Author Topic: I Like Pizza  (Read 1997 times)

Offline Pongo

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Time to say good bye...
« Reply #45 on: January 08, 2003, 10:26:27 PM »
Not one of you idiots quoted the whole its lost to us for ever..

Offline Urchin

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Time to say good bye...
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2003, 03:24:19 AM »
SOB got it in the other thread.  I think it was SOB anyway.

Offline J_A_B

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Time to say good bye...
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2003, 01:32:05 PM »
Hey Tumor, in ight of that "other" thread (or his infamous "sue everyone" thread), still think I'm a "knucklehead"?


Offline Drunky

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Part of the Original Post
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2003, 04:08:30 PM »
Long are gone the days of the Gentlemen’s club. Game being over ran by Jb79 type, dlamba type, etc. Gone are the days of good 3 on 3 squad fights. My country tells me to fly into the enemy’s hanger, rinse and repeat. Gone are the days of chivalry and honor. No more am I able to return home, smoking and
Long gone are those days when bombers had usage, and squadrons few escort and everybody enjoyed. Gone are the days when you roll in 20k in your escorts and suddenly another squadron of fighters shows up, ready for battle at 20,000 feet, heart pumping, radio screaming. Some say well what about the TOD, yes TOD was nice.... but now its send just anything more than another 60 vs. 60 attack 2 areas. It seems every TOD I have flown in the last few months has been nothing more than a coordinated gangbangs. Oh well.
Drunky | SubGenius
Fat Drunk Bastards
B.A.A.H. - Black Association of Aces High

Offline Black Sheep

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Time to say good bye...
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2003, 12:56:03 AM »
Originally posted by Creamo
You guys are despicable.

Dearest TheFatz...

I am truely disheartened to hear that you are leaving us here in AH. You are a gentile heart and spirit and you will go far. This community will be the less with your absence. I speak for us all in the community when I offer you my most sincere apology for the treatment that you have endured at the hands of these indifferent, immature, and base quality individuals.

 No one deserves the indignity of being on the receiving end of such nonsence and degradation like in this thread. I am ashamed of those who perpatrated these attacks against you, but aswell, I am ashamed that we, who are the decent and rule abiding, will sit idly by while one of our own is treated brutaly by the pedantic ravings of some testosterone driven pervert who has no sence of propriety and even less of a sence of basic morality. Shame on them, Shame on us.

I hope that you feel that you may someday return to AH. I understand your reluctance to continue, but do know this; good or bad, you made an impression. This is not such an easy task in a community filled the best of the best and the worst of the worst. You will always have a home with the fellas in the Fat Queer Bastards, where you can go and feel protected.
Good luck to you in all of your present and future endevours. Hope to see you back in the sky soon. until then,

Supreme Commander MAG 232 with lotsa medals

Oh, and P.S, Please please just take a break and think it over. You leaving will be ours and HTC's loss for sure !! Of that I am 200% positive.
As mentioned, you need somewhat of a think skin in here and be able to shrug things off or as a last resort squelch the 500% total lamers who do or did make you feel this way by not getting into 20K furbals.

A great attitude like yours is hard to come by and brightened every second of our flying time that you were online.
I know you recently joined our squad, The The Fat Gay Bartards, and I hope your time with us was good. I think it was from my correspndence with you via e-mail.

Forget those fools!!!

From the responses, I'm sure you can tell for every 'character' who didn't give you respect, there were at least a dozen or more who did. Maybe some of them silently, but they were willing to stand with you when the times got tough.
As for the learning curve, we didn't have to much time to get into that but you have to remember that AH isn't as easy as checkers and probably tougher than chess. You have to take little steps and gradually things will get better, that I can guarentee.

Stay happy and posistive and don't let the 'badies' get you down.
They show how foolish they are and you can show how strong you are.

Actually, good riddance you emotional train-crash bastard.

You are really smart - no actually you're quite stupid