Replicant, I actually think that the probe/drogue system sounds more fun. And maybe coming from a USN town (San Diego...ex-Fightertown USA), I'm going to be biased. But think of this... with a probe/drogue system, you have to position your aircraft to poke your probe into the drogue which is only inches in diameter. This means you have to be positioned exactly right in the sky, a very small spot in relation to the basket to make connect. Plus you have to chase it a little and if you don't enter it just right, the turbulence from your probe will actually push the drogue/basket away from the probe. The drogue can even get wrapped around the probe and cause serious damage.
The boomer method allows more leeway and your aircraft doesn't need to be within just inches in a specific area of the sky in relation to the boom because the boom flies to you. Though you have to fly steady, you do have room to bounce around and the boomer will make the corrections.
Not sure that this made sense....I have to run to work and did it fast.