Author Topic: For The Record  (Read 1442 times)

Offline brady

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« on: April 05, 2003, 05:04:11 AM »
I PAY to play this game: I have sean some refrences in hear and in the CT lately and over the past few moths about this so I thought I would just clear this up for anyone who thought diferently.

 I Pay the same that you all do to play AH i dont have a comped acount.

Offline KG45

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« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2003, 06:19:47 AM »
brady, you and all the other VOLUNTEERS that make the maps, etc. happen in the CT got my respect. :)

« Last Edit: April 05, 2003, 06:23:00 AM by KG45 »
all you fascists, you're bound to lose...

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2003, 08:10:10 AM »
Hang in there Brady. Just because some of us don't like this planeset , doesn't mean we think bad of you.  It's the A6M2 I dislike , I appreciate the efforts of you and all the CT team.

The A6M2 seems to be one of those planes some guys can fly the hell out of and some guys are just targets in. I'm one of the targets. I don't understand it, I've tried to get better in it, more than anything it's a gunnery issue with me. I can get the advantage on an Allied plane, I just can't hit anything with the guns.  Where as the A6M5 I have no problem getting a position of advantage or hitting anything with the guns.

I have the same problem with Russian planes , I can't hit dirt if I aim at the ground.:rolleyes:

Hang in there bud it's just a game , and most of us know you pay to play too , hell you pay to contribute.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2003, 06:31:20 PM »
(insert pic of arena selection page with CT replaced with "Pik As" and the word "owned" next to it)

If I had my own personal or squad arena I wouldn't ask for a comped account either. Heck, I'd expect to have to pay extra.

Offline Batz

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« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2003, 07:50:35 PM »
Piss on umm Brady. Make the plane set you want. The quicker you drive whiners off the better you will be.

Arlo does nothing in AH. He runs his mouth about everything yet contributes 0. You dont owe any of us anything.

Man Mr Fork is Pik As, Brady is Pik As, maybe Ill come back and it make it clean sweep "Pik As Theatre" sounds great dont it.

Offline brady

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« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2003, 07:58:14 PM »
well that was just to nasty so I edited it.:)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2003, 08:48:44 PM by brady »

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2003, 10:35:54 PM »
Oh man .... so, like, the fast track to getting to control the CT with an iron fist and making the allied players pay for the sins of thier grandfathers is joining the same squad you, Brady and Fork are in?

Neh ... that good `ol boy network is too cliquish and set in their ways. And, of course, I'd end up makin' ya look like the tard ya are. It's easier than ya'll think. Ya just put some thought into it beforehand with input from players who fly both sides and leave it the fug alone. Changing things later when it ain't broke will always make ya look like the south end of a north-bound jackarse. But hell, deep down ya really did know that, didn't ya? It's caring that counts. ;)

But hey ... I've picked up on all the public relations lines needed to cm the CT currently:

"In my opinun the F4F is moor than a mache for the N1K2 so their will be no chagns."

"Their was a teknicul problum with the alleyed bases. The hangers were reparing themselfes too fast. At leest 40 minites too fast. Changeeng thows bases manulee was my call."

"The arecraft I disabuled was being abused. On moor than one ocasiun I witness it actualee being used in combat."

"The fleets in qwestion could not be sunc by a single val in a single hop so I resett them."

So, do I qualify to join the Pik As country club and run an arena? Not like I'm really applying but hey. :D

Originally posted by Batz
Piss on umm Brady. Make the plane set you want. The quicker you drive whiners off the better you will be.

Arlo does nothing in AH. He runs his mouth about everything yet contributes 0. You dont owe any of us anything.

Man Mr Fork is Pik As, Brady is Pik As, maybe Ill come back and it make it clean sweep "Pik As Theatre" sounds great dont it.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2003, 11:39:09 PM by Arlo »

Offline Puke

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« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2003, 12:19:30 AM »
Piss on umm Brady. Make the plane set you want. The quicker you drive whiners off the better you will be.

Actually, most successful business models cater to the customer.  I would assume this would work similarly well for drawing a crowd to the CT.  And sometimes its best to actually bite your tongue too.  
I will say, I'm glad I'm not running this thing.  You'll never make everyone happy.  But sometimes throwing a bone is nice too.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2003, 12:29:06 AM »
Piss on umm Brady. Make the plane set you want. The quicker you drive whiners off the better you will be.

Hey good plan. Lets run off all the people Buttz doesnt like and you guys can have your own personel little theater. That will show them. Go get'em toughy.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2003, 12:34:50 AM »
Originally posted by Puke
Actually, most successful business models cater to the customer.  I would assume this would work similarly well for drawing a crowd to the CT.  

i appreciate the work CT volunteers do... but.... the above is very valid... you might be surprised to see a bigger CT crowd if one little thing was done... radar/icon = MA norm. this seems to be the *one* big thing that keeps players away.  just sayin'

aside: personally i'd have liked a later PTO setup, but .
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Batz

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« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2003, 03:23:34 AM »
Actually, most successful business models cater to the customer

No buisnesses diversify their customer base so they can grow. No buisness succeeds by catering to a single product limited customer base. Look at the growth of the main.

Late war pac set ups havent brought in new guys and average attendence has dropped with these set ups.


The CT was originally the Norway map no field capture, no cvs or Navy planes and still brought in 50 guys a night. It had main settings.

It then went to the Euro map but that map was bugged. Strat was mixed so you could shot be down right after you took off, there was no radar for the axis and 1 radar dish for the allies. Then they allowed the fleets to be manned so you had guy parking the fleets in the center of the channel. CT attendence dropped, but the was right about the same time a new game update followed up by the Holidays.

Pyro decided to turn the ct over to the community. There were several threads that sought to seek out a what the community wanted. By far they wanted what we currently have. But they included base capture (huge mistake imho).

The majority of set ups early on had no pac planes included at all and numbers still were about 50 folks.

Its not the planeset that brings people in. Its good fights with balanced planesets on good maps. When you achieve all 3 the numbers are high. When dont achieve any of these numbers are lowest.

You can delude yourselves into thinking otherwise but I have been involved in the ct since the first hour it was set up.

Back to the current set up. This set up is just there so they can test a few things before an upcoming scenario. When the BoB map first came out we heard these same whines about the planeset. This was because that setup was rerun frequently.

But there are your general whiners like arlo and slash who contribute nothing but their mouths and if they decide not to fly the ct anymore that would be great. I cant see how any good can come out of catering to these types. But I have nothing to do with ct any more. Just offering my 2 cents.

Offline 1Duke1

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« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2003, 03:46:43 AM »
Then why do you feel you need to keep telling everyone in here on what the CT should or shouldn't be??

Offline Batz

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« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2003, 03:52:46 AM »
Everyone? I am telling 2 whiners what their options are. Take it with a grain of salt..........

Offline Z0mBe

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have been paying close attention to posts...
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2003, 03:59:49 AM »

to you and the CT staff.  But, I HAVE in fact spent significant time over the past few days reading CT posts and your replies.  I know you are going to say I am biased, but, the one OBJECTIVE thing anyone can refer to in this argument is the line, or lines of reasoning you use in justifying the plane versus plane decisions.  Seeing these, one cannot help but conclude you (be it intentional or otherwise) have an axis bias.  Below, I have listed the COMMON themes of ALL your arguments AGAINST allied planes or axis versus allied matchups.

1.  Almost without fail, when we (allies) ask for a plane to be considered, you respond with (i am paraphrasing) "your current plane(s) is more than adequate, it is skill and/or a few subtle differences than will allow you to win in it."  Look back, that is THE consistent response you have to allied whines (mine included).  

     -Allies are constantly told by you that we have to make due with our planeset.  What about the axis?  Forget the fact you told me (look to other "Vent" thread) that I am simply looking for an advantage for the allies.  EVERY PLANE HAS AT LEAST ONE ADVANTAGE OVER ITS CONTEMPORARIES.  For example, the zekes have a ROC advantage over the p40b and f4f4, as well as one in turning.  Brady, all an a6m2 driver has to do is climb to 15k and stay there.  He can catch, outturn, outclimb and out run EVERY plane in the arena from that position of power.
2.  When explaining the axis position on things, you say (many times) it is "not FUN" for the poor fellow being bnz'd by a much faster enemy.  You have made this in reference to the f4u1 debate from a few setups ago.  Additionally, you do reference the p40e's performance in the same manner in debating this current slot setup and the fun factor for the japanese pilot.  
     -Brady since when have you considered the allied "fun" factor.  It is not fun for us either to constantly be jumped and chased by uber-diving a6m2s (I am telling you, dive an a6m5b and then an a6m2 and you will see the futility of trying to flee from the a6m2 in p40b).  Is our (allied) "fun" as paying game members LESS important than yours (axis)?
     -Did you ever stop to consider that maybe game play would be HELPED by the addition of the p40e to the map?  With its rate of climb and speed, we allies could spend less time running and more time fighting.  I am sure the axis get tired of chasing us.  Matter of fact, they want to fight us as bad as we want to fight them, but our only choice is usually to run from co-e zekes when in the slot.

3.  You often cite historical reasons for removing allied planes.  By itself, that is fine.  However, in light of your "axis fun" argument, you cannot make the historical argument against an allied plane, or axis versus allied, matchup and NOT consider allied fun too.  

     -Don't forget, the f4u-1 was delivered in July of 1942.  But, again, bowing to axis fun, you threw out a plane based at one airfield out.  Which is dictating your decisions, bradys, HISTORY or FUN?  You can't have it both ways when you only consider the "fun" factor for only one side.

Bradys, look back through your decisions and answers to our so-called whines and you will see what I mean.  I just hope you are as big a man as you seem to be and can acknowledge that you  have dropped the ball a few times.  If not, you will probably  respond to only half of my points (again) and prove me right about the bias issue.


Offline Shane

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« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2003, 04:02:11 AM »
i have no plms with CT settings myself, just saying that seems to be the #1 reason why people don't come back/stay... reduced dar making fights "harder" to find, plus the dot chasing not knowing if friendly or enemy...

just sayin'  how about a one month experiement with full MA dar settings just to see what it does for the player base, accompanied with a bit of advertising, perhaps?

worth a little experiement i think....

but YMMV and all that...

oh and zombe... do you ever fly one of the perceived  "disadvantaged" planes? i mean all i pretty much see you is in the fastest/"best" thing in the air. just remarking. :D
« Last Edit: April 06, 2003, 04:06:07 AM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798