Author Topic: SERIOUS!! please read/respond  (Read 616 times)

Offline Defcon4

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SERIOUS!! please read/respond
« on: December 23, 2001, 05:05:00 PM »
I have been watching the main arena slowly and irreversibly change thes past few months,  maybe since due to work i dont get much play time, so when i do log on the changes are more evident than the everyday all day player.
   I know many have noticed, commented and some have left due to the overwhelming influx of newbies and etc namely the number being to great for the size of maps.
   I for one would like to see an arena set up for those of us who are more serious about missions and etc instead of just flying for kills and furballing or vulch madness.
   Understand, I am not complaining or whining or whatever i just, like many other i am sure,  like to play the game on a mor serious sim based aspect,  the kills are fun yes and the score for some yeah! but i am not play for score i am playing for fun but also for the only re-enactment aspect of 112 i can get.
    CT arena is great but plane set and etc isn't much.
    what i would like to see is another main ct combo arena set up, not for furballer and etc but one where radar is greatly reduce, resupply more difficult,  captures more tough, and bombing mission needing more than 1 or even 3 or 4 drops, i would like to see it more realistic in a sense and not furball hell as is in main now.
    I didnt join AH for furballing or gang bangs or etc i join it based on my idiotic notion of a more accurate sim based game.
   Let's face it the only re-enactments or sim from ww2 is what we get on the pc and i would hope htc can see this...  at some point ah will become a has been, same as any other extinc game if, in my mind, it doesn't begin to look at those of us more serious minded.  :)

   Hope i didn't offend anyone, i enjoy flying with and against all of you :)


Offline Defcon4

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« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2001, 05:18:00 PM »
yes yes my brain was thinking faster than i can type excuse the typos  :rolleyes:

however i hope i expressed myself clearly if not well blame it on uhmmmm     hitech yes thats it it's his faul  :eek:

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2001, 05:52:00 PM »
I for one am always for more play options. I play the MA, the CT, and would do more scenarios if my schedule allowed. More is better.

I don't know what to tell you about the current state of affairs. I like what I see, as I see more play possibilities here than ever before. The power to have what you want is available to you know- it is up to the player base as a whole to see it happen. So far it seems this is not something the bulk of the players want. The customer is fickle, however, and who knows?

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2001, 05:57:00 PM »
Defcon4,  sign up for TOD:


Offline 2Late4U

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« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2001, 06:00:00 PM »
One thing that may bring the arena back into line is getting a few missions up and setting the tone.  It is true there has been a shift in the MA, and most of it has not been for the better.  There is less organization, and a huge increase in negative actions like kill stealing and such.

I believe that a few well put together big missions to cripple the enemy will put the MA back on the right footing.  Knock out the DAR/CITY etc for 2 hours or so and do it more than once, and I think the air quake crowd may get the hint.  Sure there will be the typical whinefest, but in the end the strategic elements will shine through as they want to do the same to the enemy!

Ive seen a few posts and text messages with people complaining about being "ganged up on".  This makes it very clear they do not understand the idea of team play.  AH is not a game most people can be successful in alone.  2 marginal pilots can often take out one ace, and 3 or more almost always can.  

Aces High is a TEAM GAME....with the team aspect, it gets old rather quickly

Offline Wegaman

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« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2001, 06:16:00 PM »
I would really like to see more organization.

  For Example today in the MA, we were taking some bases.

   It would go something like this:  Fghters would trickle in,  bombers trickle in, and by the time a goon came it was back up again...

   Now if we would just send in a few bobmers and a few fighters, the field could be demolished quickly and a goon could come in easily to take the field....

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2001, 06:20:00 PM »
Click your heels together three times, Dorothy. Get a squad together, this stuff can happen now. You guys make it sound as if it isn't possible.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2001, 07:10:00 PM »
Originally posted by Kieran:
You guys make it sound as if it isn't possible.

Oh, but Kieran... it is impossible!

It's impossible because these guys expect HTC to create this stuff for them, it's all there, but YOU have to make the stuff happen.

This isn't something HTC makes happen, they provide us with the environment and the tools, but it's up to us to run with the ball.

This can only be as good as you want to make it be.

Offline Defcon4

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« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2001, 11:43:00 AM »
I agree with you but you miss my point,  I play ah not for the shootem up but more for the team play and somewhat strategic play.
like chess for example.... i'd just like to see it play with more of a realistic sense rather than the shoot em up,  arcade as you called it...

Offline lazs1

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« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2001, 12:05:00 PM »
I seem to have missunderstood... It apears that you want historical reenactment but you do not like historical planesets because they are too limited.  

You appear to believe that the MA gives people too much choice and that because of that people are allowed to have fun... It would appear that you would like for the MA to have choice removed so that people were forced to fly in a manner that you find enjoyable but..... Since they have that option to fly that way right now and aren't.... you want them to be forced to.

I believe that closer together fields would help both styles of play.   Right now, you see everyone fighting at only a few locations... Why?   It takes to long to get somewhere so you go where the crowds are..  You also go where the crowds are because if you dn't you will get gangbanged out there too far from home to save you.   Closer fields would spread the fights all over the map and... make for quicker field capture and a moving front.

win win

Offline mrsid2

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« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2001, 12:37:00 PM »
By gangbang people (at least me) usually mean a situation where a country has grossly higher number than the others - or even worse - two biggest countries stop fighting eachothers and concentrate on the smaller one. This makes the life of the country with smallest numbers really unbearable. This is what happens in the main all the time though.

In my timezone its always bish 2/3 of players, knits and rook the rest.. Sooner or later it happens that knits or rook decide to stop fighting bish and attack the other weak country - this is gangbang. What the two smaller countries SHOULD do is team together to conquer the bigger.. For some reason this almost never happens though. I don't understand why.

I originally started playing rook because they're always with the lowest numbers at my timezone and I wanted to balance the game.. If more people would think this way, we'd get much more fun out there for sure.

Gangbang cries are NOT because of some squaddies flying together.. It's because whole countries choose to attack the weakest in order to get a fast reset and perkies. I've played Aces High main arena for almost 6 months now and I've never seen rook win reset. Knits maybe once. This is not balance.

Offline funkedup

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« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2001, 04:59:00 PM »
Defcon what you are asking for sounds pretty much like what we are trying to do in the CT.

Offline akak

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« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2001, 12:46:00 AM »
Is there someone in your house with a gun to your head that says you can't fly any strat missions in the MA or get together with your squad and fly some missions together?

Originally posted by Defcon4:
I agree with you but you miss my point,  I play ah not for the shootem up but more for the team play and somewhat strategic play.
like chess for example.... i'd just like to see it play with more of a realistic sense rather than the shoot em up,  arcade as you called it...

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2001, 01:15:00 AM »
Yeah.  Ever since AH turned into AW its been difficult to adjust.  I remember when 70 people online was considered a great turnout.

Back then I was always pissed about something but in retrospect it was the finest online community I have ever been involved with.  Look into the future and understand it cannot be accurately predicted and realize that today will be nostalgic then.

That being said:  TOD, CT and special events are where the sim IS and SHOULD BE.  The main arena is for jerking errr... goofing off and should not be expected to be anything more.  But realistically, if your a sim fan and not a game fan you can always go to the MA, stay on top, fly smart and hopefully kill lazs from time to time.

A game maketh a sim not but a man maketh a sim can    or something.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Hortlund

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« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2001, 01:19:00 AM »
Originally posted by lazs1:
I believe that closer together fields would help both styles of play.   Right now, you see everyone fighting at only a few locations... Why?   It takes to long to get somewhere so you go where the crowds are..  You also go where the crowds are because if you dn't you will get gangbanged out there too far from home to save you.   Closer fields would spread the fights all over the map and... make for quicker field capture and a moving front.

I think closer fields would only increase the overall frustration in the MA. If it takes 5 mins to reach an enemy field, how many "take off-head for closest enemy field on wep- make one pointless strafe attack against aircraft on the ground-get shot down by flak-reup from field-head for closest enemy field on wep etc"-wonders do you think we would see?

No the fields needs to be spread out  further apart to make every mission more important. If you have a 20 min ride to the target, you dont blow it all in one glorious suicide run just to strafe one pony on the ground.

Why was Bigweek so much fun? Because you only had one life, and you knew that if you had to ditch or bail or whatever, you would spend the next hour watching the radio, waiting for the next frame. How many pointless suicide charges did you see?

Spread the fields further apart, or better yet, enforce a 5 minutes waiting period before a killed or captured pilot is allowed to reup.