Originally posted by CurtissP-6EHawk
Fork was there and knows whats wrong. He had to bail but will fix it later....today I guess. Flying the George was fun, and he allies seemed to like the P-38.
Well, several of us tried for hours to keep players in aircraft specified in the MOTD. For the most part, they did until the numbers changed and new log ins arrived every few minutes. I repeatedly asked players to stick to the correct plane set. However, when I found swarms of C-Hogs, P-38s and B-17 formations pounding A9, I quit flying at a disadvantage and grabbed whatever I thought I needed.
Just as disturbing were the antics of a few who decided that the CT was really a practice arena for suicide tactics. Suicide
P-38s attacked Japanese fleets, and Wolfala repeatedly brought over low-level formations of B-17s to suicide the Task Forces. The only aircraft enabled on the carriers (for the Japanese) was the Zero, with totally inadequate guns to deal with formations of B-17s. Moreover, there are no manable guns on the CV TGs, meaning that we could not defend the ships whatsoever.
When informed that he should not be flying the B-17, nor engaging in suicide tactics with them, he became vulgar in the extreme. Turn on the lives limiter and leave it on. Guys like Wolfala lose 6 lives in minutes. Furthermore, I wouldn’t mind if the number of lives per hour were set at 4. Better yet, if HTC were to count each drone loss as a life lost, the suicide bomber formations would disappear.
Finally, I believe this mess resulted from a few guys milkrunning a reset earlier in the day.
It’s too bad things got so out of control. Many regulars simply logged off, figuring if they wanted to fly in the MA, they would go there.
My regards,