Author Topic: Hey Luffies  (Read 4102 times)

Offline Grissom

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Now hold on a second there 325th...
« Reply #60 on: March 01, 2003, 12:21:16 PM »
I didn't start this dance, and I sure don't need a squad po'd at me, but Lowejg (wish I knew how to put the uhmlat in there lowe) seems to be the level headed one for you so I'll address this for his comment(s).

I try to lead by example, which in rl, face-to-face worl works pretty good for me.  In here, where everyone has a chip on there nose ring, words are mostly misconstrued, or misread.  Personally I try to make allowances for that, but that is how I am.

(Hate having to dumb this down) Look CT fliers!  If you see a problem in the game it is your natural right to do your best with the equipment at hand to try and cure the problem.  To wit the following...

Prob: oh no, the massed hordes are decending on my base!
Sol:   gather ye yon troops and repel from afar!  Set up a mission designed to defend your resources!  If no-one comes to the mission, then you have done what you can and it's those that failed to respond that are the problem.

You folks got that so far?  BIG RAID COMMING!
Make a BIGGER DEFFENSE to meet them!

I step off my desk now, and thanks for any input to the above.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2003, 04:28:05 AM by Grissom »

Offline Löwe

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #61 on: March 01, 2003, 12:35:13 PM »

I don't think anybody in this squad is holding anything against you.  Hell I don't think they really hold anything against Shane.  Shane has a way of drawing attention to himself, but thats his style, and his right. Ballance is an issue, and I've been on the short side of the stick plenty of times. I know it's no fun.  People fly what they want, and thats the rub. I love flying Luftwaffe , and maybe soon I'll go back to it. I don't think squads are an evil thats ruining CT though. Before the new CT staff took over there wasn't a lot of participation here. The new staff has done a great job, and about the time they started, you started seeing squads show up in here. Many people myself included would rather fly in CT for the plane match ups. Thats the biggest attraction to me. Thats also the biggest reason I don't fly MA.

Theres never been a cat that couldn't be skined, and I think the ballance issue has an answer too. Beating each others brains in, and insulting each other isn't the answer though.  I agree with you, that many of us get way too hot on some of these issues. It's easy to insult and point fingers from a distance. Thats why I'm trying to get my guys to put and end to it. It just doesnt solve anything, and allows all of us that do it, to look like a bunch of idiots.
I've flown so little the last two months I've lost track of just how big a squad the 325th is, and how we can unbalance things quickley.

Offline Löwe

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #62 on: March 01, 2003, 12:37:10 PM »
Oh yeah Grissom if you ever need to get the  uhmlat hold down the alt key and hit 0246 on your number pad you'll get an ö. ;)

Offline Jester

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #63 on: March 01, 2003, 12:52:46 PM »
I agree. This argument has went on way to long. It serves no purpose and only scares off new players to the CT that might whitness it.

SHANE: It is just plain obvious that we fly in the CT for very different reasons. You enjoy the close combat pitting your skill against another pilot. You pay your $14 bucks a month to fly like you want to so "More power to you".

We on the other hand formed the 325th (same when we formed VF-27) to act and fly as close to a real life WW2 Fighter Squadron as we could get within a sim game. We get more out of flying semi-realistic mission profiles and useing teamwork & wingman tactics while flying. We emphasized teamwork from the beginning and all pilots know this when they join. We allow no "Lone Wolf" or "Score potato" types in the outfit. Where you are out to prove your skill in A2A combat - ours is to hit our target and get every pilot back home - just as they did in real life.

We also each pay our $14 a month so that is how we choose to fly. Plain and simple and we have had no problems getting recruits that feel the same way.

For the record - between VF-27, 27th SENTAI & the 325th FG we have probably brought 30+ new pilots to the CT. Many "Newbys" and some enticed over from the MA. We are still in the process of talking other squads to come to the CT.

GRISSOM: (Or anyone else) If you are seriously considering starting a LUFTWAFFE Squad I will do all I can to help you. I still have all kinds of materials left from when I flew with JG-51 Molders in WARBIRDS.
You can set-up a website very simply with YAHOO/GEOCITIES and the best part it is free. You don't even have to know HTML to run it. I will talk you through it. You can observe what I did with our squad website (link under my signature) and I know nothing about HTML.
All you have to do is get a dependable XO and I will even help you set up and do your recruiting & pick a LW Jagdgeshwader to represent if you wish.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2003, 01:01:28 PM by Jester »


Offline HiJack

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #64 on: March 01, 2003, 04:03:31 PM »
Grissom that goes for myself and the VF27 Hellcats, if you want to start an axis squad we will do what we can to help, good luck on getting it started would be a great addition to the CT. Seems to me that most of the lone wolfs preferr to fly axis, could be wrong but 2 or 3 of the best pilots in here (aka Eskimo and Eagler, ammo and a few others as much as I hate to admit it Shane) are great fighter pilots and really dont enjoy the squad tactics that VF27, 325th and 880 like to do. If they would form an axis squad they would be tough to beat no matter what the numbers are, but its their money and they choose to fly whichever way they want. So good luck and hope you have success in getting an Axis squad in the CT, look forward to flying against it.

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: We need more squads
« Reply #65 on: March 01, 2003, 05:01:01 PM »
Originally posted by Bear76

I don't know why we end up the bad guys here. We have a big squad because we have a great bunch of guys that enjoy flying together and people want to be part of it. We fly a couple of planned missions on Tuesday and Thursday nights and the rest of the time we are just like the rest of the CT. We just choose not to fight against each other. We don't go around bullying the arena or stirring up the radio channel with mindless babble. But if certain people choose to feel threatened, well not much we can do about it.

We are an allied squad and fly that side exclusively except in a japanese scenario. We fly Jap because no one else will. You want to start a squad to fly axis, great. It only improves the game. But, don't make us the villians.

If your squad has the same great bunch of guys, you'll have a heck of a squad.

Just curious...why the CT? Since I have been playin in the CT, I have seen a few of your squad nites. The obvious answer to my question would be "so that we can outnumber everyone".

Tell yah what, I am part of a big squad with a great bunch of guys. Let me know what time your squad nites start and I will try to arrange a little competition for yah. Who knows, you might find that 60 to 60 odds are a lot more fun than 60 to 20 :D.

Old requires two people...anything else is just jerkin off :).
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Shane

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #66 on: March 01, 2003, 05:02:28 PM »
what makes ya'll think i *prefer* to fly axis? the concepts of squads doesn't appeal to me personally because, well, they can be so limiting, we do this, we don't do that, this is what and how we fly. even if i were in a squad, i see nothing wrong whatsoever in fighting my own squaddies, how better to assess one's skills?

i never used to be particularly good in lw planes, but have been kind of "forced" into them in the interests of trying to balance out numbers. as a result, i think i'm doing quite nicely in them.

now do you see where i'm coming from? i have nothing against squads or squad ops per se, but rather i'm all in the interest of trying to make sure things don't become too lopsided where it's not much for for either side, really.

i could never willingly fly on a side that runs almost a 2:1 advantage, it's simply not much fun or challenge.

all the more power to squads, but please do try and consider arena conditions. we see the same maps and planes over and over you know? so when it comes to gameplay, stubbornly sticking to one particular side is well... limiting.

and let me ask this... how many CT squads sign up for scenarios where they can really use the tactics they're supposed to be perfecting in the CT? remember, there's no win/lose in CT so perhaps you guys might want to think about the overall gameplay. i mean who enjoys an unopposed mission or facing 3+:1 odds any length of time?

it kind of seems silly to see 2 or 3 allied squads running their squad nites all on the same nite, throwing nbrs way out of whack. one can;t really expect relatively noobs to know the score - they're teh kind who will almost always fly on the side with nbrs, throwing things even more out of balance - and there are just those individuals who *always* fly on the side with nbrs.

i can only do what i can do which is follow my own personal code.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline Bear76

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« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2003, 05:18:53 PM »

We fly tuesday and thursday nights at 10pm Eastern. I don't know about the 60 to 60 thing though. We only have 25 members. Seems the numbers got a little distorted as has the perspective of us and others. It's a game guys and supposed to be fun.

Offline Shane

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Re: NoBaddy
« Reply #68 on: March 01, 2003, 05:30:54 PM »
Originally posted by Bear76

We fly tuesday and thursday nights at 10pm Eastern. I don't know about the 60 to 60 thing though. We only have 25 members. Seems the numbers got a little distorted as has the perspective of us and others. It's a game guys and supposed to be fun.

Fine, so the damned will make it 60 vs your 25.  that should still be fun.  right?

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Bear76

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Why the CT
« Reply #69 on: March 01, 2003, 05:39:41 PM »
The squad was created to fly in the CT because of the scenarios offered. We enjoy the historic aspect the CT offers. Numbers had nothing to do with it. We started with four guysand it jus grew from there. We don't claim to be great pilots. We just enjoy flying together in the CT environment. The MA just doen't appeal to most of us, but we doe occasionally go there and furball. You probably have found something in the CT that appeals to you also or you wouldn't fly here.

As for outnumbering the arena, we seldom have any more than 15 members on at a given time, even squad nights. The real world takes presidence after all. I'm on most every night and seldom do the numbers get way out of wack. When it does it is usually the result of an MA crash or the so called "pizza" map.
A few months ago you seldom saw more than 20 people in the whole CT. Many people are attracted to the historical aspect of the arena and now many more are "regulars". This is good. We welcome your squad. Let's keep this in the spirit the CT was created for. We fly allied because thats what the squad was based on. We fly the allied rides in all scenarios(except japanese as stated earlier) Many maps we don't have the "superior" ride as the axis, but we still fly them and die in them. :)

Offline DiabloTX

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2003, 05:56:50 PM »
All I can say is that one of the reasons that I signed up for AH online is the whole experience of being in a squadron.  There is no quicker or better way for me to learn the game than to be with an outfit that helps you with whatever you need.  

There are two main things you have that has earned my full respect: your abilities in the air and the way you stick to your guns, there are too many mamby-pamby turds that can't decide where they stand on an issue.  That being said, realise that we fly on tues. and thurs. nights in the CT; this will not change.  The aspect of actually being in a squad in the CT during squad nights is the main reason why I fly with a squad.  It is as close as I can get to 'being back in time' as I can get with current technology.  If it seems like you get 'gang-banged' constantly in the CT then I suggest not flying when the squads are there or join a squad in the CT, not join them on a permanent basis, but hooking up with them in flight.  As much as there are people here that may hate your guts, I don't think there is one squad that wouldn't turn you down for help on a mission.  I would rather you fly in the CT, stir up the sh*t that you do (I have to say though, that I laugh with about every comment you type on the TB, I never take anything typed there seriously) and fight and fly.  Just realise that we will be in the CT on the aforementioned nights.  

There have been a great number of times where we went into the CT, saw the numbers were VERY out of balance and joined the other side.  As much as doing this aggrevates me (I like to stay loyal to my squad nationality) I do it realising that it makes the experience in the CT better for everyone.  So just because we may not do it EVERYTIME, understand that we do it if the plane set does not carry our historical mounts.  In fact a couple of weeks ago we flew one mission in P-40's (the 325th's historical first crate), saw the numbers get out of hand, and then switched sides and flew a couple missions in A6M's.  

So to sum it up, the 325th, VF-27 and 880's squads (among others) are here, they fly CT during their respective times, and we DO swap sides when the numbers get bad, but not EVERYTIME.  If this still displeases you just keep doing what you do, you are entertaining to the nth degree if nothing else, !
« Last Edit: March 01, 2003, 05:59:06 PM by DiabloTX »
"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Denmark I eat a danish for peace." - Diablo

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Re: NoBaddy
« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2003, 06:29:54 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
Fine, so the damned will make it 60 vs your 25.  that should still be fun.  right?


LOL! Well...with 75+ Damned in AH, it is possible :D. Fortunately, I think the Damned generally perfer a good fight to an unopposed cake walk :). I might be able to round up 10 or 15 guys to help out to help balance things out.

Originally posted by Bear76
As for outnumbering the arena, we seldom have any more than 15 members on at a given time, even squad nights. The real world takes presidence after all. I'm on most every night and seldom do the numbers get way out of wack. When it does it is usually the result of an MA crash or the so called "pizza" map.
A few months ago you seldom saw more than 20 people in the whole CT. Many people are attracted to the historical aspect of the arena and now many more are "regulars". This is good.

Well, I was coming to the CT regularly until Trinity went live. I spent the 10 days it was up looking for problems and listening to the comments so that I could try and improve it. I spent the next week working on the update (not much time to fly when you are puttin in 4 to 5 hours a day workin on terrain :D). However, of the time I did spend in the CT, the only problem I saw with odds was created when your squad insisted on flying together. With normal arena numbers in the range of 20 per country. You add 15 (and invite your 'sister' squads to join you) and the arena goes from fun fights and great ops to gangbang and milkrun city. If you are really interested in trying to 'grow' the CT...creating huge odds imbalances a couple of times per week isn't the way.

The CT is actually designed to be self-balancing. That is why the country change has no restictions. Of course, with a large enough group of players refusing to try and balance things...the system falls a part. With a 2 country setup, balance is very important for EVERYONE to enjoy the game play. Think about it, what is the fun of a football game if one team can put 60 players on the field and the other only 20? In the end, the 20 would stop showin up to play and then where would you be?

BTW, I not trying to rag you guys. I'm just hoping that I can help you to understand how disruptive your 'squad nights' are to everyone else's enjoyment of the game.

Shane...COD!! It sux to be on the same side of an argument as you!!! :D:D
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline DiabloTX

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #72 on: March 01, 2003, 08:24:47 PM »
We UNDERSTAND your point of view, god knows we do, just understand that WE only come into the CT for a grand total of 5 HOURS per WEEK!!!  If that 5 hours ruins the entire week for you then I suggest you go somewhere else during that measly little five hours.  And, by the way, we don't target bases as to be only 'milk runs', our primary targets are those that are strategically important to the other side in terms of operations.  And, like we have said for the millionth time, we hate unbalanced numbers as well, and we do switch sides to help with that.  Please stop accusing us of acts that we are completely innocent of.  I know you may be tempted to post about how I again can't see your point of view, I do see it.  Understand that for those 2 and half hours on Tuesday night and the 2 and half hours on Thursday night we will be flying as a squadron.  The other 163 hours of the week we fly independant of one another, and most of the time some of us fly for the other side!!!  Let's please end this rediculous thread as it's obvious that the squadrons are not going away and that if you fly alone, you die alone.  It's called in asphault; your ASS, your FAULT!!  Now, can't we all just get along??? :D :D :D :D
"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Denmark I eat a danish for peace." - Diablo

Offline Löwe

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Hey Luffies
« Reply #73 on: March 01, 2003, 10:17:13 PM »
Guess we're just not welcome here anymore.:p

Shit guys lets move to MA ! We got nutin to lose but headaches.

Offline Bear76

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it seems pointless
« Reply #74 on: March 01, 2003, 10:35:34 PM »
We just aren't going to agree on this.We have never caused a"hugh" imbalance in the game with 15 people. Thursday, when we started, there were 150 people in here. Many nights there are 50 or more. And you're right, it does balance itself out except on occasions. I think this has been blown out of proportion.