Some guy test driving a P47M in late 45 exceeded the speed of sound in a dive from 40k. Was testing some antenna or something....damned near augured in from what I recall of the story. Then again I suspect some german pilot probably broke it quite a bit before that.
British typhoon pilots are said to have also broken the sound barrier while compressing during dive bomb attacks. I believe none survived, which is a problem if you want to get into the history books.
BTW, do you know if Yeager still believes the Yanks invented the movable tail-plane (which I think was a feature of his record-breaking ride)? In fact it was invented by British boffins many years before (1942 I think) on a prototype plane.
But then many believe powered flight was an American invention too. What is with Americans and their insistence that they invented everything?
Only last year some guy called Gore was saying he invented the World Wide Web...