this is the text of what i sent to HTC. We are new to the map making business and are unsure of what's out there being developed (if something similar is in the works let me know). we'd love to hear what all of you think about our idea also.
email to HTC:
I have attached a bmp of the basic plans for a map we the III/Jabostaffel would like to try and make for the MA (possibly).
I was hoping to get some feedback from you regarding the layout and anything else you think is relevant.
I have quite a bit of thoughts about this idea so pleeease bear with me.
The layout is designed for optimal equality in countries and gameplay (we hope).. and to be a bit organic in shape.
The legend on the side can help with explaining a lot of what is going on. The base idea was concentric circles, a sea level ocean-type area, a mid-alt desert and farmland, and a high-alt outer rim. Each country will have an equal # of high-alt bases and low-alt bases.
The center was aimed to be something like NDISLES. all islands with medium and small bases scattered throughout. there would be a large field (zone base) on the peninsula by the entrance of the main rivers controlling the strat for each countries islands. There are 2 ports per country in this area, so the TG element should factor in heavily.
The next ring is about 3-6 sectors wide and has 3 rivers about a sector wide running through it. these rivers split each country's homeland about in half. These rivers also travel rather close to HQ. This is so that if 1 country gets down low in bases they have a mobile base to protect HQ... conversely if a country captures the port and corresponding TG near HQ they have the ability to shell HQ. The smaller rivers with the lakes on the end are intended to be too small to get a TG up and down successfully. They are intended to be like fiords with steep (1k possibly) walls. This ring will have varying altitudes (1-4k average) with the intention of mimicking the hills on the MINDANAO map. Zone bases will be spread throughout and there will be vehicle bases similar to the AKDESERT map. there will be a desert type area at the edge of each countrys boundary. The rest of the area will probably be farmland.
The final ring is going to be a high-alt area. All bases will be above 7.5k, and some will be up to 12-15k. the Zone bases in this area will be set back into each countries homeland at least 5 sectors or more. there will hopefully be deep canyons in this area to allow extreme altitude changing fights. part of the reason for this ring is to accommodate the players that like the high altitude fights. Also it is to help protect the mainlands. it will be extremely difficult to keep any of the bases in the lower rings without the corresponding higher elevation bases. Buff (bomber) pilots will also be able to use these bases as a starting point for longer range attacks. Conversely, bomber hunters will get the same high bases to take off from to intercept. Hopefully this will lead to fighter sweeps and an ongoing bomber patrol.
Well that's about it (whew
Remember I'm totally new to this, and this is only a conception of a map. There is a lot to work out yet, but I'd like to get feedback before undertaking a task like this. If there is a map under development that we MA players are not aware of please let me know (I haven't been keeping up on the terrain BBS). Also if this is not the direction you'd like the MA to follow please let me know.
Thank you for your time. I hope this can work out!