finance the completion of this game. The extra work load
is something you helped to perpetuate. I appreciate all the information you
forwarded regarding fields of the era, but that does not give you the right
to make demands upon me. I offered "Tactical Aero Squadron" up for FREE
testing with a FREE discussion board. I did not deserve the accusations
that you forced upon all of us, and I do not need your crap now, nor in the
  I know you have delighted in creating havoc and mayhem on the Internet.
You went so far as to warn Michael and Bill not to give me any money. You
probably don't know that I gave Michael 50% of Pro-Line just for discussing
ideas and helping to create a playable game. I never asked Bill for
anything. Nothing. (In all fairness Michael was nice enough to furnish a
development computer)
  So! Where's your scandal? In your head amazinhunk! Vent it for us!
  Don't bother sending me email in the future. It'll get sent to the
recycle bin before it ever gets here. I promise you.
  Now, I am off to recuperate my health. I don't expect there will be much
of a test group left when I get back (I hope in three weeks). I will inform
everyone via the web site when TAS is ready (we have a demo coming together
too). If Michael really does withdraw from our partnership it may take a
little longer, as that would require a visit to Austin to finalize
legalities. Maybe longer then anyone will care to wait.
  Does the sun rise and set around your ass? I think not!

Paul "Voss" Hinds

Offline =Jagr=

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« Reply #146 on: September 16, 2002, 06:54:39 PM »
Wow..  was I ever this reasonable? :)

This is posted after receiving a personal email frrom Voss claiming he's got a brain tumor and needs our compassion..  boy was I young then :)

John "OneMan" Birkes wrote:
> I spent the night drinking beers with the guys visiting with Paul's
> family.
> I took a lot of notes too. Paul is a legitimate hero whether you care
> to
> accept it or not. The big burly guy I spoke of, "IronMan," was his
> wingman
> in operations all over the world. From what everyone told me Paul was
> in
> violation of security when he spoke with his partner, or Robey, or
> whoever
> got the information first. I don't really know what he said or to who.
> It
> doesn't matter.
>   No one would tell me why Paul changed his name. Prior to 1992 there
> was
> no 'Paul Hinds' and why he took that name no one would say. I know
> what his
> family names are, now, and none one of them is 'Hinds' so maybe he had
> some
> other reason. We may never know. He is still 'Paul' to me so I'll keep
> refering to him by that name.
>   I spoke to a guy who asked that I pass along a few tidbits, just to
> put
> your minds to rest. This comes from the guy that created Medivac, and
> Cooperative Ventures training. He was Paul's fathers' roommate in
> college,
> was Paul's fathers' best man, and Paul's father was his best man. They
> both
> served in Korea and Vietnam as Army officers. He knew Paul as a
> teenager
> and then didn't see him again for years until he popped up in a
> cooperative
> venture session as an F-16 jockey. Happy to see an old friend they got
> together and talked shop. Finally, it was decided that Paul would
> leave his
> Air Force position and become part of the cooperative ventures team.
> He
> stayed in that position until the government called upon him for some
> other
> duty. It was this duty that saw him shot down, and hurt. Something
> happened
> there that no one wants to discuss.
>   It really made Ironman upset to hear it all relayed again, so I have
> to
> guess he was there or is sorry he wasn't.
>   So, you may never find actual proof that 'Paul Hinds' was ever in
> the Air
> Force. I submit however that it doesn't matter. Maybe he should have
> kept
> his mouth shut who knows. I have found all the proof I need.
>   You should all know as I didn't that this cannot be discussed
> further via
> any electronic means. After the big blowup of Robey's I can't see you
> getting the chance to talk with Paul but that's the only way we'll
> ever
> know more.
>   I think that's the end of this discussion for me.
>   I will add though that all of these guys, legitimate military,
> stated
> that any guy that claims he's speaking for the 'honor' of the military
> personnel of the world, is full of toejam. Most military amazinhunks are
> scum or
> bums. I don't believe the Paul I know fits either category.
> John "OneMan" Birkes
John/Robey/Et All....

   From an outsiders perspective, one with No flying experience, and No
Military Experience, I'd like to make an observation.

   From what I have seen and heard, Paul made statements he most likely
should not have made regardless of whose story you believe. People
called him on some of these statements for their own reasons and
apparently are NEVER going to get an answer from Paul.  People can judge
him based upon what he has said and what has been said about him.  Thats
everyones right.  

   The controversey has been brought to the surface, and everyone has
spoken on the subject other than Paul.  If he ever has the ability to do
so..then fine.  If not, then fine too.  Despite my personal feelings
about what someone might have said, Other than asking him to put up or
shut up, theres not a heck of a lot I can or would even bother doing.
What would be the goal?

   If Paul "Voss" Hinds  lied about this past Paul "Voss" Hinds will have
to live with it.  If people are that offended, then stop communicating
with him...don't play his game if and when it is finished and leave it
at that.  Everyone that knows anything about the issue has heard all the
details more than once and can make their own decisions.

   I personally will take every statement about Paul from all sources with
a grain of salt.  Regarding the most recent explanation of Pauls
actions, I can only say that I know someone very personally that while a
member of the US Armed services performed acts on behalf of our country
in far away places that never have or will make CNN.  So I will give
Paul the benefit of the doubt and drop the issue.  

   If Paul lied/misrepresented himself does that make him an evil person?
No...  Would I front him $20,000 for TAS without knowing him personally?
No..  But I certainly wouldn't wish him ill health either.  And if and
when TAS is completed, I hope to participate in it..  making a mistake
no matter how sensitive is not something for which I would condemn a

   I think its time to put this behind us all...there is really no sense
is carrying this on any further since it is really not taking us

   In closing, I sent Paul notes of encouragement before this fiasco, and
this issue being raised does not remove my human compassion. To Paul and
his family and friends, my sincere wishes that he recovers from his

   In the words of the famed Los Angeles Scholar Rodney King...

   "Can't we all just get along?"

Offline Ripsnort

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #147 on: September 16, 2002, 06:55:50 PM »
Hiya Jagr, (Rip1 here), what you doing slumming in this mud? Hope all is well, see ya soon someday I hope!

Offline =Jagr=

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #148 on: September 16, 2002, 06:59:04 PM »
Its a miracle!@

Well, I'm back. Yes, cancer was a bear, but I'm over it (I hope forever).
  Many of you lost faith in my goal (of putting out the sim - TAS) when my
reputation came under fire. Don't worry, I'm still the cold blooded,
heartless killer I always was. I'll be returning to every arena available
very soon. Yes, my wing is still with me and we'll be reassembling the
squadron as well. We fly Mustangs, and Mustangs only. If you care to vent
your hatred upon me, we all await the hoards (we'll rack up tons of kills).
  On the flight sim creation topic; yes, I'll be doing that again too. TAS
is gone forever though. A recent release has included nearly everything we
discussed on the TAS BBS, but no hard feelings. I'll make the final product
even better, and encompass even more of period life. You'll love it.
  But, we're still a LONG way off from seeing anything. I have a new
partner, and we're just now working out the business plan. Once we have the
funds, you will see many and varied flight sim products in release. Right
now I'm still assembling tools, but we have a plan, a goal, and an approach.
We WILL be successful.
  Come by and visit! You can see our progress at:

  The offerings thus far are few. That will change in time. Bookmark us,
return often, and enjoy!
  Squadrons! You may want to register with us. I know the web site is not
clear on this, but email us your choice of colors, logos, pilot faces, and
handles. We have a great product coming out very soon (3DFX only) and I know
you want to be represented. You DO NOT have to register to get your
squadrons in. You won't get custom work done, but you will get into the
  I hope to hear from all of you very soon.


Paul "Voss" Hinds

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #149 on: September 16, 2002, 07:01:12 PM »
Enough Said..

Paul "Voss" Hinds maybe "OneMan" wrote a whole bunch of stuff...
> If you are looking for confirmation, or denial, go to hell, stop reading
> now, and accept your current opinion as *truth*. I don't lie. won't be offended if I choose not to accept that last
statement will you?
>   To begin with, this all began after a review I did with Michael and *name
> withheld* for our "soon to be released" game. Michael slipped and said
> something "off the record" which I then corrected and asked *name withheld*
> to ignore. He agreed.  
> Three months passed before Robey Price began looking into things which are
> none of his business. Got that Robey? It's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

Ummm...actually I began questioning things (Back in Dec 1996) when you
told me that you ALSO flew F-16s. I was psyched that a another Viper guy
was making a cool air combat sim. When I told some Viper Buds about a
"brother" with THREE PhDs, they thought you had to go to the Zoo (USAFA)
for your Astro background. But no current/former F-16 guy I checked with
ever heard of you and the Academy Grads could find NO RECORD of Paul D.
Hinds at the Academy.....EVER...But with all the email you were getting
I believed that you were too busy to enlighten me.

I thought you were the real-deal...I don't anymore...plain and simple.
Here is the email from Scott Butcher USAFA Class of 1981 (this was just
last month after you said you attended from '77-79):

] Robey,

] Alright, I dragged the yearbooks down from the attic (their normal
place of
] honor) and dusted them off.  There was no Paul Hinds at the academy in
] 77-78 yearbook or the 78-79 yearbook.  I sure don't remember running
] him.

] Please tell me that this guy doesn't fly for Northwest.  It sounds
like the
] biggest crock of toejam I've ever heard, flying '16s and getting 3 PhDs,
] right.  Every '16 driver I've ever run into compares notes on dates
] squadrons to find common friends.  Let me know 'the rest of the

So that was from a fellow F-16 pilot that was your classmate at the

> You, and you alone, are responsible for the escalation of this crap.

[blushing] Ummm thanks, (looking over at Pips, SAM Magnet, Schlong AKA
Eagl) but it was pretty easy when one considers the magnitude (my PhD
word for the day) of your credentials or "bona fides" as it were.  

> It must be pretty boring hauling cattle for a living.

(ouch...that rapier wit) Yep...and I LOVE IT...that's about all this 40
year old body and balding pate can handle, and boy and some of those
cattle are built like "brick outhouses."  It was a brutally boring 4 day
trip that turned into a 3 day trip. Sacramento was ONLY 82 degrees when
we got there, and I was so bored in Orlando today sitting out by the
pool. Oh my, all that cattle out there...yep pretty boring...throw me in
that briar patch B'rer Fox.

Everybody welcome "Schlong" (WB eagl) back to the world. So Schlong how
was that "first class meal" during your ride back from the sand box?
Don't you think AAR procedures really belong in section three (EPs) of
the Dash One? (Old Phantom joke)... I always let the Captain pick which
entree he wants first.

> BTW, your note was dated May 10, 1997. Not March 10, which some idiots are
> trying to convince us all of.

Okay, that indeed is the date of my BIG question to you about the USAFA
story. But timeline is not really the point...

> I am not so easily fooled, so get used to it.

Perhaps you think potential customers and investors are....

> Then I get all these psychopathic ravings in my email. "Oneman
> and Voss are the same guy", and "I called the University." You're a real
> loser Robey! I mean that!

Ummm, Oops NEVER said I called...said I checked with the University.
Voss when you say, "I mean that!" Should we interpret that the same way
that you shot down two Iraqis and now fear for your life due to Iraqi
retaliation? Geez didn't they release ALL the POWs unharmed? But this is
the email I got from Marcia Overby at the University of Arkansas
(Chancellor's Office)

Dear Robey,  I am sorry that I didn't reply sooner, but I was out of
on Friday.  It appears that Dr. Hinds is no longer employed by the
University of Arkansas, and I was not able to find a forwarding address.
Sorry that I wasn't more help to you.  --Marcia

> Even the liberal press of today has more couth then to print such rubbish before
> they CAREFULLY review the facts.

I'm lost here I'm forced to reveal that my degree is merely
political science and that I am a liberal (Pips, SAM Magnet, Schlong,
Toad don't hate me.), I've NEVER flown in combat, I hated working with
nukes, and Hornet drivers kicked my bellybutton in every 1-v-1 encounter I ever
had with them (MCAS Beaufort and NAS Cecil Field). I had "pipper burns"
from those guys. (Stop gloating Pips!)

>   Now, if you don't mind, I am going to have to work VERY hard to come up
> with the cash to finance the completion of this game.

Simple solution...sell your Mustang, which has N number...(fill in the
LARGE BLANK). Or sell that last remaining AUTHENTIC Fokker Dr-1 you have
in your barn/hanger (you said you had it back in Feb on the TAS BBS). I
would imagine that Dr-1 would fetch a tidy sum of coin of the realm.
Especially when aviation historians think the last authentic Fokker Dr-1
was destroyed in Berlin back in 1945. Those dummies.

> I know you have delighted in creating havoc and mayhem on the Internet.

"Mass hysteria...Dogs and Cats living together..."

> You went so far as to warn Michael and Bill not to give me any money.

Absolutely correct. I suggest that everyone research any potential
investment. Only invest in things you understand and avoid giving money
to folks when their story doesn't check out. Don't take candy from

Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice shame on ME.

> You probably don't know that I gave Michael 50% of Pro-Line just for discussing
> ideas and helping to create a playable game.

And exactly what is the ROI (return on investment) for 50% of zero?
Perhaps it's the same as the "derivative of a constant" (christ this IS
THE ONLY thing I learned in calculus in 1974). The derivative of a
constant is zero...right Voss?

NOTE TO: Nosferatu, Hawkeye, Brad Hitz et al...I realize you folks could
give a rat's rear about anybody claiming to be something they're not.
While I don't share that view, I respect that opinion. It is not my
intention that the "Saga of Paul Hinds" become the longest running soap
opera on this NG.

Hawkeye, you are correct that this is POORLY timed considering Paul's
health, so your suggestion to let it go for now...that's fair. I did
post my claims BEFORE the reports of Paul on his deathbed.

I brought this to the NG because some folks (us military amazinhunks) do
care about it, and I wanted to force Paul to address the specific
claims. Apparently Mike Hobuss (Paul's business partner) found my
information MORE CREDIBLE than anything Paul had to offer.

The members of the River Rats,
consider Paul Hinds a "wannabe." Just check with Al Bache, current
Executive Director (he can verify my credentials).


Robey "Cattle Drover" Price