Author Topic: #@$#@%#@ paper bombers  (Read 478 times)

Offline bj229r

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#@$#@%#@ paper bombers
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2002, 06:48:27 PM »
tell ye what....ill do a few runs in 17's tonite withOUT the drones...i used to typically get 2-4 kills before the big patch...was rare i couldnt at LEAST take out the first guy (unless its Voss..mutter mutter)...but noone can tell me lethality from buff guns hasnt been dropped..i SEE the flashes that used to disable a fighter..that now seems to have little or no effect
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Offline Kweassa

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#@$#@%#@ paper bombers
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2002, 07:30:51 PM »
IMO the biggest problem is the freaky damage modelling.
 Somehow, the "bias" in updates gives out very strange results. For instance, when the AI driven drones are lagging behind, somtimes these drones show amazing capability to withstand concentrated fire. It feels almost as if the hits on the drones aren't registered at all.

 Other times, hits on the lead bomber which the player is controlling result in consecutive damages to the drones when it is shot down. I've tested this on the B-26 and found out it was true. I aimed only at the lead bomber, dumped about 50% of all ammunition on that single plane, and after it blew up, the second and third plane blew up consecutively as the pilot of the bomber was relocated.


 Coupled with the lacking DM, this probably adds the most decisive problems on the high bomber fatality rate.

ps) However, the individual bombers are tougher than any of the fighters. Bombers are only planes that withstands more than a single round of 30mms, other than the rare case of P-38s. And hitting the intended target with the bombers is not hard. It requires a long, steady bomb run, and that is all.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2002, 07:33:05 PM by Kweassa »

Offline Urchin

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#@$#@%#@ paper bombers
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2002, 09:51:53 PM »
Quite a few planes I've hit once with 30mm and had em live.  P47s, F6Fs, F4Fs, La7s, A6M5 (it caught on fire though).  Probably more but those are all I can think of off the top of my head.  The P38 is the only fighter than can take more than 1 30mm with any amount of regularity though, I'd say the La-7 is second in that regard.   I've hit more than a few of em 1 or 2 times and they haven't gone down.  Never seen any fighter take more than 3 rounds of 30mm though, seen bombers take 5-6 in one area and not die.

Offline cajun

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#@$#@%#@ paper bombers
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2002, 09:16:26 AM »
:rolleyes: this must be the 50billionth post about "he killed me in a few pings" :D

1st you have to remember, in the MA everyones flying Late late late war planes with 2-6 cannons and 50 cals.
 AH damadge model is old and needs work, but still if in RL the germans allways flew such heavily armed planes, ammo & guns maxed out I'm sure we'd have allot more bomber lost.

2nd, I find you do not nessicarily hear 1 ping for every round that hits you, you could have 3 or so MG rounds hit and only hear 1-2 pings, at least thats what i find.

2 nights ago in the CT (Korean war setup) I flew a formation of b26's with keyapaha gunning (and me as well since we were flyin 3 bomber formation) we shot down 1-2 LA7's damadged a 262 badly, another 262 made a few 6 passes and then a HO pass on us and we managed to land with what prolly would have been 3 bombers if I hadnt run into 2 hills b4 landing :D )
« Last Edit: October 29, 2002, 09:19:19 AM by cajun »

Offline bj229r

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#@$#@%#@ paper bombers
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2002, 08:45:38 PM »
Cajun..this isnt about the ol' "he kilt me ina few pings dogfight" thing--its nice that ya had a nice run in CT against whomever...but are ya extrapolating from that experience that all is same....or that is ISNT same..but it IS more realistic? Ive been flyin B17's as a majority of my runs for the nearly 2 years ive been flyin AH...and id like to hear some factual info about whatever computations go on in the server to determine that my 17 is gonna blow up into little pieces, or that the 5th  time i pinged the wooden La7, is it gonna blow up? And ARE those computations the same as they were b4 the new buff/norden model?
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