Author Topic: To the guys that have been here awhile  (Read 3394 times)

Offline Nilsen

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To the guys that have been here awhile
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2002, 07:23:04 AM »
milnko, i remember that to and i have only been playing since early 2001....was nice.:)

Offline Fariz

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« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2002, 07:32:22 AM »
Wotan, hopefully mission arena will get some participation and unload MA. I am waiting for mission arena, because it is most promising feature in AH yet. Engaging groups of bombers, diving thru the fighters cover, using clouds to escape, engaging 20 p47s with 20 109g6 at 25k, and lot of other thing which this arena promises to provide is always were the most exciting experience in AH scenarios for me.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2002, 07:34:02 AM »
I hope so Fariz :)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2002, 07:57:31 AM »
If you fly D9's or G10's or P51's then you probly don't like crowds.  I like the slower planes and big furballs.   I really don't like flying or fighting the d9's or 51's but... at least in a crowd you can make em go away.. after a few rounds of dodgeball they (if they are smart) run away or die because they can't concentrate on a single target... a group of three or four of them working in concert can even be ignored.   I like being able to ignore the planes that won't fight.

If I get caught by such a plane and his buddies while I am in an Fm2 say.. and I am a ways from home with no one around.. I'm dead meat.  They don't need a great deal of skill. just a little patience..  

Still... I think lately with the "missun" mindset and the "competition"... even with a lot of numbers... people are simply hiding from each other long enough to join a gangbang.. very timid arena lately.

Offline ET

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« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2002, 08:02:04 AM »
The number of bases, about 75,  on the small maps are not enough to avoid the overcrowding when there is 300+ on line. The pizza map would probably be better if there was a way to de-activate about 80 of the 240 bases it has.

Offline Strange

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« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2002, 08:03:13 AM »
I have to agree Wotan....I'll be interesed to see this side evening thing they have so called coming.

Also the mission arena would be nice..but I dubt we'll see it any time soon..

P.S.  Do you give pointers in your Luffwaffle rides :D

Offline OIO

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« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2002, 08:15:38 AM »
I think the problem is lack of "front line".

In small maps, theres so many people and the fields are so close together that anyone can just up a SHORT RANGE interceptor plane and fly to the nearest field (less than 1.4 sectors away) and furball, zoom in guns blazing at whatever moves, spraying cannon all over,die to his counterpart on red icon country, repeat ad nauseum.

In large maps the fields are still 1.4 or less sectors from each other, but there is so much space that people still congregate into the highest fields or fields that provide alt advantage in their zone (or heck, they just converge wherever theres a big red AND green bars), leaving huuuuge areas wheer fields are just not populated. Result is the "same as small map" issue in the areas where people converge and "milkrunning" undefended bases by a few others, which is damn easy to do with said SHORT RANGE interceptors and 1 bomber flight going NOE.

I would suggest a new type of map be made where a "front line" is present all the time. This can be achieved by DRASTICALLY reducing the number of fields. I'll take pizza map for example, on one of the 3 pizza slices  there are what? 2 or 3 dozen fields? Reduce that to just 9 airfields or so and scatter them so they are 2+ sectors apart. Fill the gap in the middle with VEHICLE BASES arranged in a "trench" fashion around the base as well as in between bases "no-mans-land", making a ground war be just as viable to capture the enemy base as an aerial effort.

Here's a "slice" i edited... circles are airfields , squares are vbases.. done in less than 2 minutes with paint, just so you get an idea:

This added to strat targets in area would give each side 3 large airfields per "slice" to take off from, and a dozen or so vehicle bases to fight for the "front line".

To capture an enemy airfield just by "furballing the hell out of it" would be quite conterproductive, as the airfield can be accessed by up to 5 vbases, making the furballers end up facing hordes of flaktanks and m3's on resuply runs. Taking out the vbases would be paramount.. as well as capturing them.

And for once AH might have short range interceptors actually intercepting and doing ground support (you will hardly see an enemy la7 flying over your airfield because they wont have the gas to stay there long after flying almost 3 sectors to get there), bombers bombing infrastructure (vbases and fields and factories) that will actually help their side win (if vbases are up, you aint taking that field baby), and medium range fighters sweeping the "no mans" land along with the long range fighters, which also escort buffs into enemy territory and perform deep fighter sweeps.

In short, it splits up gangbangfest furballs into smaller furballs all over the map. Each side HAS to defend their vbases or the other side will roll over 1 of the 3 or 4 airfields they have per slice with relative ease AS WELL as providing the red side a field inside their territory (read:la7s now can furball your entire piece of the slice). Losing 1 airfield can be a disaster. But then again, you have quite a number of vbases around the field allowing you with ground action as well as the ability to supress the enemy in the field while your "troops" secure the area and retake the field.

Offline popeye

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« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2002, 08:18:47 AM »
Yep, Horde Warrior is getting real boring.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2002, 08:31:39 AM »
CT with 15 or 20 peeps onboard been giving me a lot more fun than the MA.

Still....People seem to be enjoying themselves, well...except for the usual suspects, in the MA.

Without really thinking too much on it.  A couple of smaller 250 sized areans might be preferred but would split the loving family up....dunno.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline batdog

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« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2002, 08:39:14 AM »
Originally posted by popeye
Yep, Horde Warrior is getting real boring.

Yep... I'm taking a break. Maybe I'll get interested again but as it is now when I play... uhh uhh. A wall of latewar rides from 3ft to 25k+ doesnt bring much of a thrill.

Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline SLO

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« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2002, 08:41:45 AM »
AH is still fun.....

yesterday....can't remember which base.....but rooks came in numbers...alrighty i said....a take a spit5 expecting some fighting.....DOH!!!! not to be....yaks pony's 190's la7's an 38' cherry picked to death....couldn't run anyone down....see where I'm goin with this:p

rooks forced me to take out my brand new Mustang....bad for the rooks :eek:

the game is still fun....

1on1 are just a little harder to find is all.....but gimme a whack in the MA and we can rectify that situation:D

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2002, 09:14:58 AM »
I only really fly Special Events and then wherever my squad decides to fly after the Friday TOD.  I don't fly any other times.  *shrug*  got tired of the MA a looooong time ago.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Rude

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« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2002, 09:18:14 AM »
Rolling Planeset = Bliss

Offline Charon

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« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2002, 09:54:04 AM »
It's the arrival of the big pork. Been there, done that, eventually left AW because of that. The path of least resistance, simpler is better for most, success without having to really go through the fairly tough and ego stinging A2A and A2G learning curve (I can remember numerous months before I got a positive K/D - looking back, mostly SA mistakes). What is ironic, is that the weakest part of this type of simulation becomes the most important. The strat model in AH or AW is/was cannot be compared to games designed for strategic and tactical play.

My understand behind the birth of these games, and the model in place in 1993/4 when I stated playing SVGA AW, is that the strat was there to facilitate ACM. All of the BBS materials, tutorials, the attitude in the arena, etc. reinforced that impression. Base capture was just a tool to facilitate A2A encounters. A niche function almost, a diversion when in the mood. Sometime around the Gamestorm era the enthusiast population was swallowed up by a mass audience less interested in reliving the exploits of Bader, or Bong, Sakai or Hartmann, and more interested in winning a game. [it was also the point at which the central/neutral capture concept had to be shelved due to server issues with having too many numbers in a centralized area. IMO this is the best capture mode (brings everybody together), but likely still impractical with the numbers here.]

There does seem to be more fighting than in the AW big pork, or at least fighting opportunities might be a little easier to get to in AH. I can remember some landgrabs in AW where the fight was 3 or more sectors away because the bases were porked 2 deep around the front line (very easy to pork bases) to eliminate opposition. But, you do have to work harder these days to find a reasonable fight (particularly in pizza). And once there, the fight doesn't seem to last very long before a gangbang shift occurs, or a lack of interest sets in among the milkrunners you're attacking, and suddenly its back to the map and hope that a fight is going on somewhere else. But for me it's not nearly as bad as the last years of AW in this regard as of yet.

It's an interesting challenge for HTC. Growth and numbers are good for business, and generally good for the game environment and community, but the masses are shown to be more console and arcade focused. Not an elitist flame, just look at console penetration figures and the type of games you play on them. At the same time, the hard core enthusiasts form a backbone of any simulation, but this is a niche population that is likely never going to generate significant growth. History just plain bores a lot of people. Finding a balance is tricky, but I get the impression that at the end of the day the simulation will remain more important than the game at HTC. I mean hell, I've been shot down by both HT and Pyro, and when the developers actually play the game that says a lot, and HT seems to be on the same page seeing this as a problem.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2002, 09:58:58 AM by Charon »

Offline Turbot

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« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2002, 09:55:50 AM »
I have seen the atmosphere in Aces High change as some have already described even in the short time I have been playing.   Like a lot of folks I guess, I like a "MA" style environment for shoot em up game play.  But I don't "really" fight in Aces High - it's more hoard management - where sometimes you eat bear and sometimes the bear eats you.  Mostly snapshot opportunities, get the other guy before someone else does, etc etc..  I can't remember the last "good fight" I had.   There are just a whole hell of a lot of people going after the same meat in AH.

(I don't know what happens when we in the US time zones are asleep - but it sounds like the europeans are happier, but then see they have the numbers wotan suggested too?)  

In the "'old 'un days" of AW, there were several full arenas with max player caps of 250.   People talked about where they flew "I fly arena 3 etc etc".  It worked for them, maybe it would work here too - the Europeans seem happy.