Author Topic: Med Leauge.. I'm out  (Read 642 times)

Offline Suave1

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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2000, 07:35:00 AM »
An alt cap will only hurt planes like 190 and p51. This will take away their ability to BnZ . And force them to turnfight spitfires and 109's. Sure the BnZ planes can dive away, but when they come back the stallfighters will be right back up at the alt cap .


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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #46 on: October 24, 2000, 09:04:00 AM »
Cloud layers and bomb accuracy for buff mission.



Offline sling322

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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2000, 11:41:00 AM »
Hmmm...every frame I have been involved in has consisted of the B17's climbing to about 26K.  I dont think at any time were we ever over 26K which to me seems like a reasonable realistic altitude to bomb from.  A few frames back, we went in at around 20K I believe and got tore up by a bunch of Axis pilots.  Granted that was due to a lack of coordination with our escorts, but the enemy pilots sure didnt look like they were struggling to rip us to shreds that day.  

Hangtime - I thank you for your efforts.  It was fun flying with you.  I wish you would reconsider, but I understand what you mean about the frustration.  <S>!

Offline hblair

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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2000, 12:00:00 PM »
Just for the record, This 190 pilot and Luftwaffe guy couldn't care less if there was an altitude cap or not. If I'm fighting from a disadvantage, the sweeter the victory will be.

You won't hear this 'ol boy complain, I'm having too much fun.

[This message has been edited by hblair (edited 10-24-2000).]

Offline Hangtime

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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2000, 05:18:00 PM »
Whelp; was all ready to roll my sleeves up and wade back into this thing.. Zig; Busc and Camo have asked to form a committiee to better help manage the development, etc..

Then disaster stikes yet again. My In-laws, while on the way home Sunday night from visting my ex-wife in the hospital, perished in a car accident.

I'm gonna be outta circulation for awile, so I won't be back to Med Leauge. I sure hope they get the bugs worked out; it has all the makings for a great immersive experience.

Take note of Fatty's comment.. it don't matter one bit who wins.. as long as you had fun, and learned something of war in the air; they way it was.

And on that note... the hell with Alt caps. No B17 group, regardless of theatre, to my knowledge ever attacked a defended target at 15k. To do so would be suicide. To order them to do so is murder. I'm definitly against an alt cap in a scenario where the B17 is present.

To this point; the b17's in Med leauge have bombed from the 26-28k range. Yah.. it's a bit high.. but dammit; they are not in the scenario to be bait.. they have a critical mission. A significant portion of the allied assests have been dedicated to screening and escorting those buffs; and to date; they've been very effective. I hope they continue to do so.

As far as those high alt fights are concerned.. seems the axis is giving as good as it's getting. I've read and heard of several high co-alt skirmishes that have lasted up to 40 minutes with negligible losses on either side.

Good flying is happening on both sides in the scenario.. when pilots are briefed correctly; and no MA dweebishness takes place, no one rushes in for a dweeb kill. Those that do (usually the walk ons) become fodder in just a few moments. Easy come; fast to go.  

These kinds of superb 'on the edge of your seat' encounters thoughout the scenario have really warmed my cockels.. the guys are learning how to fight and live; not repeating the old MA 'rush in; hop on the dogpile and die' crap. It DOES require disipline and co-operation to be successful. Those that fly like idiots die, and damn fast.

SALUTE!, all of you who've flown, and endured... WTG, on both sides.  

Duty calls.. I have things I must get done.

I'll be back.

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Camel

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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2000, 05:34:00 PM »

Very sorry to hear that, best wishes to you.


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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2000, 05:47:00 PM »
Just from reading this after having missed the first two frames (for personal reasons) I am going to have to say that I will not be a part of this "event" series.  I signed up to fly anything from a FW-190A-5 to a Ju-88.  I see no need to establish a "hard ceiling" of any type.  

If the "event" is based loosely on a historical situation then why introduce something to make things balanced?  To me that is BS.  You want balance go play Quake or something that is going to give everyone equal opportunity to kill or be killed.  The leadership with the best PLAN and not the best proposal for a hard ceiling should win.  No wonder I am not having fun in any flight sim game these days.  

Everyone is screaming for balance and realism in the same sentence when there really was not any balance from day one of WW2.

Maj. LJK_Reschke
Kommandeur Jagdbomber,
StaffelKapitaen I-31 LJK

Offline Westy

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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #52 on: October 24, 2000, 05:51:00 PM »
 Damn. Our sincere condolensces to Hangtime and your family.  Really sorry to hear this horrible news.


Offline Cobra

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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #53 on: October 24, 2000, 06:18:00 PM »
Actually, I'm having a great time.  Kicked some serious a** in the first frame and got my arse handed to me in the second.

But you know what, it was still fun and a great break from the MA.
Give it a go Reschke...its actually good fun, if you go in with a healthy perpsective.



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Med Leauge.. I'm out
« Reply #54 on: October 24, 2000, 06:32:00 PM »
Cobra I am sure that it could be fun but for me right now is not the best time.  A couple of weeks ago this might have saved me from not having fun playing games online but right now this is not what I need to be a part of.  Thanks for trying m8.

Maj. LJK_Reschke
Kommandeur Jagdbomber,
StaffelKapitaen I-31 LJK