Author Topic: recommending AH to anyone?  (Read 665 times)

Offline anton

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recommending AH to anyone?
« on: December 01, 2002, 05:39:42 PM »
If so do them a favor. Let them know where to learn to fly free BEFORE they start their 2weeks free. Tell them to DL the game, LEARN TO FLY offline, get used to plane & controls & views, read help files,  set resolutions & etc.
 That way they get to actually fly & fight for the 2 free weeks rather than ask  a million "how do I ...........?"  when they get to MA & have no idea how to even get into a plane, or get it off the ground.
 We all had a first day learnin to fly, some of us had it long ago. Basically what im sayin is, it's alot easier to learn to fly the plane when theres not 5 guys vulchin you before ya get up to speed to lift-off. You have to fly before you can fight.
 Also advisable between learnin to fly & coming into on-line play is learning ACMs=Air Combat Manuvers & SA=Situation Awareness. Both are necessary to achieve & land kills.

Best wishes & good hunting

Offline guttboy

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2002, 07:17:16 PM »
Great Point!

Offline Kerago

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2002, 04:03:23 PM »
That's exactly what I'm trying to do...haven't even touched the "online" button yet. Any quick tips as to where I start to look for basic tips etc?

Offline guttboy

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« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2002, 04:53:37 PM »
First of all WELCOME!

Ok go to the website and download the Help file.  This will let you look at it without having to be connected to the internet.  
Second, are you using a joystick to fly?  WHat kind?

From there we move on!



Offline Kerago

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2002, 05:44:32 PM »
I'm on broadband, I don't have to worry about being connected to the net or not :)

Thanks for the welcome.

I'm using a MS PP2. I guess I have a lot to unlearn, I'm a high-ranked pilot in a space sim (Jumpgate) and I usually have trouble adjusting to realistic sims.

On the plus side, I managed to land a spitfire eventually without any help. Hooray for me :rolleyes:

Offline anton

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« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2002, 06:40:44 PM »
 I think the help files are found on the clipboard in the opening stages of game. Click the tab that says "help" & there is useeful info there. There you can find General ifo on game controls & such.

If I had to pick the 1 most important thing for successful sorties, I would have to say its SA. SA is a big thing to understand, not only is it knowing how your plane relates to the other planes around you, but knowing how the  terrain under you is, how much fuel/ammo you have, your altitude & speed state, friendles Vs Con count, it can & does go much much further. Knowing & becoming completely familiar with your view keys is mandatory for survival, as is frequently looking behind you to make sure no one is diving in on you fron 10k above & blowing you to peices before you even hear the motor.

I think its helpful to have plane knowledge. IE- P51s are stable when fast & unstable when slow, whereas a spitfire is unstable at high speeds & much more stable at lower speeds. There are many planes in the game, & each have strong & weak points. Know your plane, & how to best fight it Vs your opponants.

I fly the yak in MA, it has many attributes that make it my choice for MA. Its a medium speed plane, so I fight a spitfire differently than I would a mustang. If a spit gets on my 6 I run away, If a mustang gets on my 6, I try to keep him turning till he slows down. At that time my plane will outperform his, & within 2-3 turns I collect the kill.

All of these things can be learned in offline play. I recommend sticking with the spit for a while, especially since you already have a hand at it. Go back up, get level, get speed up & fly over your base. Pick a subject- like the Vehicle Hangar= VH. start off with flying circles around it while constantly keeping it in view out your left view, just  off the wing, keep yer alt & speed all consistant. sounds easy huh? After that try some rolls, loops spirals, all keeping your target in view. Then move on to flying with the offline drones learn to keep them in view whille trying to stay in a  formation besdie them.
 These should help, If ya have any other questions just post em.
Ill help & so will others.


Offline Hawklore

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2002, 07:03:27 PM »
Wish I did that but Yah gotta say I did pretty good in MA for a week :):cool:
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Offline guttboy

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2002, 01:45:49 AM »
Ok good stick you have there have you set up the views yet?  That will enhance your situational awareness.  Let me know if you are having problems with it and ill talk you through.

Offline Kerago

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« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2002, 02:45:22 AM »
I have a friend helping me with most of the basics. It's just a matter of learning how to fly now...I'm looking at a bunch of different sites. Looks like I just need to log a few hundred hours flight time... :rolleyes:

All I've done so far is fly for 10 minutes to battle and get shot down. Any ways to actually be useful while I'm still a useless dogfighter?

Offline spothq

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2002, 03:03:10 AM »
I noticed some really good tutorials at

Offline guttboy

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« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2002, 09:36:38 AM »
Just noticed you are from New Zealand!  My wife and I went on vacation there 2 Septembers ago!  Best 3 weeks vacation we ever spent!

Ok I reccomend flying a Spitfire to learn the basics.  It is probably the easiest plane to fly for a new person learning.  Also fly as much as you can to get the flying portion down.  If you see me online let me know and Ill talk you through some dog fighting skills.

You can also join another player and ride along if you think that will help.

Dont lose sight of the enemy if at all possible.

Hope this helps lot to digest here so take your time.  You dont become a proficient pilot for a long time!


Offline Kerago

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2002, 06:02:39 PM »
Thank you for your words of the moment I am flying the spit mk 9 (like a lot of noobs do I hear ;) ).

I must say this community seems very tolerant of noobs...I guess that's mostly cos I'm only getting myself killed not anyone else :)

Offline guttboy

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recommending AH to anyone?
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2002, 09:31:17 AM »
Great to hear that you are having fun with this!  I fly for the ROOKS and if you are up and see me  TG12 is my call sign...give me a heads up and Ill do some one on one training with ya if ya like!

This game can be hard on newbies...some people are very harsh but dont realize that they were once brand new to this as well.  Ask away...someone will always help you!

Good luck and if ya need any more assistance feel free to ask me or any one of the TIGER Squadron!  By the way if you ever venture into the bombing arena check out one of our websites that has a good tutorial on it

Hope this helps!  We also have a great P51 movie on board that we flew the other night!

Good luck and if you get a chance to see the website and the movies let us know what you think!
