Author Topic: Powells speech so far...  (Read 6378 times)

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #135 on: February 07, 2003, 10:47:14 AM »
Originally posted by bowser
P.S.  Any of you "keeners" veterans of other wars?  Didn't think so.

This is a silly statement.  I expect that support for military action in Iraq varies from veteran to veteran.  To presume otherwise is foolish.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #136 on: February 07, 2003, 11:03:12 AM »
bowser.. I'd go back. In fact, now that my kid is an adult, my ex sulf-sufficient and the majority of my life behind me, I'd rather go and maybe insure that some young kid didn't have to.

i suspect that most VFW's feel the same way.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #137 on: February 07, 2003, 11:21:23 AM »
"Always amazes me the number of people who are so keen to go to war. Of course, those very same people will be sitting on their fat tulips watching the war on CNN. I wish there was a way of getting the more vocal ones on the front lines...I'd bet they would pipe down real quick.

I suspect the people who will be doing the actual fighting will put a bit more thought into it. They may be prepared to fight because that is their job...but I doubt very much that they want war.

P.S. Any of you "keeners" veterans of other wars? Didn't think so. "

Sorry I have to disagree.

 I think it is time for war, but I was hoping and still hope that another way will be found, I do not want our boys to die, nor do I want to pay for this, but sometimes thats what has to be done.

The boys who do have to go.

 I support you all the way!

Offline Toad

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« Reply #138 on: February 07, 2003, 01:12:32 PM »
Hang, I think he'd be amazed at how many of us old fahrts tried to volunteer after 9/11.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline bowser

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« Reply #139 on: February 08, 2003, 11:50:33 AM »
I cannot see someone who has experienced the horrors of war firsthand, recommending that somebody else go through the same experience.  How often have we all seen veterans who have actually been on the frontlines state that their only wish is that nobody has to go through what they did.

I applaud those willing to make the supreme sacrifice themselves when war is the only alternative...which it sometimes is.  They have more guts then I probably would ever have.  My criticism was of those who are much too eager to offer up others for sacrifice, knowing damn well they would never do the dirty work themselves.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2003, 02:38:02 PM by bowser »

Offline Hortlund

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« Reply #140 on: February 10, 2003, 08:46:15 AM »
Your attempt to humiliate me got you laughed at by two other board members, and you regularly attract ridicule and dismissal on this board. I don't see anyone laughing at me. I understand if you refrain from further comment on this issue.

hehe, sig material...

Offline straffo

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« Reply #141 on: February 10, 2003, 09:13:49 AM »
GScholz just use the ignore function.

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« Reply #142 on: February 10, 2003, 09:20:43 AM »
Originally posted by GScholz
- Ok, I'll connect the dots for you. You stated the UN was not a democracy, hinting that no one have veto powers in a democracy. Ccvi stated, as I have tried to explain to you, that democracy and veto powers are not mutually exclusive. You can have both.
Please explain how you think that works. Lets assume that the people vote on their new government. Give 5 persons veto power. Explain what happens if 95% of the population votes for candidate A, but one person vetoes that desicion. How is that democratic in your version of democracy?

What CCVI said, and what you fail to understand, was (and still is) completely irrelevant to this discussion. The fact that the word "democracy" comes from greek "demos" is so hopelessly irrelevant to the question whether a democracy can be a democracy if some voters have veto rights. One might think that you would have realized that when CCVI was saying that the USA is not a democracy, or that in a real democracy people dont have leaders.

I suspect this will go right over your head though.

My personal opinion is that the various member states of the UN should have a number of votes that in at least some degree reflect the size of the nations population, i.e. the number of people that will be affected by the outcome of the vote.

A "World Democracy" is a union of all Earth's nations ... a utopia for sure, but maybe conceivable in the future. I just found it strange that you would reject this idea and still vote yes for the EU, an international democracy, which will become the same on a lesser scale. Just to forestall any outcries of confusion on your part let me just emphasize that World=The Whole World while International=Two or More Countries ... get it?
You are seriously weird. I have never had that much sympathy for the cosmopolitans, franky I see that as some freaked out hippie dream. But thats just my opinion. The reason I voted for the EU is the simple fact that I want my country to be a part of the EU for as long as the EU exists, because it beats the alternative, and it is beneficial for Sweden as a nation and Swedish economy. If you think I voted out of some idealistic conviction, you are wrong.

But this is of cource completely irrelevant.

- Once again I will connect the dots for you Hortlund. If we take the EU as an example, Norway is, as you probably know, not a member state, yet we have access to EU's internal market as if we were. This is because Norway has a TREATY with the EU (for which we pay dearly I might add). Norway does not however have any privileges when it comes to the EU Governmental processes or lawmaking. Sweden is a member state, and as such has these treaties embedded in its LAW, and as a member state have a say in EU's decision-making and lawmaking.

- If a person is a member of a nation state, i.e. a citizen ... like Norway, he is subject to Norwegian law, and able to participate in the politics and rule of Norway. If said person is not a Norwegian national he does not have the privilege to participate, and is not subject to Norwegian law. A person can however obtain a visa (treaty), and thereby become a temporary citizen of a nation, subject to its laws, but without any privilege in matters of state.

- See the similarities? Norway-treaty-EU=person-visa-nation, Sweden-member-EU=person-citizen-nation?
Geez... you really dont have a clue do you? I mean this is getting really embarrassing. Please oh please drop this subject you weird weird person. This is quite frankly among the most idiotic ramblings I have ever seen on these boards, and that says alot. If you really want,  I can take this quote apart piece by piece and show you how insanely wrong you are...but do you really want that? I mean how fun can it be to have someone tell such very fundamental facts like "anyone within norwegian jurisdiction is subject to norwegian laws irrelevant of nationality", the fact that you didnt know that is just breathtaking. (let me guess, now you will say "that is not what I meant" or some other pathetic and lame excuse). And your idea that a visa is the same thing as a temporary citizenship is...cute...but not correct.

You really should know when to STFU and sneak out of a discussion...

- So what you're saying is that the EU does not write down its own laws, but forces the member states to embed them in their laws? Isn't that EU lawmaking? Ever heard of The Court of Justice of the European Communities? The EU has on numerous occasions exerted force to make Norway comply with EU directives and law.
Again you seem unable to understand the basic difference between a law and a treaty. Again you seem to fail to understand that any international court cannot force anyone to do anything in the same way a national court can force the subjects of that law to do whatever.

I am saying that EC directives are roughly in this form:
Rules:blah blah blah,
now the member nations have [time limit] to incorporate these rules into their domestic law.

You should also try to read up on the difference between the EU and the EC, it gets even more embarrassing when you talk about EU directives or EU law.

- So you're saying the EU is NOT an governmental organization? Norway does not deal with Sweden, Germany, France or any other member state of the EU. Norway deals with the EU Parliament, yes the EU has a PARLIAMENT. And on several occasions this Parliament has threatened to deny Norway access to EU's internal market, which would be detrimental to Norway's industry, especially the seafood industry. The EU is a parliamentary democracy of nation states, soon to be a parliamentary federation of European states.
Yes I am saying that the EU is not a governmental organization. The EU is a cooperation between various member states. The difference is enormous, yet you seem unable to understand that.

If Norway is dealing with the EU Parliament, that might explain why Norway is left out in the cold, like the retarded cousin you dont really want to play with, but who insists on coming over to your house. You ought to do some reading up on the powers of the EU parliament.

Just out of curiosity, what is your impression of the desicion making progress in the EC? What is your impression of the desicion making progress in the EU? Do you understand the difference between the EC and the EU? Do you understand the difference between the European council, the European commission and the counsil of ministers and the counsil of the European union?

I seriously doubt it, and your posts give clear indication that you dont know jack toejam about what you are talking about.  

- It is kind of sad that you have so little knowledge of the very organization you voted for Sweden to join. My posts have been filled with facts and realities. Your posts have been nothing but hypotheses and cynicism. Here a link to the official info site of the EU, read up ... wise up.
hehehe, well at least you are funny.

Offline Hortlund

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« Reply #143 on: February 10, 2003, 09:21:46 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
GScholz just use the ignore function.

hehe, is that how you "win" your arguments straffo?

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« Reply #144 on: February 10, 2003, 09:34:00 AM »
I forgot : after you have to got to the user cp

and click on the

I don't want to see this thread anymore link

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« Reply #145 on: February 10, 2003, 09:36:05 AM »
Hortlund you can post what you want.

It's just ostracisme and it work great.

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« Reply #146 on: February 10, 2003, 12:51:56 PM »
Well, I cant blame that guy for ignoring me really. Much easier than having to reply to that post I suppose...

Offline Boroda

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« Reply #147 on: February 10, 2003, 02:02:09 PM »
Originally posted by Suave
Yep Boroda, the USA created Panama, good thing for the free world that we did to. BTW Panama ejoys a free democracy, just as they allways have. We're still defending their freedom to govern themselves, seems there are some marxist militants out there that are trying to change that .

interesting to read such beautifull things.

Panama was created because the government of Columbia refused to admit American conditions for the construction of the Panama channel. How can you speak about any "free democracy" there when the "democratic" government there was installed by American bayonets and cruisers?! And the country was invaded and occupied several times in XX century, removing one "democratic" government and setting up another, more "democratic".

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« Reply #148 on: February 10, 2003, 02:09:57 PM »
Toad, you will probably never understand many emotional things about us, as well as motivations other then you usually follow.

About Katyn': for the 25th time I say that I DON'T f#$king know, but all the "documents" provided by Gorbachev (a well-known liar and traitor) are obviously fake. Damn, they are printed on forms used in 1950s!

AS for Katyn, there's massive, indisputable evidence that Stalin ordered the execution of the Poles. Evidence that was available and proven long before the Soviet Union under Gorbachev formally admitted to the crime.

Before Gorbachev it was proven only by German Ministry of Propaganda. So far the only reliable document is Burdenko's comission report, signed by Allied representatives too. I don;t know.

When USSR "invaded" Poland the Polish state ceased to exist. The land "occupied" by USSR was taken by Poland during the war of 1919-20.

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« Reply #149 on: February 10, 2003, 02:44:35 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda
interesting to read such beautifull things.

Panama was created because the government of Columbia refused to admit American conditions for the construction of the Panama channel. How can you speak about any "free democracy" there when the "democratic" government there was installed by American bayonets and cruisers?! And the country was invaded and occupied several times in XX century, removing one "democratic" government and setting up another, more "democratic".

Mostly true. TR wanted his canal, and he didn't let a little thing like National sovreignty get in his way.