Author Topic: Dogs  (Read 2921 times)

Offline OLDMn

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« Reply #60 on: December 31, 2002, 05:52:47 PM »
Most cats are too small to kill kids and they tend to recognize that kids aren't prey.  On the other hand, to a mid sized and larger dog, a small child (1 to 3) is the size of prey -- sometimes they will instinctually snap at a small child.  Only a wild or abused dog will kill a child on purpose though.  I'm a dog lover and don't have much use for cats, but factz iz factz .  

You have to let your dog know that your child is not prey -- dumb as that sounds, its wat u have to do. I have a gang of kids and two large dogs, one male one female. Never had a problem, but I make DAMN certain my dogs know my young ones are their masters.  Its not hard, you get your scent on the child by holding it then let the child feed the dog while still holding the child.  Still, you have to keep your eyes open.  Once the child is a little larger its not a problem unless you have a nutty dog.  If you have a nutty dog, then you are probably to blame and both of you should be put ta sleep hahahaah

For adults here's the deal, a cat can't kill you but WOULD if it could, and a dog CAN kill you but won't no matter what!

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2002, 05:53:45 PM »
And this is the cat

Offline OLDMn

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« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2002, 05:54:26 PM »
rc51!!! Damn I am envious! u r a happy man!  Great look'n pups!

Offline X2Lee

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« Reply #63 on: December 31, 2002, 05:56:20 PM »
Originally posted by Kanth
cats breath, it's worse than dogs breath ANY DAY!

you gotta wonder what the hell is going on in there that can cause that kinda putrid smell :confused:

I think they eat dead mice Cats will line up there trophys in a row. I line of lizards or mice, moles... I seen it all.
They are the proud hunters.

I smelt dog breath that would disentergrate cat breath

Offline Kanth

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« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2002, 06:06:24 PM »

btw as I've said I'll grant you that infection is higher, but those infections being fatal is a different story entirely.

oppossums are sweet but they poo everywhere.

Originally posted by AKDejaVu
Disease and infection are definately figured in... and it doesn't quite "bump" cats up, it sends them through the roof.  To the point that most pediatritians recommend not having a cat around small children (especially while they are still crawling).

If your talking fatal assaults, then dogs will have the higher statistics, though only medium/large dogs.  And for that reason... they are larger.  Cats are no more/less prone to attack someone then a dog.  They just are rarely (if ever) fatal simply due to their size.  Its like saying oppossums are sweet because they don't kill as many people as dogs do.

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Offline Kanth

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« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2002, 06:13:57 PM »
pictures please? That's gotta be cute as hell.

Originally posted by X2Lee
I have great danes and cats, they eat from the same food bowl.
in the winter the cats will pile on the danes out in the yard.
its funny to watch them get along. You could tell when they had been playing because the kittens would be drenched in dog slober  ;->

Anyway I like niks and pee 38s.
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Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2002, 06:30:44 PM »
if you want the things that cats do you get a cat

_____________________________ _________

what are those again?  cats contribute nothing.  the only useful thing a cat does is kill mice and rats.  and really they mostly do that out of hunger or blood lust,  not really out of any sense of duty to you.

I did have a cat once kill a 30# racoon and drag it up on the porch.  the cat was missing both ears one eye and most of his tail after the fight, but judging from the dead coon on the porch he won.

Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2002, 07:22:02 PM »
Originally posted by Kanth

btw as I've said I'll grant you that infection is higher, but those infections being fatal is a different story entirely.


KATHMANDU - A Royal Bengal tiger, one of less than 6,000 of the endangered species, has been shot dead in southern Nepal after it killed seven villagers, state-run English-language daily Rising Nepal said yesterday.

May 22, 2002/Mayagüez, Puerto Rico: A 12-year-old boy was scratched on the hand by a jaguar at the Mayagüez Zoo when he reached inside the jaguar’s cage.

May 15, 2002/Romania: A 3-year-old girl was mauled by a 9-month-old lion tied up outside of a shop. The girl, who had tried to play with the lion, required hospital treatment for cuts to her chest, belly, and buttocks.

May 12, 2002/Tampa, Fla.: A 350-pound African lion at Busch Gardens ripped off the arm of a zookeeper standing next to the lion’s cage while she was giving a private tour to her family. The attack occurred shortly after the zookeeper had fed the lion pieces of meat during training exercises.

April 28, 2002/Pickens County, S.C.: According to the Post & Courier, a "pet" tiger was quarantined for biting an 8-year-old boy in the leg after the tiger had been given a bath. The tiger is normally kept in a metal cage in the backyard.

March 6, 2002/Vienna, Austria: While visitors watched, three jaguars at the Schoenbrunn zoo attacked and killed an employee as she was preparing their food and injured the zoo’s director when he tried to rescue the zookeeper.

Damn cats...:mad: tabby is just a few rungs of DNA away...  ever wonder why they stare at you?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2002, 07:37:10 PM by Holden McGroin »
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Offline Kanth

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« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2002, 07:55:48 PM »
doing this will cause you to go blind.

Originally posted by capt. apathy

  cats contribute nothing.  

the only useful thing a cat does is blah blah blah blah blah
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Offline X2Lee

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« Reply #69 on: January 02, 2003, 06:19:24 AM »
Originally posted by Kanth
pictures please? That's gotta be cute as hell.

Ill see what I can dig up and scan. I have pics of them all separate
It is cute tho. I have a solid black cat and a black dane, the cat follows the dane around the yard like a mini shadow. Thats fun to see also.

Offline myelo

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« Reply #70 on: January 02, 2003, 08:31:52 AM »
Cats don’t herd sheep, flush quail, lead the blind, or chase Frisbees. But they do one thing better than almost anything else – kill mice. In fact, cats were first kept by humans because of their benefit through rodent control. Rodents have killed more people and destroyed more property throughout history than all wars combined, primarily by spreading disease and destroying food supplies. Even today, 20% of all human food supplies are destroyed by rodents.  A good mouser kills about 500 mice per year and can prevent the potential destruction of 250 tons of human food supplies per year.

A major factor in the spread of bubonic plague in Europe in the 1300s was because the Christian Church decided that cats were evil and almost led to the extinction of cats in Europe. This allowed the rodent population to get out of control (rodent fleas being the main way plague spreads). And until the 1990s, the British navy required their ships to keep cats

I think dogs are great pets, but if you want to argue the benefits to people, cats win hands down.
Bastard coated bastard, with a creamy bastard filling

Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #71 on: January 02, 2003, 09:05:09 AM »
Gotta love em....dogs and cats both.

They are different and provide different things to those who have them.  I think the purring of a cat is one of the most soothing sounds I have ever heard from any animal.

I have owned both, but currently only have the one cat.  She is the oddest cat I have ever had.  She likes to play in water, she will arch and growl when strangers come to the door, she sits and begs for treats, and when you tell her NO, she drops her head in shame.
She has a chair in the living room that is her chair and she will let anyone know it if they sit in it.

Very odd.

Oh, if a cat has bad breath it is due to tartar build-up on thier teeth and gums.  The saliva from a cat contains a natural enzyme that destroys most odor causing bacteria.  This is why thier coats have virtually no odor.
The tartar build-up is usually fom eating too much soft cat food.  IAMS or Science Diet is the best food for a cat.  The sugar in most cat food will eventually give a cat diabetes....not always,..but I learned this the hard way.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline mjolnir

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« Reply #72 on: January 02, 2003, 09:37:59 AM »
Speaking of strange pet tricks, I've got a pure bred boxer who swims underwater (voluntarily).  Couldn't ask for a cooler dog.

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #73 on: January 02, 2003, 10:20:17 AM »
Got password. Here's a pic of the coolest dog in the world. His name is Max :)

Cute, eh?

Myelo, benefits to humans and cats. Aye, they kill mice effectively. Trained dogs are very good at that too. True, they use brute strength rather than stealth and they have to be proper trained, but at least they CAN be trained. But yes you're right, they've been beneficial to humans.

Also, cats might have been very useful a couple of hundred of years back. They might be quite useful for farmers today. They do as much harm as good though, killing not only rodents but birds etc. In Australia, they're killing endangered species. And they're not really controllable.

It's been mentioned what you can do with a dog *today*. Aside from all the practical bits there is the issue of loyalty and defense. Studies have shown that house cats aren't really that intelligent and that they seem to mentally remain in kitten state for most of their lives. They're social - when it fits them. Which is when they can get something from you. Sort of like my neighbors.

Cats will give you something to occasionally pet. They're so stupid it's not safe to have them outdoors, because they seem to like to be run over by cars. One can argue that this happens more often to cats because they're out more without supervision. OTOH, all my dogs are not on a leash when I'm out with them, and none have ever come close to be run over by a car. Except one who made a mistake as a pup, but luckily got stopped by passers by.

Cats. Egoistical sadistic animals who look incredibly cute and are extremely likeable (I like cats). However they're pretty stupid and of little use uless you're a farmer or live in a country where beubonic plague is breaking out again :)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2003, 10:30:33 AM by StSanta »

Offline krazyhorse

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« Reply #74 on: January 02, 2003, 11:00:58 AM »
HAS DOG BREATH<  also has 5 cats, 2 dogs,1 opoossum, dogs stay out side as well as 3 of the cats and the possum,2 cats stay in 1 of them waits by the doors to use the bathroom, the other is to old to go out, i hate litter boxes,and when the old cat dies i will not have one in the house ,litter box that is. AS far as my puppies go one female one male , female is a sweety and a great watch dog,  as is one of my indoors cats(growls when some comes up driveway) the other dog male , well he's a good dog  cept for he's a humper:D  he will hump and damn log with a hole in it if it holds still long enuff, hell the dumb puppy even humper one of my freinds in the ear while he was laying down in grass afteer an exhuasting mountain bike ride, at first he didnt know what was going on till the rest of us started laughing our tulips off,(he thought the dog was licking his ear)hehe  :)