Author Topic: Quiting  (Read 1138 times)

Offline BlackHammer

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« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2000, 05:38:00 AM »
all i know is i finally get to kill someone in my yak.

seriously, i think that a lot of people here have made the erroneous assumption that 'harder to fly' means 'more realistic.'  i have never flown a real wwii-vintage plane, so all i have to go on is historical data and pilot descriptions.  the performance of the planes in AH now much more closely match the recorded data and descriptions of their real-life counterparts, so i think it's currently more realistic.

i would also like to set forth the theory that fighters--even wwii fighters--are/were  designed to be as easy-to-fly as is practical.  wwii pilots weren't special; they were regular guys like you and me who had the (mis)fortune to be living in a time of global war.  turn-fighting is much more intuitive than energy fighting and as a result the average pilot would turn fight regardless of platform, especially if his SA dropped.  and yes, it got many average pilots in less capable platforms killed. as a result all planes were were reasonably good at it, while some (zero's, yak's) were so good it forced their adversaries to alter their tactics.

before this new FM, the p47 and f4 could compete in a TNB fight with most of the so-called 'turn-fighters,' and flyers of those planes often didn't hesitate to mix it up.  on the other hand, the yak could not beat any other plane in a pure turn fight.  the yak, however was an excellent BNZ fighter despite its crappy guns.  How realistic was that?

Black Hammer

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« Reply #46 on: September 09, 2000, 06:19:00 AM »
And ta think, all this typing was going on while I was in the main enjoying myself...btw, nice to see ya in there again nath, what was the actual timeframe between quitting and re-joining?  

We shouldn't be squeaking about the FM or about RAM giving his opinion...again.  We should be squeaking about the subliminal frames that HT has programmed into AH to keep us addicted.  You cannot escape!  

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!


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« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2000, 06:24:00 AM »

 I could go from 400mph to <120 mph then stall in a level half turn on the spit in the old version. Would be interesting to check with a real spit pilot and see if the old or new version is closer.


Offline Wanker

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« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2000, 07:51:00 AM »
What Fatty, Creamo and Pyro said.

Offline crabofix

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« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2000, 08:12:00 AM »

Guys, please give the HTC a break. If thing are not liked and to "easy" Im sure that Mr HT will listen. If thats the way most of the pilots feel about it.

Every new version theres a slight change to the FM and as one got use to one way of flying, it has to be changed. New tactics and new thinking.

Be happy that theres a forthgoing change of this sim and that we have to "try it" before we say anything.

(wich I have not, yet, is downloading it,,,, lol)

NATH, RAM, comments nessecery.

Independet Swedish AirForce

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« Reply #50 on: September 09, 2000, 11:05:00 AM »
OK, gentlemen. Last words in this issue. I am posting this bot in a new thread and here because I think it is an important issue.

First of all I want to make clear that I am writing this as clear as I can, slowly, and with a english-spanish dictionary in front of me.

I want to state first that I know where I am and why am I here. I know I am a passionate guy that sometimes overreact but I am too a guy that is completely mistook in many of my posts.

HO posts,and 1.2K kill posts were done in the way they were taken. Things that piss me off so hard that I explode. OK then.

But other posts are completely misread. EZmode comes to mind here as a good example.
See, I am spanish and my knowledge of english is limited. I dont know how to express myself sometimes, and for a guy that ALWAYS wants to communicate his ideas and feelings it is a very bad experience, believe me.

When EZmode discussion first came to AH, and when CT was discussed , I said the same as I did in the open letter for HTC thread. But the words were others, as in the latter I took nearly 90 minutes of my time to post and refine it. The message was the same, as my status in this matter, EZ mode is not of my taste and if it was mixed in MA with no Realmode arena, then I would leave, but to return as soon as a realmode arena was created in AH. With no hard feelings, and NO threat. It is only a statement, my position and opinion.

Many took my posts as a "I quit" threat. It wasnt a threat, but only a statement. But here everybody took the "i quit" thing but not everything else in those posts. (HT did it too, I know because he told me that I do the "i quit" too many times).

I had to put a open letter for HTC and everyone saluted me...when i was putting EXACTLY the same message as in the previous posts...what is the difference?...that when I write english by myself my expressions are the ones I KNOW to write. Pyro told me that some of my posts sound real threatening, while in many of them I only try to say what I think.

I threatened to quit once, yes. SOmething stopped me the last moment. I had 5 days that when I took a Fw190A8 over 350IAS and 3G the wings ALWAYS broke. The pissing off situation made me go ballistic and I posted that I was leaving.

Since then I NEVER threatened to leave Aces High. EZmode thing was only a statement, my position and opinion about a possible development in AH that I wont share, but I always made clear that I would return as soon as I shared further development. Is that a threat? I dont think so, still many mistook those posts, as I said above.

In many of my posts I may sound harsh but In MANY of them it is only a language barrier. I try to explain what I feel and think, PUTTING IN CAPS THE THINGS I THINK ARE IMPORTANT (  ). Some people think that this is harsh. It isnt   at least it isnt intended to be.

Said that, about 1.04. First of all I want to tell you something that may help you in understanding why dont I like the new FM.

I started some days ago a new squad intended to help and train newbies in MA. I started working with some of them in MA, and putting up a webpage with hints and help (thanks Staga). I have currently all but british planes commented (only LW posted, tho) and ready to be posted.

The new FM has killed all my work on those comments, and has killed me as CO of a training squadron. Why? because I cant train others in how to fly if I by myself dont know to do it!!!...Erg/Jg26 has no more future right now, and as a thing in wich I have put so much illusion, work, and thinking, to see all the work wasted is very sad.
this is the first reason.

Second, I am a E-fighting guy, and love BnZ. This new FM has killed most of the effectiveness of these ways of flying, so I must relearn and reeducate my flying from the start. While learning to fly takes long and is hard, to FORGET what you have learned and relearn with new rules is VERY annoying. Plus, I dont like TnB and new FM favours a lot TnB, much more than previous FM. That is the second reason.

And while I was quite decent guy to fly in the defensive, the new FM makes speed bleeding a real pain, even with full rudder use, so making painfully difficult to force overshoots and reverse tables in planes as Fw190...and this is the third reason.

I like that the new FMs are more accurate and realistic. I agree in making AH as accurate as possible. I love EVERY ONE of the other new features. But ,while I agree that new FM is accurate realistic and neccesary I DONT LIKE IT. I think it is understandable.

But in no way I am saying that new FM is porked, or not accurate. Read my posts from avobe I say that I dont like it!.

Will take time, yes and maybe I would get used to it somehow. The new FM is NOT the reason because I am thinking in leaving. The reaction of the people to my opinions is what does it.

I tried new FM for a good while (maybe 4 hours), when someone said in #1 channel "new FM rocks". I answered "I disagree, E-fighting is now REALLY difficult, I dont like it.

Next 4 lines in buffer had the word "whiner" inserted in it.

So I tried to state why dont I like the FM. Each time I tried it there was a "whiner" answer (most times multiple of them) in the buffer for me.
Well I decided to shut up and keep on flying. After 1 hour or so StSanta said in #1 that he didnt like the new FM. before I could say "I agree" there was one line calling him WHINER. That was 5 seconds, not more, before Stsanta's line and mine. And someone was faster to call him "whiner" than mine to say "I agree".

Of course then the flamewar started. One community versus two guys with an opinion different than theirs. I tried to explain why didnt I like the new FM again, but, as before, the flamewar was heating even more with each try.

And then funked came in and called us "luftwhiners"...and I went ballistic. That was when I said in #1 that for a sim that is now 50% more expensive that what it was when I first came, and is putting serious strain in my money, I didnt know if It was worth the flamewar I was getting from everyone there only because I think different than them.

(note that in NO MOMENT I said that I was going to leave due the new FM thing).

Then the hammer fell on me. From "good bye" and "take care" lines until "lol you kid go home" thing. And then I came here and posted my post on Nath11's thread.

I dont say I go out because the new FM, never said it and would never NEVER go because that.

 I say that I am weighting if it is worth for me paying to have such disgusts as the one I had yersterday night.

Still Funked says "give the new FM a 2 week try". I was WANTING To do it, I WANT to do it.

But this thing has NOTHING To do with the new FM, but with the thing I felt yesterday on MA whith everyone jumping on Stsanta and me, and I later saw in this board (for example hblair "quote" thing was a hurting pain in the moral state I was)

All this makes me think that if I am good for this sim and if this sim is good for me. If this is an "I quit" threat, then ok, it is.

I talked a bit with HT later. I wont say what we talked, but I ended really morally broken and very worried...

A bit later I was talking with pyro,too on MA. I wont say what we talked, neither, only I can say THANK YOU helped me a lot, and I know you must have been VEERY busy while talking with me, and I much appreciate your words. Lots of good advices in your THANKS!

I only want to say this to the community:

For all you think that the sheep that doesnt bleat at the same thime and with the same strenght than the other sheeps in the flock deserves to be clubbed...YOU are the reason that I am thinking in going or staying. This is NO FM matter, it is simply that the flames I got yesterday really burned me out.

For HTC:

1.04 plain and simply ROCKS. From the FM to the Ju88. Other thing is that I like or dislike some things, but that is another thing completely different. 1.04 is way more realistic than 1.03 was and THAT deserves a SALUTE and a hat off.

And thanks both HT and Pyro for your time in private channels. I know you both were very busy, still you had time for me.

My respect for both you and HTC as a whole can only increase with each day that passes by...

But when I get so emotionally involved with a sim I think that its time to think seriously in what is the best solution for everyone...

I dont want to go. Never wanted. But if this problem somehow doesnt solve then I guess that for everyone (community, HTC and me), the best is me leaving aces high.

I hope to have expressed myself clearly and I pray for no misinterpretations happening.

Have had enough of that for a long,long time   .

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 09-09-2000).]

Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2000, 11:49:00 AM »
Stay, go, whatever.

Just please do it in 500 words or less.

I don't mean to be rude, but I think most of the people giving you crap in the arena were simply suffering from R.O.F.  (Ram Opinion Fatigue)  

This is an unusual medical condition resulting from excessive, continual exposure to overly verbose, pedantic, argumentative, self-righteous opinions from an individual under the mistaken belief that the arena is sitting on the edge of their seats with baited breath waiting to find out if Ram is staying or leaving.

Try spending more time flying than commenting for a while Ram.  I think you'll enjoy the game more, and I know the rest of the community will.


[This message has been edited by AKWabbit (edited 09-09-2000).]
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Beegerite

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« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2000, 12:11:00 PM »
Mi Querido RAM;
Comprendo tu pasion.  Dejame darte el consejo de un latino que ha vivido toda su vida en los EE.UU.  Nuestros companeros norte americanos tienen mucho mas control de sus emociones y mas paciencia que nosotros.  Esto naturalmente en una generalizacion pero quizas esa es la razon por la cual te caen encima cada vez que dices cualquier cosa.  Yo tambien tenia reservaciones pero mi primera impresion es que el nuevo modelo es mas realistico.  Mi opinion solamente pero te dire que yo tengo licensia de piloto comercial y suficiente experiencia con estos simuladores para reconocer lo bueno y lo malo.  Que dices si le damos un par de semanas a ver si nos acostumbramos.

Short Translation: We latins aren't called hot blooded for nothing guys we tend to jump on emotional issues.  Our Yankee friends are mostly calmer and take a wait/see attitude.  I for one like the new FM.  Suspect that if we give this a couple of weeks we'll like it a lot.  Also, RAM, your English is excellent and as I tell my multiple overseas contacts, never apologize for your English as it's much better than my French, German, Italian, Polish or Swahili, LOL

Originally posted by RAM:
OK, gentlemen. Last words in this issue. I am posting this bot in a new thread and here because I think it is an important issue.


[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 09-09-2000).]

Offline Hajo

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« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2000, 12:34:00 PM »
Folks....let's give the new FM some time.  First of all we didn't really get to see what it is like!  People were warping all over the place, and I'm sure my connection was not better.  From the overload on the server to download the new FM and HiRes file there were going to be lags in the MA.  Hell....I was 400 out on the 6 of a Nik and in a blink of an eye he warped aroound to my 6!  Captain Kirk would have been proud of the Nik pilot engaging warp drive at that time.  As Obi Wan said to Luke....."Patience young Skywalker"  give the new FM a chance....I'm not particularly pleased with the changes to the A5, but I'll get used to them.  Lets wait till the connection settles down before we judge...we need to get a good connection for quality flying  time to judge the new FM.
- The Flying Circus -


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« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2000, 12:42:00 PM »
I got one thing to add to this thread!!!!

"Opinions are like oscarholes, everyone's got one but it always stinks!"

Now on with your realism vs difficulty jibber jabbering.

Offline BlackHammer

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« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2000, 12:55:00 PM »

RAM, what the he11 makes you think you're so important that people should stop and reevaluate teir opinions just because you say you're quitting.  and do you really think you're so important that people are going to read that million-page novel you just wrote what you're feeling when they could be playing the game for themselves?  sorry to burst your bubble, but i don't care if you quit or stay.  just do it in 500 words or less!

Black Hammer

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #56 on: September 09, 2000, 01:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by RAM:
OK, gentlemen. Last words in this issue. I am posting this bot in a new thread and here because I think it is an important issue.

First of all I want to make clear that I am writing this as clear as I can, slowly, and with a english-spanish dictionary in front of me.

I want to state first that I know where I am and why am I here. I know I am a passionate guy that sometimes overreact but I am too a guy that is completely mistook in many of my posts.

HO posts,and 1.2K kill posts were done in the way they were taken. Things that piss me off so hard that I explode. OK then.

But other posts are completely misread. EZmode comes to mind here as a good example.
See, I am spanish and my knowledge of english is limited. I dont know how to express myself sometimes, and for a guy that ALWAYS wants to communicate his ideas and feelings it is a very bad experience, believe me.

When EZmode discussion first came to AH, and when CT was discussed , I said the same as I did in the open letter for HTC thread. But the words were others, as in the latter I took nearly 90 minutes of my time to post and refine it. The message was the same, as my status in this matter, EZ mode is not of my taste and if it was mixed in MA with no Realmode arena, then I would leave, but to return as soon as a realmode arena was created in AH. With no hard feelings, and NO threat. It is only a statement, my position and opinion.

Many took my posts as a "I quit" threat. It wasnt a threat, but only a statement. But here everybody took the "i quit" thing but not everything else in those posts. (HT did it too, I know because he told me that I do the "i quit" too many times).

I had to put a open letter for HTC and everyone saluted me...when i was putting EXACTLY the same message as in the previous posts...what is the difference?...that when I write english by myself my expressions are the ones I KNOW to write. Pyro told me that some of my posts sound real threatening, while in many of them I only try to say what I think.

I threatened to quit once, yes. SOmething stopped me the last moment. I had 5 days that when I took a Fw190A8 over 350IAS and 3G the wings ALWAYS broke. The pissing off situation made me go ballistic and I posted that I was leaving.

Since then I NEVER threatened to leave Aces High. EZmode thing was only a statement, my position and opinion about a possible development in AH that I wont share, but I always made clear that I would return as soon as I shared further development. Is that a threat? I dont think so, still many mistook those posts, as I said above.

In many of my posts I may sound harsh but In MANY of them it is only a language barrier. I try to explain what I feel and think, PUTTING IN CAPS THE THINGS I THINK ARE IMPORTANT (   ). Some people think that this is harsh. It isnt     at least it isnt intended to be.

Said that, about 1.04. First of all I want to tell you something that may help you in understanding why dont I like the new FM.

I started some days ago a new squad intended to help and train newbies in MA. I started working with some of them in MA, and putting up a webpage with hints and help (thanks Staga). I have currently all but british planes commented (only LW posted, tho) and ready to be posted.

The new FM has killed all my work on those comments, and has killed me as CO of a training squadron. Why? because I cant train others in how to fly if I by myself dont know to do it!!!...Erg/Jg26 has no more future right now, and as a thing in wich I have put so much illusion, work, and thinking, to see all the work wasted is very sad.
this is the first reason.

Second, I am a E-fighting guy, and love BnZ. This new FM has killed most of the effectiveness of these ways of flying, so I must relearn and reeducate my flying from the start. While learning to fly takes long and is hard, to FORGET what you have learned and relearn with new rules is VERY annoying. Plus, I dont like TnB and new FM favours a lot TnB, much more than previous FM. That is the second reason.

And while I was quite decent guy to fly in the defensive, the new FM makes speed bleeding a real pain, even with full rudder use, so making painfully difficult to force overshoots and reverse tables in planes as Fw190...and this is the third reason.

I like that the new FMs are more accurate and realistic. I agree in making AH as accurate as possible. I love EVERY ONE of the other new features. But ,while I agree that new FM is accurate realistic and neccesary I DONT LIKE IT. I think it is understandable.

But in no way I am saying that new FM is porked, or not accurate. Read my posts from avobe I say that I dont like it!.

Will take time, yes and maybe I would get used to it somehow. The new FM is NOT the reason because I am thinking in leaving. The reaction of the people to my opinions is what does it.

I tried new FM for a good while (maybe 4 hours), when someone said in #1 channel "new FM rocks". I answered "I disagree, E-fighting is now REALLY difficult, I dont like it.

Next 4 lines in buffer had the word "whiner" inserted in it.

So I tried to state why dont I like the FM. Each time I tried it there was a "whiner" answer (most times multiple of them) in the buffer for me.
Well I decided to shut up and keep on flying. After 1 hour or so StSanta said in #1 that he didnt like the new FM. before I could say "I agree" there was one line calling him WHINER. That was 5 seconds, not more, before Stsanta's line and mine. And someone was faster to call him "whiner" than mine to say "I agree".

Of course then the flamewar started. One community versus two guys with an opinion different than theirs. I tried to explain why didnt I like the new FM again, but, as before, the flamewar was heating even more with each try.

And then funked came in and called us "luftwhiners"...and I went ballistic. That was when I said in #1 that for a sim that is now 50% more expensive that what it was when I first came, and is putting serious strain in my money, I didnt know if It was worth the flamewar I was getting from everyone there only because I think different than them.

(note that in NO MOMENT I said that I was going to leave due the new FM thing).

Then the hammer fell on me. From "good bye" and "take care" lines until "lol you kid go home" thing. And then I came here and posted my post on Nath11's thread.

I dont say I go out because the new FM, never said it and would never NEVER go because that.

 I say that I am weighting if it is worth for me paying to have such disgusts as the one I had yersterday night.

Still Funked says "give the new FM a 2 week try". I was WANTING To do it, I WANT to do it.

But this thing has NOTHING To do with the new FM, but with the thing I felt yesterday on MA whith everyone jumping on Stsanta and me, and I later saw in this board (for example hblair "quote" thing was a hurting pain in the moral state I was)

All this makes me think that if I am good for this sim and if this sim is good for me. If this is an "I quit" threat, then ok, it is.

I talked a bit with HT later. I wont say what we talked, but I ended really morally broken and very worried...

A bit later I was talking with pyro,too on MA. I wont say what we talked, neither, only I can say THANK YOU helped me a lot, and I know you must have been VEERY busy while talking with me, and I much appreciate your words. Lots of good advices in your THANKS!

I only want to say this to the community:

For all you think that the sheep that doesnt bleat at the same thime and with the same strenght than the other sheeps in the flock deserves to be clubbed...YOU are the reason that I am thinking in going or staying. This is NO FM matter, it is simply that the flames I got yesterday really burned me out.

For HTC:

1.04 plain and simply ROCKS. From the FM to the Ju88. Other thing is that I like or dislike some things, but that is another thing completely different. 1.04 is way more realistic than 1.03 was and THAT deserves a SALUTE and a hat off.

And thanks both HT and Pyro for your time in private channels. I know you both were very busy, still you had time for me.

My respect for both you and HTC as a whole can only increase with each day that passes by...

But when I get so emotionally involved with a sim I think that its time to think seriously in what is the best solution for everyone...

I dont want to go. Never wanted. But if this problem somehow doesnt solve then I guess that for everyone (community, HTC and me), the best is me leaving aces high.

I hope to have expressed myself clearly and I pray for no misinterpretations happening.

Have had enough of that for a long,long time    .

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 09-09-2000).]

Well, Im not "moraly broke", but now I have a headache.

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« Reply #57 on: September 09, 2000, 02:14:00 PM »
Why can't y'all just leave RAM alone? I understand very clearly what he said. (very good English, RAM) If someone has their own opinion, don't call them a whiner, and anyways, Creamo, do you have a headache cause "words hurting brain....words not about me!"

Lt. Col. Aaron "txace-" Giles of the 457th BG
    "Fait Accompli"

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« Reply #58 on: September 09, 2000, 02:26:00 PM »
Thanks for the words about me texace. My headache is now gone.

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« Reply #59 on: September 09, 2000, 02:50:00 PM »
Originally posted by RAM:
............But when I get so emotionally involved with a sim I think that its time to think seriously in what is the best solution for everyone......

<ding ding ding!  alarms going off in Fury's head>

Let me speak from personal experience Ram and let me be blunt.  In no way, shape, or form should the Internet, a computer, or a computer game have an adverse affect on your real life.  There are so many more important things.

I realize you did not come out and say that AH is having any affect on your life.  But I read a statement like that, I think of where I was two years ago, and bells go off in my head.  My personal experience was made up of an unhealthy amount of time and involvement in a game, and my feelings/attitudes about what went on there bled over into my real life feelings.

AH and gaming is now a pastime, or hobby, for me....which is as it should be.  Even if I was not married with three kids, and had all kinds of time to spend's really not worth it (or healthy) to get over involved in a game.

I'm not saying that I don't toss a few choice words at my computer monitor; I'm not saying that I don't look forward to playing AH; and I hope this is not taken too personally or the wrong way.  I'm just saying from personal experience that there's more to life than getting "so emotionally involved" (not my words) in a game.

<<edit:  your statement "the best solution for everyone" should read "the best solution for me".  Screw everyone else and do what's best for you.>>

[This message has been edited by Fury (edited 09-09-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Fury (edited 09-09-2000).]