Author Topic: Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy  (Read 5747 times)

Offline Glas

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #165 on: April 11, 2003, 11:59:24 AM »
@ Martlet:  Again, complete ignorance.  Btw, one of the guys on FH is 19.  He said he was scared to post here cos it would make him feel old in amongst all you.


Again not that it is relevant, but im 30.  What it does show yet again tho is your own ignorance and presumptions about others.

@ Mal:  As ever, nice post mate.


Offline Glas

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #166 on: April 11, 2003, 12:23:39 PM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Oh I've been reading it, all of it, but evidently you haven't.  

Again, presumptions and ignorance.  Is that the only manner of speaking to someone you know of?

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

No, the U.S. does NOT  have anywhere near the highest homicide rate in the world. Take a look at Rhodesia, or at least half a dozen other coutries in that region. I love it, an IDIOT, that get's his facts from a stupid self promoting jackprettythang like Michael Moore and calls it fact. Tell you what, stupid prettythang, stop watching the movies, and read a freaking book. In fact, read several. Michael Moore has been proven to be a liar, and his "facts" have been proven false. But since you only watch what you want to, and read even less, but then only what you want to, you wouldn't know that. If Michael Moore is the best source you have regarding the U.S., you are very ill equipped to argue anything at all. Are you going to quote Fonda or Streisand next? How about Sheen, or perhaps the Dixie Chicks? Maybe  you'll quote Sean Penn. They are ENTERTAINERS (and that's using the term very loosely) you little moron, they are not experts on anything at all. They don't even have a solid grasp on the facts, nevermind reality. On the otherhand, they seem to be just your type. Arrogant, ignorant, dishonest, uninformed, and living in a dream world. Hey, why don't you quote Rosie o'Donnell on gun control too?  

First off, arre you actually proud of the fact that the only countries who come close to your levels of homicide is a place that, on the whole, is lawless?  Oh wait, now i see the connection ;)

Also, you are correct, alot of what was in Michael Moore's film was fabricated.  What wasnt, however, was the pure and simple fact that somewhere like Canada has guns like you, but has NOWHERE NEAR the same problems your country has.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Roll your eyes all you want. Your ignorance is truly showing. You expected anything other than insults? After you came into somewhere you've never been before and spew your juvenile garbage and baseless insults? There is no racism here you little idiot. Not a single example. No one has been attacked on the basis of race. They've been soundly thrashed on the basis of their opinions though.

Okay lets look at the first bit.  'There is no racism in here you little idiot':

airhead... It was a serious question... I know about the russian community in Sacramento. Is there a russian community in the states that anyone knows of that isn't 90% or more criminal?

or what about:

My brother in law is a Captain with Sacramento Pee Dee and he says they're into chop shops, drug sales, all the usual good stuff the first generations of any immigrants do.

Funnily enough, from someone called Airhead.  If the cap fits i suppose...

And here's one of millions i could find to highlight the ignorance:

Hmmmmmmmm, you are a true patriot of your motherland

So, you want to rewrite that part i quoted? ;)

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Well, since you AREN'T ashamed, why don't you post your location? Did I threaten you? No. Did I even infer a threat? No. Would I bother to walk across the street to fight you? No.  

What part of 'Scottish' dont you understand?

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Oh, and ignorant prettythang, last I looked, Scotland was a region, not a freakin race, but then if you weren't so stupid, you'd KNOW that wouldn't you?  

Ah, you noticed at last ;)  Btw, is it now a 'racial' thing with you.  I thought we were  talking about countries and where people are from?  You unravelling something about yourself here??  :eek:

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Oh, regarding this war, ask the commander of British forces what the U.S. has done, genius. You're opinino on the war is about as educated and informed as your oyther opinions. Been watching the BBC and Al Jazeera?

Better still, why not hear what the guys in the British tank you blew up thought about it?  I know exactly what they think about your country's military ;)  Something along the lines of 'reckless, gung-ho, trigger-happy' etc.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

No, Malin has respect because unlike you, at least he did not come in here spewing a bunch of juvenile insults he neither understood nor had any basis for. And no, actually, Malin is WRONG. I learn more everyday, I've already learned that you are an arrogant ignorant little pathetic moron who cannot seem to even attempt to discuss anything in a rational adult manner.

I really love the way you can say 'arrogant ignorant little pathetic moron' and 'cannot seem to attempt top discuss anything in a rational manner' in the same sentence.  You really outdone yourself that time!

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Retaliate? Why retaliate? This is a war? Funny, I thought this was a bulletin board. And this was a discussion. Retaliation is what you might call your pitiful attempts at arguing your point. But you have no point, nor do you have any basis for a point. The best you can do is what you did in your very first post, make a complete prettythang of yourself by hurling insults. In fact, by your third post you were reading so well that you were so stupid, ignorant, arrogant, and careless as to attribute a quote to the wrong person. Perhaps YOU should learn to read, understand, and comprehend. Perhaps YOU should learn to discuss things like a rational adult instead of like a 4 year old having a tantrum because mommy took his candy. Perhaps YOU should learn some manners.

Perhaps if you werent all so completely stupid, people wouldnt try to highlight that fact from the very start ;)


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #167 on: April 11, 2003, 12:24:06 PM »
Malin, first off, just call me "Hilts".

You missed my point entirely. The reason people here are pissed at the europeans and don't give a **** what they think is because they are sick of the european attitude. I'm not really defending anyone, but rather pointing out the fact that you are saying the reason europeans are pissed at Americans is because of the attitude we have. And I'm telling you for a fact that the reason for the attitude we have is the attitude the europeans have. We're sick and tired of having arrogant salamanders telling us how rude and uncivilized we are after they've shown the world for all of history how they act.

If you did some research on how much BULL$H!T Boroda has posted here, you'd understand completely how sick everyone was of his crap. But what you've done instead is come in on the last part of the conversation and taken exception at everyone BUT Boroda.

You assumptions are too many to list, but here, for the short list, try this:

You assume that everyone is trashing Boroda for no reason, without knowing his history here.

You assume from one sided knowledge we have a horrible crime rate and people are being shot in the street like an old western.

You assume that you and you alone, with the exception of europe, have all the solutions, and that we know nothing.

You assume that I'm attacking you because you are european.

You assume that people here are idiots, but you know nothing of the history of the situation you attempt to comment on.

You assume that we only read or watch U.S. slanted news.

You assume we swallow everything from that news without question.

You assume that we know nothing of anything outside the U.S.

You assume that we blindly follow wherever the government leads.

You assume that we are ignorant and that you by comparison are omnipotent.

That is enough for now.

As far as what I said about europe goes, that goes directly back to the holier than thou attitude europe has towards the U.S., and is the EXACT cause for the attitude in the U.S. that you are upset by.

And by the way, it is pretty much a proven fact that the reasons for what the French, Germans, and Russians did in the UN has NOTHING to do with the attitude of the U.S., and EVERYTHING to do with greed, averice, envy, and plain simple dishonesty. All three coutries were in bed with Saddam, it's a proven fact. France is envious of the position the U.S. hold in the world, it's a proven fact. The fact that now France is praising the downfall of Saddam, while Germany says that with Saddam's downfall comes their time of political victory, should tell you something. Does it? Exactly what else is the U.S. supposed to get from these facts?

Oh, and the nasty drivel of people like Glas does NOTHING at all to further your position nor that of europe in general. His attempts to side with you bring huge amounts of discredit to you and your position, and yet I've not seen you say ANYTHING about the trash he is spewing. For most that is guilt by association, whether you like it or not, and whether it is right or wrong. The mere fact that you say NOTHING about him, while you attack people from the U.S. says more about the european attitude than you could possibly understand. You say I defend those in the U.S. who are wrong, and yet you utterly fail to realize you do the same for Glas and his ilk. Again, I give you the reason for the anti europe attitude of the average U.S. citizen.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Dnil

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #168 on: April 11, 2003, 12:28:20 PM »
do these "new" members even have AH accounts?  If not, why on earth are they here?

Offline lazs2

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #169 on: April 11, 2003, 12:31:19 PM »
well... at least we can all agree that the russian community in Sacramento is rife with criminals and that boroda is a theif?

I still haven't seen any of these examples of 'racism' that is being spoken of... if disliking the government of a country is 'racism' then it would seem that no posters here are free from guilt.  

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #170 on: April 11, 2003, 12:53:55 PM »
Originally posted by Glas
Again, presumptions and ignorance.  Is that the only manner of speaking to someone you know of?

Who started off that way and continues to this point on the same level?


First off, arre you actually proud of the fact that the only countries who come close to your levels of homicide is a place that, on the whole, is lawless?  Oh wait, now i see the connection ;)


Convenient how you now ignore the fact that you, in your ignorance, claimed the U.S. has the highest homicide rate in the world.

Also convenient that you do not understand that the homicide rate isn't nearly so high as you seem to believe it is.


Also, you are correct, alot of what was in Michael Moore's film was fabricated.  What wasnt, however, was the pure and simple fact that somewhere like Canada has guns like you, but has NOWHERE NEAR the same problems your country has.


Again, you are WRONG. Canada has no where NEAR the number of guns per capita as the U.S. Nor does it have anywhere NEAR the freedom to own them as the U.S. Go get some more facts, the ones you have are all useless.


Okay lets look at the first bit.  'There is no racism in here you little idiot':


or what about:

Funnily enough, from someone called Airhead.  If the cap fits i suppose...

And here's one of millions i could find to highlight the ignorance:

So, you want to rewrite that part i quoted? ;)


YOU accused me of racism didn't you. But you have no proof.

Oh, and I believe the "true patriot of you motherland" is a statement of nationalism, not racism. Stop confusing race with region and/or country.

If a large Russian immigrant community runs a chop shop, that's fact, not racism.


What part of 'Scottish' dont you understand?


What part of "Scotland is not a race it's a region" don't YOU understand?


Ah, you noticed at last ;)  Btw, is it now a 'racial' thing with you.  I thought we were  talking about countries and where people are from?  You unravelling something about yourself here??  :eek:


I noticed the first time you mentioned it, if you read the post correctly, you'd see that.

Further, I was not the one who came running in the room slobbering and screaming "racism, and ignorance", that was YOU. Care to deny it? YOU made racism an issue here, I only called you on it.


Better still, why not hear what the guys in the British tank you blew up thought about it?  I know exactly what they think about your country's military ;)  Something along the lines of 'reckless, gung-ho, trigger-happy' etc.


Not to cast dispersions on the brave and valiant British forces in the conflict in Iraq, but why don't you ask the two dead Brits in the Challenger tank that was shot by the other Challenger tank?

By the way, since you decided to bring the military and friendly fire into this, make sure you make some sort of comment on my bringing up the most publicized British friendly fire incident. You wouldn't want to change your pattern and tactics now would you.

While you're at it, why don't you calculate the number of British forces compared to the number of U.S. forces and do a direct comparison on the friendly fire incidents?

Your lack of respect for the military forces involved is very obvious. I find your use of friendly fire incidents in an attempt to prove your arguements particularly disgusting. Sad that you would attempt to drag honorable soldiers into this crap you spew.



I really love the way you can say 'arrogant ignorant little pathetic moron' and 'cannot seem to attempt top discuss anything in a rational manner' in the same sentence.  You really outdone yourself that time!


You bring it on yourself. Take a look back at the way you've conducted yourself from the very first entrance you made to this thread and expelain to everyone how you should be treated any better than you've treated others. I merely stated my contempt at your level of intelligence and discussion, in the only terms I felt you could understand, since that was the only way you could seem to express yourself.


Perhaps if you werent all so completely stupid, people wouldnt try to highlight that fact from the very start ;)

Glas [/B]

Well, again, YOU were the one who came in spewing crap at the best of your capabilities. You express your disdain for those who would cast dispersions on an entire group of people, and then you say we are all retarded and we are all completely stupid. Fabulous statement for your credibility. You have NONE. Again, you came in spewing the crap, you really shouldn't expect anyone to reply in any other manner, since they can only know for certain that you can understand the same level of drivel that you spew. You brought it all on yourself, blame yourself first.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #171 on: April 11, 2003, 12:55:50 PM »
Originally posted by Dnil
do these "new" members even have AH accounts?  If not, why on earth are they here?

In all honesty, I don't have a current active AH account, so I'd have to leave too. I hope to be back in the air soon, when I get my new computer finished.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Martlet

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #172 on: April 11, 2003, 01:13:01 PM »
Originally posted by Glas
@ Martlet:  Again, complete ignorance.  Btw, one of the guys on FH is 19.  He said he was scared to post here cos it would make him feel old in amongst all you.


Again not that it is relevant, but im 30.  What it does show yet again tho is your own ignorance and presumptions about others.

@ Mal:  As ever, nice post mate.


Actually, it is you who is showing your ignorance and making presumptions.

I was referring to intellectual age, not physical.

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #173 on: April 11, 2003, 02:02:51 PM »
Hi Hilts.

You assume that everyone is trashing Boroda for no reason, without knowing his history here.

I pointed out that it was unfortuate that more people from Russia didn't belong to this forum so you would have wider access to the views of individuals from that area and have a broader view on which to base your opinions of Russia. I've done a fair amount of Boroda trashing myself in the past but I have access to a wider audience so I know not all Russians are like him. I think it was you yourself who quoted my line about being forced into defending him.

You assume from one sided knowledge we have a horrible crime rate and people are being shot in the street like an old western.

I didn't say that and if I implied it I'm sorry but you do have a problem with gun related crime same as we do, if you want to argue about gun control for and against then I suggest a new topic as the last discussion I was in about that ran into over 200 posts.

You assume that you and you alone, with the exception of europe, have all the solutions, and that we know nothing.

LOL, probably because I'm an arrogant egomaniac, but I wouldn't agree about Europe as being an exception.

You assume that I'm attacking you because you are european.

I did make the assumption but you trashing Europe after quoting my reasons for not saying where I came from led me into this line of thinking.

You assume that people here are idiots, but you know nothing of the history of the situation you attempt to comment on.

No I said some people here are idiots.

You assume that we only read or watch U.S. slanted news

You assume we swallow everything from that news without question.

Actually I implied that 80% of the worlds population in it's entirety read slanted news and swallow it, this wasn't aimed exclusively at America.

You assume that we know nothing of anything outside the U.S.

Some people here are giving me that impression yes. Would you like me to quote examples?

You assume that we blindly follow wherever the government leads.

LOL, sadly most people do regardless of country of origin.

On the subject of Europe the position of being against the war is fairly easy to understand.

You mentioned our history being 2000 years old and full of wars, atrocities etc. Yep you're right I don't dispute this. The point is that it's taken us 2000 years of war to realise it sucks.

FYI, I live in London, when I was born rationing was just coming to an end 20 years after WWII, both my parents were children in London during the war and my grandparents saw both wars. Areas of central London up until 10 years ago still remained in the same condition as during the blitz, 100's of 1000's of people in the south of England still live in the cheap prefabricated buildings thrown up after WWII to provide homes for those bombed out.

When you live with the legacy of 50 years ago in your face everyday then it makes you very anti war.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 02:05:11 PM by Malin »

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #174 on: April 11, 2003, 02:17:24 PM »
On the subject of Glas:

and yet I've not seen you say ANYTHING about the trash he is spewing. For most that is guilt by association, whether you like it or not, and whether it is right or wrong. The mere fact that you say NOTHING about him, while you attack people from the U.S. says more about the european attitude than you could possibly understand.

Why should I when the two of you going for it bigtime is more than proving my point that people on both sides of the atlantic should take the time to understand more of how the otherside live before making accusations.


Scotland is not a race it's a region
The Scottish as much as I hate to admit it are a race. Unlike the English, Americans, French, etc the Scottish havn't been diluted by conquest, immigration like we have. Glas could probably trace his ancestry back a 1000 years and still find out hes Scottish (pureblood). Me I go back further than 500 years and things start to get a bit dodgy.

This would also explain why I'm giving him so much leeway, all that inbreeding had to have some negative effects on his personality (only funning with you Glas).

Also pretty clever of us British to send the Scottish and Irish out to fight in Iraq for us don't you think (RAOFL).


P.S. You still seem to assume I'm attacking America, why? I thought it was pretty obvious I was attacking small minded people regardless of race/colour/creed
« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 02:20:26 PM by Malin »

Offline Airhead

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #175 on: April 11, 2003, 02:23:21 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
well... at least we can all agree that the russian community in Sacramento is rife with criminals and that boroda is a theif?


The Russian Immigrant Community in Sacramento has a higher crime rate than the rest of the community, yes. I don't know if Baroda is a thief tho, at least any more than I am as I've pirated all my music CDs off Kaaza.

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #176 on: April 11, 2003, 02:27:52 PM »
Respect to you Airhead for your honesty.


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #177 on: April 11, 2003, 02:39:51 PM »
Malin, no one in their right mind is PRO war. War is a last resort. Unfortunately, there are still those in this world who are evil, and dangerous, and nothing other than war will stop or remove them.

Saddam was one of them. There was a military presence in the Gulf for twelve years. Even with 250K troops on his doorstep Saddam still played the game. The fact that France, Germany, and Russia did nothing to stop him, and in fact by their actions encouraged him, is obvious. Containment was folly. Diplomacy was folly.

How absurd was it for France, Germany, and Russia to remove the threat of military action (the ONLY thing Saddam EVER responded to) and then blame the U.S. and to a lesser degree the UK for failed diplomacy? Who failed? He was told he'd get his bellybutton kicked if he didn't comply. When faced with 250K troops he STARTED to comply, SOMEWHAT. Then what happened? France said "we will not support military action against Saddam", followed closely by "we will veto any resolution for military action against Saddam". THAT is the diplomatic failure. Can you not see that?

I can pretty much guarantee you that we spent a whole lot more keeping him "contained" for 12 years than we spent removing him. How long could you reasonably expect us to continue to spend that way?

Do you think it fair for the UN to demand that the U.S. spend that way indefinately? You must acknowledge that the U.S. bears the brunt of the cost in operations like that. How long must U.S. soldiers, sailors, and airmen serve away from home in the Gulf to "contain" Saddam? How much must we pay? Yes, I know, Saddam is gone now. But you see the point?

Do you not understand what a drain things like that are on the U.S. economy? Do you REALLY think that the taxes we pay to support that don't stunt economic growth? Do you REALLY think the UN is HELPING our economy with such crap? I think you are a lot smarter than that.

I've studied what happened in Europe in WWII. I've BEEN to Germany. I know veterans of the war personally, including my own father. I have friends from AW and other places that were children during the blitz on London. I don't LIKE war, I don't WANT war, but I understood there was no other way.

Malin, I have very close personal friends and family in the military, do you REALLY think I want to send them off to risk their lives? Surely you are smart enough to know we didn't WANT war. How long did we stay out of the two world wars? Do you have ANY IDEA what this has done INSIDE the U.S.?

It is all well and good to be against war. But to hide from the inevitable and deny it when it stares you in the face is pure folly.

There are evil people in this world, and there have been so long as man has existed. They will not respond to diplomacy. They will not be satisfied by appeasement. They will only be dealt with by force. That is all they understand. Hitler was NOT the last of his kind, nor will Saddam be.

Oh, and by the way, guns are inanimate objects. A gun is incapable of acting by itself. It cannot shoot anyone by itself. Only when you solve the issue of man's inhumanity to man will you solve the problem of violent crime.

When people learn to stop blaming things like inanimate objects for their problems, and face the real issue, man himself, then progress will be made. And not until.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 02:45:29 PM by Captain Virgil Hilts »
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #178 on: April 11, 2003, 02:59:32 PM »
Malin, as far as you attacking America goes, my point is that you seem to be very adept and pointing out the flaws of the Americans here, while you seem to be quite lenient on your european friends. If you cannot see that bias, look again. And again, that is my point. You say America has an image problem in europe, and I say the reason we have the attitude that you say causes that image problem is because we finally got tired of europeans constantly criticizing us for things that are not nearly so bad as they are guilty of. For a region of the world that gave us Hitler, and a couple dozen other like him, you seem to be awfly fond of pointing out OTHER regions problems. The truth is the majority of those who live in the U.S. would prefer to be left alone. But it seems we get dragged into crap that is not much of our making.

The reason I don't really give a **** what most europeans think is I'm getting really tired of salamanders who elect clowns like Chirac and Schroder talking about the U.S. and electing Bush. At least Bush and Blair have the brains and the balls to stand up for what is right and get the job done, which is a lot more than I can say for a lot of the others.

Let's just put it this way, with two examples.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Do not attempt to remove the splinter from your neighbor's hand without first getting the 2x4 out of your own eye.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Glas

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« Reply #179 on: April 11, 2003, 05:13:42 PM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Malin, no one in their right mind is PRO war. War is a last resort. Unfortunately, there are still those in this world who are evil, and dangerous, and nothing other than war will stop or remove them.

Saddam was one of them. There was a military presence in the Gulf for twelve years. Even with 250K troops on his doorstep Saddam still played the game. The fact that France, Germany, and Russia did nothing to stop him, and in fact by their actions encouraged him, is obvious. Containment was folly. Diplomacy was folly.

How absurd was it for France, Germany, and Russia to remove the threat of military action (the ONLY thing Saddam EVER responded to) and then blame the U.S. and to a lesser degree the UK for failed diplomacy? Who failed? He was told he'd get his bellybutton kicked if he didn't comply. When faced with 250K troops he STARTED to comply, SOMEWHAT. Then what happened? France said "we will not support military action against Saddam", followed closely by "we will veto any resolution for military action against Saddam". THAT is the diplomatic failure. Can you not see that?

I can pretty much guarantee you that we spent a whole lot more keeping him "contained" for 12 years than we spent removing him. How long could you reasonably expect us to continue to spend that way?

Do you think it fair for the UN to demand that the U.S. spend that way indefinately? You must acknowledge that the U.S. bears the brunt of the cost in operations like that. How long must U.S. soldiers, sailors, and airmen serve away from home in the Gulf to "contain" Saddam? How much must we pay? Yes, I know, Saddam is gone now. But you see the point?

Do you not understand what a drain things like that are on the U.S. economy? Do you REALLY think that the taxes we pay to support that don't stunt economic growth? Do you REALLY think the UN is HELPING our economy with such crap? I think you are a lot smarter than that.

I've studied what happened in Europe in WWII. I've BEEN to Germany. I know veterans of the war personally, including my own father. I have friends from AW and other places that were children during the blitz on London. I don't LIKE war, I don't WANT war, but I understood there was no other way.

Malin, I have very close personal friends and family in the military, do you REALLY think I want to send them off to risk their lives? Surely you are smart enough to know we didn't WANT war. How long did we stay out of the two world wars? Do you have ANY IDEA what this has done INSIDE the U.S.?

It is all well and good to be against war. But to hide from the inevitable and deny it when it stares you in the face is pure folly.

There are evil people in this world, and there have been so long as man has existed. They will not respond to diplomacy. They will not be satisfied by appeasement. They will only be dealt with by force. That is all they understand. Hitler was NOT the last of his kind, nor will Saddam be.

Oh, and by the way, guns are inanimate objects. A gun is incapable of acting by itself. It cannot shoot anyone by itself. Only when you solve the issue of man's inhumanity to man will you solve the problem of violent crime.

When people learn to stop blaming things like inanimate objects for their problems, and face the real issue, man himself, then progress will be made. And not until.

Btw just for your info, if you go to the FH forums you will see pretty much the exact same stuff from me as you have posted above.

I actually do believe in this war, im glad Bush and Blair had the balls to go ahead.  Its costing my country dear but I can live with that, cos I know we are doing the right thing.

What I do hate, however, is the stuff I read at the start of this thread.  A gang of people arguing they are correct and winning that argument through sheer weight of numbers, regardless of the facts.

I suffer the same crap in FH, although funnily enough im the one keeping the coalition side of the argument whilst everyone else is completely anti-war.

I accept not everyone is racist on this board, but there are some.  There is however a high level of ignorance and arrogance imho.  I guess I like  fighting fire with fire, and to be honest I didnt see the point of trying to put together an intelligent post because you would only disregard what I feel are the facts and attack me simply for the fact I didnt share your views on some things.

Its amazing, to me, how this board is so like FH, but on the other side of the divide so to speak.  Joining them together would be, well, interesting to say the least.

Regardless, apologies to the more reasonable people on this board that i tainted with the brush of the few.
