Read this senario and keep in mind that the F6F was the Navy's long range strike fighter and the La7 was a short range interceptor.
Lets just say for example I up in an F6F and I am one sector away from the enemy field I am targeting. So I load 75% fuel for my journey.
25% for travel to the target
25% for combat
25% for return to base.
Half way there I run into a La7 who has taken off with 75% fuel also. Hypothetically we have both burned 25% percent fuel and have 50% in the tank at the time of battle. The La7 is a monster in the MA although the Hellcat is certainly no pushover. But is this really a fair fight? I don't mean historically or even performance. I mean that these two A/C where purpose built for different missions. The F6F often flew several hours before encountering nme opposition and the La7 was a interceptor that often saw action right over it's own airfield.
So what am I complaining about??
The Hellcat has almost the same exact fuel duration as the La7 in the MA. According to the posted chart the F6F has 30minutes of flight time at full throttle mil power and the La7 has 28 minutes.
Internal fuel loads
La7 122 gallons
F6F 250 gallons
Why do they have the same fuel duration?
The Fuel burn Mil power of a R2800 is approximately 280 GPH in mil power. I have no clue what the GPH fuel burn is in a La7 but I'm going to say that it probable doesn't have the duration of the F6F.
Why is that so important?
Because the F6F should never have to take off with he same fuel load to achieve the same duration as the La7, Spit, 190, yak. In fact either should the P-51, F4U, P47 and others. So if the F6F only needs 25% fuel to make the same journey then it's performance is far closer the La7 in climb and maneuverabilty and the matchup is far more realistic and competitive.
Here is a list of current MA durations. IMHO the F6F, F4U, P-38 and P-47 are the greatest handicapped. The Spit, LA7, F4F and others benifit greatly.