Author Topic: WW2OL Revisited  (Read 6077 times)

Offline hardcase

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WW2OL Revisited
« Reply #150 on: September 25, 2002, 12:31:10 PM »
lets see, wonder how many time the thin trees stopped the gameplay. When everyone has 2 gig as standard the trees wil flush out. I just dont see how you can fault  the infantry game for just having trees that are not always fully flushed. The sniper trees have 4 sided trucks and multipul leaf layers for sniping . The thinner ones we use as cover. You want to snipe out of every tree? There are numerous "holes" in ground cover to fire thru. The fact that there is an online sim that lets you play infantry isnt enought to take your fixation with flaws away. Too bad. You are missing some interesting fights.

Frying Tiger and crew will improve the graphics as a couple of gigs are standard for a cpu.

I think this really boils down to play what you do best....I suspect AH flight simmers dont do well for a couple of weeks and lose interest. They dont spend much time in the ground game or play with others. Flight simmers are notoriously lone wolves. Loneing doesn't do well in ww2ol in the ground game and a new flight sim always has a learning curve. Bing HS in AH might like being NOT HS in ww2ol :D

You want good stuff with low rank. Take a mission. There is nothing you cant have in a mission than you can have in rank. Posting missions does not help your rank as of yet.

It just rings false that the handgun prob, thin trees, or any of the other faults you find would render this sim worthless. You fly AH and I suspect it has numerous faults that ppl overlook because they enjoy the sim. Flight in ww2ol is only a part of the whole. Flight in AH is all there is.

squeakin about climbing a sniper tree and not have every leaf coded. Asking more of WW2 than another sim? :)


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #151 on: September 25, 2002, 12:34:45 PM »
I disagree with lame soldiering. Might be more like lame playing. Does that ever come into discussion? I guess it should be like some standalones with 32 player capacity to play the moment it comes out of the box with no learning curve. NO curve,  no gain.
I am beginning to hear that the real problem is that it is not easy to play from the beginning as some other  Combined Arms Massive Mulitplayer Online RPG wait..there isnt one! :D


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #152 on: September 25, 2002, 12:42:09 PM »
Here is the bottom line. You cannot have a free squeak about ww2ol in an OT forum so that you can try to influence others from trying it. Want to post 'reviews' perhaps you should do it in a closed forum where rebuttal isnt allowed. ..Before you crank up on our OT being locked, I totally disagree with that. Lots of ppl have played AH in ww2ol and not renewed for pay for play. Same on this sim. That doesnt make either of them..shit, turd,worthless,built by traitors and theives and greedy SOBs. Say what you like, just dont expect to say it for free.


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #153 on: September 25, 2002, 01:04:59 PM »
Sorry, It is not a POS. I have dealth with Hatch and rats long before WW2OL.  A lot of ppl have tried and stayed. So your argument only means YOU had a problem with it. Not that it is a POS.

Why I even flew warbirds when HT and Pyro ran it,as a trainer.

TURF?..roadkill...Perhaps this is what it is about.

As long as this forum is open and someone wants to take cheap shots at ww2ol I'll be around.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2002, 01:07:46 PM by hardcase »

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #154 on: September 25, 2002, 01:06:40 PM »

Whatever I can provide you are blowing out of context. One of you says "trees and bushes don't block shots", one of us says, "yes it does, and here's proof", the other of you says "big deal". Then once we pin that down, we get the "AH has problems too" routine for a while. We're just doing circles here.

Whatever list I could provide for you, all of which would be true, you will continue to deny, minimalize, or deflect. You aren't discussing the issues, you are telling us we are wrong. That is annoying to say the least. Whether or not the problems we see there exist here is moot; if it bothers us there, it bothers us there, and there doesn't have to be a concrete reason why. See, it's the whole personal opinion thing. The way you are coming off, we are allowed to have a personal opinion if it happens to agree with yours.

I don't want to make you stop liking WWIIOL, like away. It is insulting to have you continuously suggest that players don't know what they are seeing or that they are just wrong. Yes, some people are mistaken in the things they think they are seeing, but there have been far too numerous examples of people conducting controlled tests that confirmed exactly what others had claimed. So the pattern is deny, deny, deny, minimalize, deflect.

Maybe you are right to some extent about the type of player that exists in AH, maybe not. I played for over seven months total, most recently for about six weeks this summer. I was never outflown in that time- in fact, aerial combat in WWIIOL is ridiculously easy. Killing is another matter, if you are Allied going after LW. Still, I can LW and rack up 6-10 kill sorties routinely, and saddle any enemy in the LW ranks until they run or die when I am Allied. Does that mean I gave the air war sufficient time to sort out what is fun and isn't, what is good and what isn't? I think it does. Frankly, your assessment of AH players that dislike your game sounds like elitist BS from my perspective.

You say you are not evaluating AH, but you are, because you are trying to convince us how much better WWIIOL is in comparison, even after you admit spending no more than a week in AH. Notice the absence of posters trying to convince you you are wrong about AH?

Finally, you act as though the three issues you just mentioned were the only negative things you ever heard about the game. Holy Cow! No, my friend, they are but part of a long litany of items, and it grows more tiresome to rationally explain them and their import to a person who is merely going to say, "Nope, not true", or
Big deal", or "AH has problems too".

"My" opinion is that WWIIOL is crap in its current condition, for reasons too numerous and pervasive to enumerate to a person who really doesn't care to discuss or consider the points. It is an opinion that is shared by several people, including most members of this board apparently, and it is a view I am entitled to hold as 100% accurate for me. It is an opinion that is shared by more and more members of your service, too, judging by the posts on your BBS.

We don't get a free ride for posting stuff that might keep people from trying? Fine. You don't get a free ride for posting blatant and false propaganda on a competitior's BBS. I will continue to post the truth, truth that by the way is easily verifiable by controlled tests by community members. You can continue to pretend you don't know about these tests or the results. Shall I post links to such tests when the question arises? Will the people here be able to discern who is telling the absolute truth and who is stepping over the turds in the path?

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #155 on: September 25, 2002, 01:14:03 PM »
I'm just disagreeing with blantant POS. As for the problems, do you think I am going to stop playing it? You dont stop playing AH, do you? The bugs have not stopped the game no matter how much wishfull thinking is going on in here. You point out bugs I'm impressed.  Point em out, but your "review' seemed more like a bug hunt than an attempt to play. If you didnt enjoy it.. say so and I will try some counterpoint. Bugs, I have played games with bugs for years, arent you doing so now. Many of us think AH might be a tad arcadeish, but that doesnt make it a POS.

Anyway, you can post all those bugs and I will continue to minimize em, cause I continue to play. So, to me, they are ignorable. You must be one sensitive guy. :D

« Last Edit: September 25, 2002, 01:16:22 PM by hardcase »

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #156 on: September 25, 2002, 01:21:36 PM »
Maybe I don't enjoy playing because the bugs keep cropping up?

If games are houses, WWIIOL is a rotting, condemned, cockroach-infested tenement.

And maybe you can't accept that because you are turning a totally blind eye to all in a single-minded pursuit of a comped account? You must be one avaricious guy. ;)

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #157 on: September 25, 2002, 01:28:20 PM »
If games are houses, WWIIOL is a rotting, condemned, cockroach-infested tenement

Totally disagree. I find it quite interesting and varied. It has bugs,  but I find the game has more to offer and that the bugs dont make it a non starter. Then again, I am actually good in it.


Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #158 on: September 25, 2002, 01:33:39 PM »
The vast majority of people that bought WW2OL think it's a POS.  How many bought the POS, how many are left?

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #159 on: September 25, 2002, 01:33:39 PM »
Sorry, nice try, I pay for my account.


Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #160 on: September 25, 2002, 01:35:05 PM »
Originally posted by Gh0stFT
But there is no other
24/7 world war two online simulation out there, so
right now its īlike it or notī ;)

Yes, there is.  The CT.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #161 on: September 25, 2002, 01:37:34 PM »
Well maybe it will survive on us "minorities" Majority of gamers are casual, dont have a clue about their computers, have short attention spans, must have something new every week and think any 32 multiplayer game is the coolest thing in the world.

Killer never expected it to be more than a niche sim.  It was always considered too involved for most casual gamers.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2002, 01:45:00 PM by hardcase »

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #162 on: September 25, 2002, 01:41:30 PM »
BTW, the Mac guys are coming in November...then they can choose between AH and wait....


Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #163 on: September 25, 2002, 01:43:55 PM »
Kieren give it up!
It does no good to argue with a Fanboy and you know it.

Facts mean nothing to them cause they can alter them or ignore them to their benifit.  All he's trying to do is to sucker some other newbies into that POS so they can keep it going another month.

Colonel Tardcase Fanboy no matter what you say in my opinion WWIIO is the biggest piece of toejam I've ever seen.

So do us all a favor and take your BS posts back to the kiddy UBB you came from.

Oh Yeah! Here is my response to your next 10 BS post I know are coming:

STFU! You lying piece of Fanboy Scum!!
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #164 on: September 25, 2002, 01:49:59 PM »
Kiddie UUB? would seem to fit in there if that is the case.

STFU! You lying piece of Fanboy Scum.

Impressive, for a child. That the best you have?

flicks the fly away.
