Author Topic: Can we have a new arena?  (Read 2452 times)

Offline Corwin

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Can we have a new arena?
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2002, 09:53:23 AM »
I don't like profanity and I don't play games to be berated by folks who think their perhaps superior ability IN THIS GAME gives them the right to be anything but civil.  Recognizedly there are times when I lose my perspective and get chuffed but I try to take a deep breath and give a and shrug it off.  It's frankly not worth getting twisted up as this is something I do for fun, right?

I have found a marked lack of what I would call abusive behavior  in the CT and really enjoy it for that very reason.  Of late, there have been some times when I have logged on to find folks being less than civil.  That's a shame.  There's enough crap going on in this world already.  If we are logging on to have a good time let's treat folks like we would treat a friend.  I think that makes a whole lot of sense don't you?

Offline Shane

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« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2002, 10:26:10 AM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
You admitedly misread a situation yourself (not knowing that I was a 262).
I turnfight in turnfighters, I B+Z in E-fighters.  So what?
Shane, the only thing that sucks in the CT is you.  You have the personality of a turd.

lol, pray tell how i could know you're in a 262? i use normal icons.  you're reaching here.  you are a milking dweeb - don't deny it.  and no, you don't fly any other way than in the safest way possible - not that there's anything wrong with that, but don't tryand claim to more than you are.

i love it when simps like you get all hoity-toity.  methinks you doth protest too much. hmmmm?

as for the rest of you sheep whinging about "respect"... you reap what you sow. i don't see you decrying the lame gameplay. you go to CT to "avoid" the MA stuff, yet you persist in furthering MA style of play.  bunch of over-sensitive milquetoasts, living proof of the peter principle.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2002, 10:29:53 AM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2002, 11:04:11 AM »
Originally posted by Shane

lol, pray tell how i could know you're in a 262? i use normal icons.  you're reaching here.  you are a milking dweeb - don't deny it.  and no, you don't fly any other way than in the safest way possible - not that there's anything wrong with that, but don't tryand claim to more than you are.

i love it when simps like you get all hoity-toity.  methinks you doth protest too much. hmmmm?

as for the rest of you sheep whinging about "respect"... you reap what you sow. i don't see you decrying the lame gameplay. you go to CT to "avoid" the MA stuff, yet you persist in furthering MA style of play.  bunch of over-sensitive milquetoasts, living proof of the peter principle.

Duh, the fact that I was going about 450 and he wasn't gaining.  And the fact that I had been flying the 262 all day.  
I was making a large left hand turn, letting the stang cut inside my turn, but keeping him at 1.4.  I was burning off his E and changing my extention direction  from North to West.  It was obvious that I was not in trouble.

I am a dweeb yes, but I wasn't milk running cause I didn't know 18 was neutral, why else would I bring a 262 to a neutral base and not fire a round?
You do recall that when 18 was captured and you started whining about it, that I had just flown past you?

Why you even care so much about milkrunning is beyond me.  I could care less if someone wants a neutral base, it just wasn't action packed enough for me.

As far a safe flying goes, whatever dude.
Just last week I engaged you a few times.  I was in a 202, you were flying  a P-40.  Every time I was on the attack and was outnumbered.  I recall fighting 1 v 3 against you and others, by my choice.  

To say I always fly safe is absurd.
Folks who fly the CT regularly know I do a bit of everything.  When it comes to de-acking, I am usually the first in.  I regularly engage multiple cons.  
Yesterday about 1/3 of my 262 kills were HO's.  I had 3 ground vulches on fully ack-up bases.  I made at least 10 kills/or/attempts at air to air bounces after take off diveing through the ack at A-3.  I've taken several hits from CV ack and have lost 1 or 2 262s to CV ack.  Far from safe.

What in the world are you refering to by my "claiming to be more than I am?"  I don't claim much.  Perhaps you get confused because you claim so much about yourself that you forget who's talking... LOL.


Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2002, 11:13:32 AM »
Shane, it is so obvious to everyone how desperate you are for respect.  The sad thing about you is that you are too socially retarded to realize how little respct folks have for you.  Players have more respect for newbies than you, and your too stupid to realize why.  You are obviously a very frustrated person, and all that you know to do about your lack of respect is to continue being a trash-talking turd.  Like maybe if you keep making the same social mistakes even louder and more often, things will get better.

Sad, sad, sad.

Man, it must really suck to be you.  Sad, lonely, angry, and socially too stupid to know what to do about it.

Your really a sad excuse for a person, but like I said, your very amusing.


Offline Corwin

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« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2002, 12:36:40 PM »
Hehehe Shane.  You are a hoot.  If pissing people off makes you happy well, I'm glad it's an isolated issue.  As to this:

"... bunch of over-sensitive milquetoasts, living proof of the peter principle..."

Frankly, there mere fact that you somehow see this pursuit as a proxy for the actual worth of an individual speaks volumes.  Competence in a GAME bodes little.  Pity those that think otherwise.

Please lighten up or at the very least lose the profanity.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2002, 12:42:05 PM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
I am a dweeb yes, but I wasn't milk running cause I didn't know 18 was neutral, why else would I bring a 262 to a neutral base and not fire a round?
You do recall that when 18 was captured and you started whining about it, that I had just flown past you?

To say I always fly safe is absurd.


i dunno, maybe because tack annouced that both radar and acks were down at 18,  you ran over hoping to get in some vulches in that 262, lol.

maybe you got embarrassed by my frequent commentary on ch2 about "milking" going on up that way.

i like how you position the task groups right samck in the middle bewteen 2 bases, especially after i was trying to get them out of the way off to the side. guess you really need them acks close by, ironic the very ship *you* put in those spots as allied, whacked you as axis.  delicious irony.

yeah, you're a pretty timid flyer . and a milker... even worse... a rank weenie... in CT... lol. but shrug, you fly your way and don't be surprised if i remark on lameness when i see it.

you wanna try and use "personal"  lame insults instead of just insulting playing styles... how's this?  you're a pathetic wimp who's so far down the food chain you try and use your weak gaming abilities in the CT to compensate for what *you* lack when you step outside your door.    i love it when lamers like you try and take the insults beyond one's ability to play the game.  shows that you have nothing to go by so you have to resort to some perceived real-life diagnosis and puffery.

lol... you're a fun squeaktoy.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2002, 12:50:38 PM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Shane

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« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2002, 12:48:36 PM »
Originally posted by Corwin

"... bunch of over-sensitive milquetoasts, living proof of the peter principle..."
Frankly, there mere fact that you somehow see this pursuit as a proxy for the actual worth of an individual speaks volumes.  Competence in a GAME bodes little.  Pity those that think otherwise.
Please lighten up or at the very least lose the profanity.

uhhh, doctor, if you're trying to apply that comment to anything other than the *game* i suggest you ask for a refund of the postage stamp it took to get that degree. i don't judge people by what i cannot see, i.e. real life, i only judge them and their game play by what they show in the *game.*  so far i'm being mostly shown, by the same old tired seals, not much.... except lame dweebry. seeing the same old tired retreads posting here about it too, funny how they're often the same lamers *in* the arena.

as for profanity... very rarely do i even used masked profanity, stop trying to make it seem more than it really is.

now in a prior post i did exactly that, played the "real-life" card on eskimo... if you have any intelligence i think you can see the context it was used in.  here's a quarter... diagnose eskimo for me, will ya, being the impartial person that you are.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2002, 01:06:00 PM »
"You show no respect for anyone. "

I've never seen Shane badmouth ME  :)

Then again, I don't fly the same way in the CT as I do in the MA.  


Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2002, 01:18:15 PM »
What do you guys think?  Hits the nail on the head?

Offline Shane

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« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2002, 02:32:54 PM »
my perspective of the average CT lamer.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2002, 02:39:56 PM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline -Concho-

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« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2002, 02:50:22 PM »
Shane ain't getting enough at home.  That's why he comes here for attention.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2002, 03:01:00 PM »
Originally posted by -Concho-
Shane ain't getting enough at home.  That's why he comes here for attention.

that's been used... pay attention.

sigh can't you guys at least be creative? or is that beyond the reach of your meager abilities? man, you guys play on the bbs like you do in the CT.... in gangs.... and weakly...

i suppose to be able to think outside of the box, one must first be capable of thought.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2002, 03:20:55 PM »
Shane, you do understand what this is about right?  We dont really care if you are a good pilot, a bad pilot, fly alone, or fly in a large group.  You can even vulch fields if you like. Your flight behavior is not a problem, and niether is anyone elses.

The problem, as I posted above, is your inability to stop whining.  That is all.  Whenever you get shot, or feel you are at a disadvantage, you start throwing out excuses and bad mouthing the other guys flying.  So until they add a permenant squelch list, please control yourself.  It is about like trying to enjoy your favorite passtime with a spoiled 3 yr old yelling in your ear.  Of course after the first crying I remember to squelch you, but it would be easier on everybody if you just learned to control yourself.

Whatever psychological problems you have-- which obviously there are plenty -- you should keep to yourself.  Perhaps someone here can help you.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2002, 03:46:28 PM »
Originally posted by ergRTC
The problem, as I posted above, is your inability to stop whining.  That is all.  Whenever you get shot, or feel you are at a disadvantage, you start throwing out excuses and bad mouthing the other guys flying.  So until they add a permenant squelch list, please control yourself.  

i've been shot down plenty of times without a word.

no tardlet, what you fail to understand is simply that being lame will get you called lame by me. get this thru your pinhead and things will be just dandy.

here's a nice link for you and your ilk.

and after you check that out... try using the TA until you get good enough to come back in the CT and not lose from an advantgeous situation.

lol @ common lamers like you.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2002, 03:47:55 PM »
The worst thing is that he does this to everyone, even newbies.  It's hard enough on newbies that they get shot down a lot by almost everyone, but to be insulted afterwards is just pathetic.  Why would they ever want to play AH after they have been bad-mouthed by Shanehole?  Countless times I have seen Shane insult players who's names I have never heard before.  
How much business has HTC lost to the likes of Shane?  
I know that several times regular players have left the CT because of him.
How much have CT numbers been at least slightly hurt by his attitude?
Very often the majority of CT channel 1 text is either Shane being a butthole, or others trying to encourage him to cool it.

As amusing as Shane is to some of us, he is clearly bad business for HTC and the CT.
