Author Topic: A Public apology, source of my warps found  (Read 2001 times)

Offline Siaf__csf

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A Public apology, source of my warps found
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2003, 09:37:37 AM »
Griego unlike your corrupt and censored society, we don't have a rampant drug problem here. Kids get a lot of information about drugs at school and they see the negative effects the use has.

No, they do NOT swipe everything under the carpet and censor everything drug related.. As with violence kids get lessons of the real effects of violence. They see busted faces, broken teeth, swollen lips and cheeks - resulting from a single punch. That's much much more effective way to make them think as opposed to censoring all violence in tv or movies. The violence is there anyway, it just won't go away by censorship.

Drug knowledge enables them to figure out themselves if they really want a life of a junkie or not. Same goes with teenage pregnancies etc. If the kids have knowledge they can act more responsively. If they don't know even what a condom is when they lose thier virginity, an unwanted pregnancy is very much possible. You're damaging your kid if you keep him/her in the dark and let the kid learn everything the hard way, by experience.

Teenage pregnancies weren't such a problem earlier because the society was much tighter. Young kids didn't go out like they do today and they also developed at a much later age, kids get sexually active much much earlier these days.

If my kid(s) gets in an age that he gets interested in porn sites, I won't stop him from going there. What's the point? They will find a way regardless of my attempts whether I like it or not. Naturally untill they're too young to understand I'm going to keep the stuff out of thier eyes.

But I'm not going to limit the natural curiosity kids have and certainly I'm not going to INVADE the kids PRIVACY by spying on them. This is my beef with wipass.

How can the kid send personal e-mail etc. if the parents have full access to anything the kid does on the pc?

Offline 420Fatty

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« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2003, 09:50:13 AM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
yea..and RaUmL is out there surfing too:D

 Amen Little Brutha....lmao.

  And to Wipass.  
 Only the people without Daughters will see your VERY appropriate Monitoring actions as "harsh".  the internet can be a very confusing, tempting place, and anything u can do to keep them on the "Straight and narrow" is a step in the right direction.


Offline krazyhorse

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« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2003, 09:57:36 AM »
siaf ..i dont think you get the fact that it not about invasion of the childs privacy ,it's about protecting your child from the creeps etc on the net. as far as the email goes no problem as long as i know who its to or from i wont read it if i dont know who its from i will.

Offline AKIron

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« Reply #48 on: March 30, 2003, 09:59:53 AM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
AkIron I'm father of 2, you have to check your biology facts.

But I already knew you weren't the brightest bulb in the park. :D

Sounds like you are new at this then, maybe you ought to stick to raising your own before criticizing how others raise theirs? Just a suggestion as no one here really gives a rats bellybutton what you think anyhow.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline 420Fatty

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« Reply #49 on: March 30, 2003, 10:05:55 AM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
Griego unlike your corrupt and censored society, we don't have a rampant drug problem here. Kids get a lot of information about drugs at school and they see the negative effects the use has.

No, they do NOT swipe everything under the carpet and censor everything drug related.. As with violence kids get lessons of the real effects of violence. They see busted faces, broken teeth, swollen lips and cheeks - resulting from a single punch. That's much much more effective way to make them think as opposed to censoring all violence in tv or movies. The violence is there anyway, it just won't go away by censorship.

Drug knowledge enables them to figure out themselves if they really want a life of a junkie or not. Same goes with teenage pregnancies etc. If the kids have knowledge they can act more responsively. If they don't know even what a condom is when they lose thier virginity, an unwanted pregnancy is very much possible. You're damaging your kid if you keep him/her in the dark and let the kid learn everything the hard way, by experience.

Teenage pregnancies weren't such a problem earlier because the society was much tighter. Young kids didn't go out like they do today and they also developed at a much later age, kids get sexually active much much earlier these days.

If my kid(s) gets in an age that he gets interested in porn sites, I won't stop him from going there. What's the point? They will find a way regardless of my attempts whether I like it or not. Naturally untill they're too young to understand I'm going to keep the stuff out of thier eyes.

But I'm not going to limit the natural curiosity kids have and certainly I'm not going to INVADE the kids PRIVACY by spying on them. This is my beef with wipass.

How can the kid send personal e-mail etc. if the parents have full access to anything the kid does on the pc?

  That is the most ridiculous thing ive ever read on this BB.  Its is this obvious LACK OF PARENTING SKILLS that have caused the problems we face today- And i am not talking about teenage pregnancy. thats been around for years. im talking abot guns in school, children beating other children to death, and the general Bad attitude of kids these days.

 And as far as calling our country corrupt and censored:
 no one in this country gives a rats bellybutton about illiterate views from people in other poverty stricken countries. You are on something called the "internet" on your "PC" both brought to u by americans.
  At least our women shave their armpits.

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #50 on: March 30, 2003, 10:34:27 AM »
biggest problem our country has with yooots is the inCREDible number of boys raised by single mothers..I spend lotta time working on stuff in prisons....and those folks DONT come from Ward and June Cleaver-type homes. Women are and show a boy how to grow up to be a man
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #51 on: March 30, 2003, 10:36:46 AM »
I hate to break it to you Fatty but US is one of the worst countries as far as illiteracy goes.

Every single scandinavian 'socialist' country wipes bellybutton with american students with ease in all major subjects of education. In most scandinavian countries literacy rate is near 100% which is clearly not the situation up there. This BB is a perfect example of that with 50% of the posters being 'dyslexic.'

It's just a lame excuse for not knowing how to spell the very language you speak. [edit] Not meant to offend the ones that really are genuinely dislexic. [edit]

Hmm.. or maybe there's a genetic defect in americans and 50% of the people are indeed dyslexic.

You may feel high and mighty about your stuff, but you're standing on a hollow ground there buddy.

Your country is to my knowledge the only country on this planet that has a problem with student violence in schools up to an extent of actually students arming themselves when at school.

You're right about that, however, that the lack of parenting skills have lead YOU in the situation you're in at the moment. Your way to react to the problem seems to be that you prefer to censor the things that you think are wrong in the society.

That approach is doomed to fail because the reality is out there and this way your kids will have to face it unprepared. If you restrict your kid too much, the kid will rebel against your rules.. That rebellion can lead to exaggerated responses on both sides. I remember still the stories of an American friend of mine, the way the local kids gathered together with cars, obtained alcohol illegally and then started boozing at an empty forest strip outside the city.. All because the local cops would bust in a party at a private house immediately.

There in the forest people got extremely drunk, people smoked pot and every other bush was 'occupied' with the activity that leads to teenage pregnancies. Alcohol, dark forest, pot and other drugs, bunch of teenagers with NO supervision and the excitement of watching out for cops.. That's a brewing pot for teenage trouble.

That opposed to the european way where youngsters are allowed to consume alcohol at home as a normal practise (with parents) and have home parties without police intervention (unless they get TOO wild..) Because they're used to consume alcohol, it's very rare to see kids trying to get drunk - it's nothing special for them.

I think the euro approach is way safer for the kids.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2003, 11:21:47 AM by Siaf__csf »

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #52 on: March 30, 2003, 10:52:37 AM »
raising crumb-crunchers went REAL well in the US for about...190 years---THEN a buncha folks whose opinions are revered as gospel said that there is a BETTER prolly half the kids born in this country are to unwed teenage mothers who havent finished high school---most these kids couldn't tell ya where Austrailia is on a blank map of the globe..but they know every work to the latest Eminen song---lack of floggings.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #53 on: March 30, 2003, 11:06:02 AM »
Move the thread south a few notches. :D

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2003, 11:09:54 AM »
In my opinnion, the problem these days is that kids have no respect for authorities..

If you think about major differences in upbringing now and 50 years ago, it's use of physical force.

Kids were brought up in a very strict manner, and the fathers palm taught the kids to respect the parents straight from the cradle. Standing against the parent just wasn't an option.

The generations of those times generally respected authorities and acted accordingly. Naturally even then there was crime.

Nowadays child psychologists rant about the damaging effect a healthy slap has on the child. How the child must be taught by means of grounding, not letting to eat or other mental suppression.

A child's nature is to seek its limits.. If the parent doesn't set the limits the child is not happy. The non-violent approach leads inevitably to the situation where the child realizes he/she can do whatever he wants with no real limitation from the parents. Groundings and other mental punishments do nothing but annoy the kid. This often leads to total disrespect of the parent.

Don't get confused if I'm talking about limitations now, it doesn't contradict with the things I've said above.. I believe that when a child is at a certain age, he must have very clear limitations on what he can do and what not. Just in order to live a normal child's life. That includes following the requests of the parents.

But when the child develops and starts to have its natural curiosity, that's the time I'm not going to interfere. I was an extremely curious child and I knew about all kinds of things before I even started school. I knew about sex, how babies are done. I knew about contraceptives and that there are dangers out there, diseases being one example. I learned to write at an age of 4 years so I was fully literate when I started school.

I lived in a bilingual family so I had a basic knowledge in english language, too, before the lessons started at school.

My favourite hobby was reading through the encyclopedia of my parents. I spent hours per day browsing it and gobbing interesting information from it. Naturally as I developed, especially the parts with human biology interested me. Yes I saw the reproductive organs as well as the internal ones at the age of 7 - it didn't corrupt me.

I can only wish my children will have the same kind of thirst for knowledge and I'm going to do my best to support that. If theyr'e anything like me they're also going to demand strict privacy - something I always had to fight about with my parents. They never even did anything outrageous like put spy programs to my computer (well back in those days I had no access to internet anyway, there was none. :) ) or read my letters etc.

Wipass's girl is already 14 and at a prime sexual age.. Chances are that she's already doing all kinds of nasty stuff with her boyfriend. Then when she gets knocked up its too late to start teaching her about safe sex and contraceptives.

I was continuously amazed how ignorant other kids of my age were as I grew up - even in my country where no special means are taken to try to 'protect' young people from this. At the age of 15 we had a special discussion forum with a priest where sex could be discussed among other things.. And the lack of knowledge on the kids was just unbelievable. In my group there were girls who were questioning if they could get pregnant by kissing. Then in the same group there was a girl who already had had an abortion - I bet she knew how she got pregnant.

When I was 14 my parent's trusted me like an adult and I could make my own decisions. It would have freaked me out totally if I learned that my parents would actually demand to see my post exchange etc. at thier will.

Maybe this will bring some perspective to what I'm saying.

Offline 420Fatty

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« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2003, 11:32:51 AM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
I hate to break it to you Fatty but US is one of the worst countries as far as illiteracy goes.

Every single scandinavian 'socialist' country wipes bellybutton with american students with ease in all major subjects of education. In most scandinavian countries literacy rate is near 100% which is clearly not the situation up there. This BB is a perfect example of that with 50% of the posters being 'dyslexic.'

It's just a lame excuse for not knowing how to spell the very language you speak. [edit] Not meant to offend the ones that really are genuinely dislexic. [edit]

Hmm.. or maybe there's a genetic defect in americans and 50% of the people are indeed dyslexic.

You may feel high and mighty about your stuff, but you're standing on a hollow ground there buddy.

Your country is to my knowledge the only country on this planet that has a problem with student violence in schools up to an extent of actually students arming themselves when at school.

You're right about that, however, that the lack of parenting skills have lead YOU in the situation you're in at the moment. Your way to react to the problem seems to be that you prefer to censor the things that you think are wrong in the society.

That approach is doomed to fail because the reality is out there and this way your kids will have to face it unprepared. If you restrict your kid too much, the kid will rebel against your rules.. That rebellion can lead to exaggerated responses on both sides. I remember still the stories of an American friend of mine, the way the local kids gathered together with cars, obtained alcohol illegally and then started boozing at an empty forest strip outside the city.. All because the local cops would bust in a party at a private house immediately.

There in the forest people got extremely drunk, people smoked pot and every other bush was 'occupied' with the activity that leads to teenage pregnancies. Alcohol, dark forest, pot and other drugs, bunch of teenagers with NO supervision and the excitement of watching out for cops.. That's a brewing pot for teenage trouble.

That opposed to the european way where youngsters are allowed to consume alcohol at home as a normal practise (with parents) and have home parties without police intervention (unless they get TOO wild..) Because they're used to consume alcohol, it's very rare to see kids trying to get drunk - it's nothing special for them.

I think the euro approach is way safer for the kids.

  Again More senseless drivel from the "Scandinavian."   If you dont like america, Dont come here. We dont want or need your kind.
    Talk about high and mighty... Who cares what your national literacy rate is. WTF has "Scandinavia" ever done for anyone? have they EVER contributed ANYTHING worthwhile on this planet to ANYONE?? (Besides the ugliest people on the planet)
 such as the automobile? electricity? The AIRPLANE???...the list goes on.
       Funny. all these other countries that badmouth us have been here for Thousands of years. Took america a little over 200 to raise the technological standard of the planet about 10,000,000%. You would still be ****ting in an outhouse and riding cows if us "illiterate bastards" hadnt came along.
    Not to mention what would have happened in WW2 without us "corrupt, and censored" people.
     While we Keep on Rescuing Pathetic countries like yours from ignorant eurotrash such as hitler, you unwashed animals keep bad mouthing america. go ahead...  
 I lump you right in with the stinking french.
    And as far as you "Wiping your tulips with us, What a joke.
I didnt even think "3rd world idiots" even had the technology to do so. Good for you.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2003, 11:47:49 AM by 420Fatty »

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2003, 11:51:48 AM »
I know truth hurts Fatty.

By corruption I meant the state of your society with drug related crime being a huge issue up there. I don't expect your government as such is corrupt.

You just can't face any criticism.. And you obviously didn't even understand half of the post. But that's ok. I didn't expect it.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2003, 11:56:03 AM by Siaf__csf »

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #57 on: March 30, 2003, 11:53:00 AM »
Big difference between encyclopedias or sex education textbooks and surfing the net for porn sites.

And your "well she's probably already doing all sorts of dirty things with her boyfriend already" argument is .... to put it bluntly ... lame as hell. Falls right in there with your opinion that the best way minors can decide whether to use dangerous and addictive drugs is to let them give it a try.

I am not only the legal guardian[/b] of my children but the moral one. It's a responsibility I take seriously. A responsibility! I am responsible ... for their safety ... for their welfare. It is my responsibility[/b] to protect[/size] my children from the dangers present in the world ... as well as providing guidance and a safe education. It is my responsibility to raise my kids.

Sorry, Siaf ... it takes work to do it. It takes more than just sitting around waiting to answer questions that may never be asked (or may be asked too late). It takes standing between them and the danger. It's your job. It's your responibility. And if you fail in it ... there is no excuse.

I hope, when you answer (if you do) and argue how oppressive it is to protect your child in that manner ... to intercede between them and the evil of the world ... that somewhere deep inside you it at least planted a seed of doubt.

Originally posted by Siaf__csf

My favourite hobby was reading through the encyclopedia of my parents. I spent hours per day browsing it and gobbing interesting information from it. Naturally as I developed, especially the parts with human biology interested me. Yes I saw the reproductive organs as well as the internal ones at the age of 7 - it didn't corrupt me.

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #58 on: March 30, 2003, 12:00:37 PM »
Arlo the encyclopedia wasn't the only source for me if that's what you think. I had many opportunities to access pornographic material before teenage.. That stuff didn't interest me untill the hormones kicked in and after that it's just normal.

Despite of all the 'horrible' filth I was exposed to, I grew up to be a responsible teenager. I knew exactly of the dangers related to sex and I never even imagined of having unprotected sex with anyone (except now that I'm married obviously.)

My parent's told me openly everything, and I'm grateful for them. The knowledge kept me out of many troubles.

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #59 on: March 30, 2003, 12:14:52 PM »
Fatty: You were quite right, scandinavians haven't played any role in technological innovations and continue not doing so. :rolleyes:

However things like automobile, electricity, nuclear power nor aeroplane were _not_ invented in US. I don't really know why you brought them up.. Maybe you were in a false impression of the opposite.

You might check this website however:

That should give you some idea. Just a scratch.