Originally posted by K98k
This site is probably where weazel (a.k.a. Jihad) and Thrawn frequent to get the latest.
after seeing some of these and hearing Thrawn and Jihad they sound awfully familiar.
Look ma, here's another dumb bellybutton who's swallowed the anti-intellectual bait of chimpys gang, hook...line...and sinker.
For the most part, chimpys supporters are content fanatically to tune out any aspect of reality that contradicts their vision of "the liberal establishment."
For reasons too complex for us to hazard here, the anti-intellectuals are finally on the side of power at its most unforgiving and voracious.
And so they give a pass to those people who are at the service of such power, while jeering anyone...who thinks to raise a fuss about how wrong it is.
For them, this isn't something to discuss, because discussion is itself suspicious, even dangerous...the sport of jerk-offs and prevaricators.
Thus there is no point in arguing with them...and yet no wisdom in attempting to ignore them.
And such is true not only of the Bush regime's most unrestrained supporters, but of the Bush regime itself...a fact that now requires a lot of careful thought, and something more.
And yet it's just such thinking that has all but disappeared since 9/11...as it always disappears in time of war.
In bringing down the World Trade Center and ravaging the Pentagon, the terrorists not only murdered thousands, and left tens of thousands more bereft, and devastated lower Manhattan, and sparked the wreckage of the local and the national economy.
Through that spectacular atrocity, the killers also managed, at one blow, to knock the brains clean out of countless good Americans.
Although those citizens had started out that day with all their wits intact, by dinnertime they sounded more like Fred Flintstone, a consequence even more destructive in the long run.
For while we can and will no doubt rebuild beyond the shattered lives and property, the prospects aren't as upbeat for our frail democracy, which cannot function if too many people think like chimpy and his gang of thugs and criminals.
So now lets go back to chimpys quotes I addressed to grunherz, only six months after 9/11 bin laden was no longer a concern of George Bush...how do you explain that?