Author Topic: Suggestion for CV landings  (Read 405 times)

Offline Sascha JG 77

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Suggestion for CV landings
« on: August 19, 1999, 04:59:00 AM »
From what I understand, AH won t feature a CV in the beta but there is one planned, right?

Ok, if so here's my suggestion:

Remember AOTP? When you landed on the carrier, a little window with the LSO (is that the correct term?) would pop up and you would see him giving you directions for your approach. Could this be done in AH on the FE only? Once your plane enters a certain area around the carrier the window pops up and the guy waves you in. To avoid confusion in a low alt fight near the carrier, the window would only  pop up if your plane had gear out, flaps down and arrestor hook (if that s modelled) lowered (maybe you would have to radio 4 landing clearance too).
Of course this is nothing that I d put on my top priority list but I thought the idea was good enough to share it here.

Too complicated? Do we need this? What do you think guys?

Sascha JG 77 "Herz As!"

Offline Jochen

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 1999, 07:07:00 AM »
This is relevant issue only if we will have Graf Zeppelin and Bf 109T  

Obfr. jochen 'Stern von Afrika' 2./ Jagdgeschwader 27 'Afrika'
jochen Gefechtsverband Kowalewski

Units: I. and II./KG 51, II. and III./KG 76, NSGr 1, NSGr 2, NSGr 20.
Planes: Do 17Z, Ju 87D, Ju 88A, He 111H, Ar 234A, Me 410A, Me 262A, Fw 190A, Fw 190F, Fw 190G.

Sieg oder bolsevismus!

Offline Sascha JG 77

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 1999, 09:46:00 AM »
Hehe that would be SNAOTL: Secret Naval Aircraft Of The Luftwaffe.  



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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 1999, 12:05:00 PM »

IMO, what you suggest would be way too complicated and distracting. Also, if I am concerned about nme in the area, I would want to be watchful of them until I have touched down on the CV deck. In AW CV landings are the hairiest to do successfully. Once learned they are easier to do. Landing approach, alt, speed and angle of approach will affect whether you survive the landing attempt or perish. It is prolly one of the aspects of AW that the programmers didn't screw up  

Bad Omen

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 1999, 12:37:00 PM »
Good post! I had the *exact* same thoughts a few days ago but forgot to post it! It is exactly what is needed! I used to play AOTP too and thought that was the best solution to WWII LSO's I've seen yet.

Strider: There is nothing complicated about it. In AOTP ( and I would hope AH would have something similar) you did not get the LSO until you were inside a certain range of the CV and radio'ed the CV for landing clearance. Then a small window would pop up, sim in size to the USNF popups, and he would direct you with paddles. You can still look around if you need to. This is a feature I wished everyone used! Reason: with the large noses of F4u/F6f/TBF/Judy/Val you have a hell of a time seeing the CV for a proper approach. Yes it can be done, but it is much more difficult without the LSO.

Sasha: Did you ever try Pacific Strike, by Origin? The game had some nice features, but had the weirdest LSO modeling I have ever seen: Again, you had to radio the CV for clearance, but when you got it, instead of a little window, a huge, 500ft LSO appeared on the CV deck, dwarfing the CV! Then as you approached, he got smaller until he was 'about' normal size as you touched down. Talk about loss of immersion!

PAW had no LSO and it was nearly impossible to land successfully on the deck. Most people got to the CV and quit the mission in flight.

Offline Sascha JG 77

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 1999, 12:49:00 PM »
CC Omen I still remember Pacific Strike. I was pretty dissapointed with it at the time, Strike Commander was MUCH better. Origin didn t quite finish PS so what went to the shelves was something between final and beta.
I still hear my PS wingman's calls on the radio though:

"Go to hell, Tojo!"
"Hot Dog! I got me a Jap!"

Remember those?  


Sorry topic..errrrr how can I get out of this one?..Oh yeah: Can we have a virtual wingman that transmits the above messages randomly?

Just kiddin  


Offline Horn

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 1999, 09:47:00 PM »
You peeps can land on a CV?


I'm not worthy.

(not one successful CV landing)

Offline Sascha JG 77

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 1999, 04:29:00 AM »
I ve been trying to find a picture of that "pop-up" LSO in AOTP on the luck. Does anyone have a picture or know a URL where to get it? If so please post it here.



Bad Omen

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 1999, 06:17:00 PM »
Sascha; yeah I remember the dialog in Pacific Strike.:-) There was some discussion of the Political Correctness of it all but I thought it was one of the great features of the game. On a fast machine, it really wasn't bad. What really killed it for me tho was that it only had one sound channel. If a wingman or enemy talked, you lost your engine noise. Real bad.

BTW, I still have a copy of AOTP lying around. If I can find it (and get it to work) I will try to get a shot of the LSO.

Horn: yes, I can land on the CV too. In every sim *except* I think only once in PAW.:-/


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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 1999, 06:29:00 PM »
Yep, would be cool,
   but if you remember, the LSO in AOTP was kinda, well, lame. If you watched, and followed the LSO, most of the time, it would lead you too far to port, at least this was what I remember. I would try to load it now, but I think the PIII 450 would run it so fast, it wouldn't be flyable ;-) I just used to use a corsair type approach, and cut throttle when I couldn't see the ship, worked fine...



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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 1999, 08:26:00 PM »
I know exactly what you are talking about as I still have AOP. In fact its the early version that came with 3 3.5 disks (before cd-rom)

I LOVE carrier ops. In fact in TOSKAWB very often I'll find myself using the carrier base exlusively. Taking off from carrier, carry out my mission, came back to carrier and land...its great fun!  

Oh and one more thing...if there is enemy activity near your cv...then you shouldn't be landing  

333rd Red Dawgs
JG 5 Eismeer


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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 1999, 02:16:00 AM »
Vonkjk, AOTP will run fine on your computer. it runs fine on my cel 333a. It has a built in frame rate limiter. Shoot, I still paly AOTP. (Blasting B29's out of the sky with my N1K1 is so fun). The only problem you will have is freeing up memory...

ANYHOW... to stay on topic... Yeah it would be cool to have a small LSO window if the right conditions were met. Although in AOTP I never payed much attention to it, I always get waved off but land anyways   It would be possible to live without it, but again, it would be a nice feature, maybe it could be a toggle incase you don't like it?


The Flying Penguin

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 1999, 11:46:00 PM »

i landed in MPS Pacific air war on the cv :P

for some odd reason im good at cv landings, cant land on a field for beans though, go fig. anyone remember how the b25's in PAW used to randomly crash into their targets after droping bombs?

anyway, tokeep on subject.... i think that the lso should be made, but not in a window. He should radio instructions and be viewed on the deck of the cv, inscale. If the real pilots had to strain looking at the little guy, so should we!. besides. cv landings are easy if 1. the cv is basically empty 2. your plane has a decent arestor hook\ landing gear 3. the ship isnt ziz-zaging allover the place (like in wb, everytime i try to land, the dang things moves! lol)


Offline Sascha JG 77

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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 1999, 11:46:00 AM »
Well floo if you think YOU have an old version (3.5 disks) read this: My version of AOTP is on 5,25 disks!  
When I bought it, the 3.5 version wasn t even out yet, hehehe
So now I can t play it anymore since my new P2 came w/out a "large" disk drive..



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Suggestion for CV landings
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 1999, 12:02:00 PM »
CV Landings are great fun.  I flew the SL last week where F6F attacked the Japanese.  We had a lot of guys survive the frame, and I landed quickly so I could watch everybody.  It was hilarious with all of us doing an amateur LSO job on RW along with the commentary from the stressed-out pilot.