Just a thought Kibbets.
The game actually has two film viewers. One within the game. The other called ah film viewer.
The film viewer within the game provides a good looksee at the flight from the pilots point of view and can be accessed by firing up Aces High then click on the film button and chose one to view.
The other one is located in the aces high folder. After you have installed Aces High and you click on program files/aceshigh there you will find aces high film viewer. This is separate and editable.
What makes it so interesting is it shows your airspeed, the distance to the nearest enemy/friends and...you can click on any of the name names listed on the right and you jump into their cockpit. From there you get to see the other guys point of view of the fight. You can even try it ini the training aena making your own films. Then playback the fight from both cockpits.
As far joysticks, if you're just getting into it and checking it out you can get by with a cheapy $20-30 stick. Just try and find one with an 8-way hat. Then as you get hooked, like the rest of us, you can spend the money for one with all the bells and whistles. Take the original one and throw it in the drawer. The expensive ones crap out and need overhauls so you can pull it out while the other one's in the shop.
Hope this helps.