Author Topic: Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy  (Read 5847 times)

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #150 on: April 11, 2003, 09:35:11 AM »
airhead... It was a serious question... I know about the russian community in Sacramento. Is there a russian community in the states that anyone knows of that isn't 90% or more criminal?

This is exactly the kind of thing I was trying to point out. At least you are beginning to mellow a little lazs and giving the benefit of the doubt as to whether all russians are criminals. What you were doing before is the same as me saying:

All Americans are Arrogant stunninghunks with big fat mouths.

offensive isn't it? Now can you see why I was pissed at you, just because a small percentage of people are criminals dosn't mean everybody from the same country is one.

To improve your post even more would have been to maybe word it as thus:

"We have a big problem with criminals in the russian community in Sacramento, is it the same everywhere or are we just unlucky."


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #151 on: April 11, 2003, 09:46:31 AM »
Originally posted by Malin
LOL, what and let myself be ridiculed as has happened to so many others on this board just because of who I am.

Let me generalise,

A:I'm from XXXX.
B: Ah, you have no idea what you're talking about because you come from a XXXX country and can't possibly understand our glorious wonderful society.
A: But I've heard this happens in your country.
B: Ha, lies fed to you by your (insert type, facist, communist, poor, dictatorship)  goverment.
A: but...
B: No buts your opinion is worthless because you come from XXXX and we all know (even though we've never been there, met anyone from there, or learnt your history) that you're all criminals, drug dealers, murderers etc.

And YOU make the EXACT same assumptions about the USA. Note your earlier remark about gun crime. That's just ONE example.  Get off your holier than thou high horse and get real.


whilst I may respect you and some others on this board for being willing to enter a discussion the majority here seem to persist in taking the example shown above.

Sadly they don't realise that societies are judged by the actions and words of it's peoples and all they succeed in doing is given the impression (wrongly) that all people from the USA are arrogant, poorly educated and totally lacking in empathy.

I know many Americans, as I know many from Russia, Germany, Italy, Israel etc and it is the actions of these few in all parts of the world who are responsible for much of the suffering.

Take note Ike2K, Captain Virgil, lazs and others by your open hostility and abuse of others from other parts of the world you paint a picture of your country which has lead to much of the Anti USA sentiments sweeping Europe.


Take note Malin, I'm not hostile to europeans in general, YOU make entirely too many assumptions when you know nothing of which you speak. On the otherhand, I take exception at the attitude of CERTAIN individuals no matter what country they are from. Just because I refuse to accept at face value the assumption by many that they are automaticly superior and that the U.S. is wrong simply because THEY think so and yet THEY cannot support their arguement does not mean I am hostile to ALL europeans. Far from it. I have more than a few european friends. You again make as many or more assumptions and generalizations as anyone, and you paint with a pretty broad brush too. Take a close look in the mirror, before you make too many rash assumptions.


Alot of Europeans read these boards more than you could possibly imagine, they read your posts and remember reading similar things to these prior to WWII, until you learn to open your minds and discuss things rather than jumping straight in the deep end with open abuse and  scorn then maybe you would find more support in the actions you take around the world.

Malin [/B]

Perhaps, once again, you should read your own posts, and try to get a grip on why what you say and how you say it makes people hostile to YOU in particular.

It never ceases to amaze me that a continent that remained CONSTANTLY at war for CENTURIES on end, driven  by conquest and colonialism, continually attributes every action by the United States as an act of aggression, and colonialism. First off, we got dragged into two WORLD WARS last century that the PEACEFUL europeans started. And it wasn't ALL Germany ALL the time in your past either. You europeans tried for several centuries to conquer, vanquish, and indeed slaughter each other. And yet YOU continually call the U.S. hawkish, aggressive, war like, and driven by colonial conquest. Malin, how about YOU go look up how many colonies you and your european brethren have conquered and held over just the time period between 1700 and 1970. There's a good 270 years, the U.S. has been around for just over 225. Now, go and look at how many wars the U.S. was in that one or the other of you and your european brethren DIDN'T start. Then count up how many colonies the U.S. has EVER had. See the difference?

For over 50 years, the U.S. has been the world's premier superpower. For about 100 years we've been very passive and benevolent. About 90% of the conflicts we've been dragged into were created by those europeans who have for the past 20 years been giving us a ration of toejam about how aggressive, rude, and arrogant we are. And yet you cannot show me a period of time from any point in history in the last 400 years where at least one or more of your so called civilized and superior nations has had anywhere near the power the U.S. holds (relatively speaking) during which they have not been constantly at war through their own aggression for the express goal of the destruction of their competitors and the conquest and colonization of as much of the world as they could possibly hope to hold.

If you want to know what makes Americans so damned angry at the europeans you go back and read what I wrote two or three more times and maybe the facts and the truth will somehow reach you.

I find it very amusing that YOU call me arrogant, while the fact is that if you look at the history of europe and compare it to that of the U.S., everything you say about the U.S. can be said about europe throughout the entire history of europe, and to a far greater degree, and with a far greater level of truth.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Glas

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #152 on: April 11, 2003, 09:57:02 AM »
Originally posted by Martlet
I guess that depends.  I know of several communities proud of their russian ancestory that aren't criminal at all.  Most of them are not immigrants, though.

While I have no proof either way, I'd have a hard time believing the majority of russian immigrants are criminal.

However, I DID see a teenage russian immigrant on Judge Judy for vandalizing cars......

And 86.35% of statistics are made up on the spot! :rolleyes:

Btw, your not only ignorant but also racist.  Par for the course on here?


Offline Martlet

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #153 on: April 11, 2003, 09:59:35 AM »
Originally posted by Glas
And 86.35% of statistics are made up on the spot! :rolleyes:

Btw, your not only ignorant but also racist.  Par for the course on here?


That post shows I'm ignorant and racist how?  Because I said I have a hard time believing all russians are criminals?

Pull your head out of your ass, please, and post again.

Offline Glas

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #154 on: April 11, 2003, 10:05:00 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
And YOU make the EXACT same assumptions about the USA. Note your earlier remark about gun crime. That's just ONE example.  Get off your holier than thou high horse and get real.

Wow not only ignorant and racist, but also extremely thick!

Malin, if you bothered to read it, said the gun crime in the US is horrific.  Thats not an assumption stupid, its a FACT!

Oooops forgot, you wont really know what that means.  Silly me!


Offline Glas

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #155 on: April 11, 2003, 10:07:00 AM »
Originally posted by Martlet
That post shows I'm ignorant and racist how?  Because I said I have a hard time believing all russians are criminals?

Pull your head out of your ass, please, and post again.

Ooops.  The quote belonged to Lasz2, my bad :D


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #156 on: April 11, 2003, 10:07:23 AM »
Ignorance is bliss.

Posts: 1
Location: In bed with your wife

A troll, with bad bait and an obvious hook.

They're coming in in droves.

And wondering why people are hostile towards them.

Go figure.

Anyway, Americans are all arrogant prettythangholes, haven't you heard? We're all war loving racists too.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 10:17:28 AM by Captain Virgil Hilts »
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #157 on: April 11, 2003, 10:15:08 AM »
Originally posted by Glas
Wow not only ignorant and racist, but also extremely thick!

Malin, if you bothered to read it, said the gun crime in the US is horrific.  Thats not an assumption stupid, its a FACT!

Oooops forgot, you wont really know what that means.  Silly me!


Look, junior is playing with his member again, and trolling. Don't troll where the sharks are junior, this is the deep end.

Ignorant? And racist? Give your evidence please.

Gun crime in the U.S. is horrific? By whose standards? Yours? It's a fact? Supported by what? Your mouth?

I'm thick? Little boy, I'm smarter, better educated, and more open minded than you'll ever be, but I know the difference between fact and fiction, an advantage you'll never have.

Go back to the kiddie pool, the best you have to offer is the same juvenile insults hurled over and over again, and with nothing at all to support them.

Are you too scared to post you're location, too ashamed, or just too stupid?

Malin I can at least have some measure of respect for. You on the other hand are just another drive by spewer, with no intelligence and no substance.

And just so you know, since you are obviously entirely to stupid to figure it out without outside help, I read every word Malin posted. You can tell that by the fact that I took it apart and replied to each of his points. Perhaps you should get your mommy to explain it to you. But then she might take your keyboard away.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 10:19:17 AM by Captain Virgil Hilts »
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Glas

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #158 on: April 11, 2003, 11:05:51 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Look, junior is playing with his member again, and trolling. Don't troll where the sharks are junior, this is the deep end.

Ignorant? And racist? Give your evidence please.

How many examples of ignorism and racism do you want, from this thread alone?  Or havent you been reading it?

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Gun crime in the U.S. is horrific? By whose standards? Yours? It's a fact? Supported by what? Your mouth?

Ummm nope.  By the FACT that you have the highest rate of homicides than anywhere else in the world.  Especially gun related.  Why?  Because your nation is bordering on retarded.  As Michael Moore rightly pointed out, there is plenty other places with the right to bear arms.  Not all of them are as f*cked up as your country tho.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

I'm thick? Little boy, I'm smarter, better educated, and more open minded than you'll ever be, but I know the difference between fact and fiction, an advantage you'll never have.

Little boy?  Surely not more ignorance ;)  You know nothing about me, yet you claim better education and open-mindedness!  Muhahahhhahaha.  Just like the rest of your friends, your ignorance is absolute crass.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Go back to the kiddie pool, the best you have to offer is the same juvenile insults hurled over and over again, and with nothing at all to support them.

Ummm, the words 'pot' 'kettle' and 'black' come to mind.  :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Are you too scared to post you're location, too ashamed, or just too stupid?

If I was a Yank, yeah I suppose I would be too ashamed.  But thankfully im not.  Scared?  Why, you gonna come and beat me up?  LOL!  Not that it matters, but Im Scottish.  Yeah, you know, that race of people that actually went out and killed some Iraqis and captured Basra amidst fierce fire-fights.  Killing coalition soldiers and occupying what became a ghost town is as much as your country has done in this war.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

Malin I can at least have some measure of respect for. You on the other hand are just another drive by spewer, with no intelligence and no substance.

Of course Malin has respect, cos deep down you know he is right.  Now if you can just go that extra inch and actually admit it to yourself, you might actually learn something for a change instead of the usual spoon-fed bull**** you rely so heavily on.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

And just so you know, since you are obviously entirely to stupid to figure it out without outside help, I read every word Malin posted. You can tell that by the fact that I took it apart and replied to each of his points. Perhaps you should get your mommy to explain it to you. But then she might take your keyboard away.

Dear oh dear, such child-like behaviour.  I suppose when you have no other means of retaliation, crap like this is the best you can do.


Offline Glas

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #159 on: April 11, 2003, 11:09:26 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Ignorance is bliss.

Posts: 1
Location: In bed with your wife

A troll, with bad bait and an obvious hook.

They're coming in in droves.

And wondering why people are hostile towards them.

Go figure.

Anyway, Americans are all arrogant prettythangholes, haven't you heard? We're all war loving racists too.

Yeah your right, you do all seem to come across as arrogant.  War-loving racist?  Yup, fits the bill.

Btw, what was your point about the 'posts: 1'.  Of course, the more posts you have here, the more intelligent you are.  Silly me yet again.


Offline Martlet

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #160 on: April 11, 2003, 11:16:54 AM »
Age guess, anyone?  

I'm betting 14.

Offline Mini D

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #161 on: April 11, 2003, 11:33:07 AM »
beetle? did you get a new alias?

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #162 on: April 11, 2003, 11:33:51 AM »
Anyway, Americans are all arrogant prettythangholes, haven't you heard? We're all war loving racists too.

lol@Captain Virgil.

I was trying to point out to lazs that me saying "All Americans are  Arrogant stunninghunks" is the same as him saying "All Russians are criminals". Both statements are rude, offensive and untrue and he needs to think before he says things like that.

I have made no assumptions about the USA, I like your country and I have alot of American friends both over here and over there. (Which is why i know about your gun control problem in alot of depth, but as I made a reference to it as a comparison to where i live I won't go there). I'm trying to make some idiots realise that by their actions, disdain and outright abuse they are painting a very poor picture of the USA which to people without prior knowledge influences opinions.

Why are you defending these people? Do you think it's right to take the attitude that lazs has taken, The only Russians he's seen are criminals therefore all Russians(all 148,518,500 of them) are criminals. You not only allow him and others like him to do this but you don't seem to realise how offensive it is.
Whats worse when I try to point out these facts you then join in and accuse me of slagging America off and being arrogant myself.

You say I have made assumptions, what assumptions, if you are referring to me saying I won't tell you where I come from because you will ridicule and abuse me then you've more than justified my statement by launching into a scathing attack on how much Europe sucks (believe me I know I live here remember). But you tell me where in any of my posts have I slagged off your country (other than the comment aimed at lazs) or what I've said is untrue. America has a very big image problem in Europe at the moment I'm trying to tell you that alot of it is caused by your own countrymen in these forum groups being instantly offensive and abusive to others.

I was however slagging off the media, goverments (all of them suck) and if you want I can slag off M$.

To summarize.

I'm an alien and I've never met a human before. I put lazs in one room, and I put boroda in another and talk to both. Both say the same, their countries wonderful and the others country are all thieves, liars and criminals. Now what do I do? give up and leave because we as a race obviously havn't grown up yet.


Offline lazs2

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #163 on: April 11, 2003, 11:54:07 AM »
malin... what have I said that wasn't true?

I do think it's funny tho how these guys are afraid to say where their from.

I think that it is the envy that is making them mad.  

The one from Scotland should do what my grandfather did and come here.... lose the accent and the envy.   Or... feel good about where you are and don't worry about us here.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #164 on: April 11, 2003, 11:55:34 AM »
Originally posted by Glas
How many examples of ignorism and racism do you want, from this thread alone?  Or havent you been reading it?

Oh I've been reading it, all of it, but evidently you haven't.


Ummm nope.  By the FACT that you have the highest rate of homicides than anywhere else in the world.  Especially gun related.  Why?  Because your nation is bordering on retarded.  As Michael Moore rightly pointed out, there is plenty other places with the right to bear arms.  Not all of them are as f*cked up as your country tho.


No, the U.S. does NOT  have anywhere near the highest homicide rate in the world. Take a look at Rhodesia, or at least half a dozen other coutries in that region. I love it, an IDIOT, that get's his facts from a stupid self promoting jackprettythang like Michael Moore and calls it fact. Tell you what, stupid prettythang, stop watching the movies, and read a freaking book. In fact, read several. Michael Moore has been proven to be a liar, and his "facts" have been proven false. But since you only watch what you want to, and read even less, but then only what you want to, you wouldn't know that. If Michael Moore is the best source you have regarding the U.S., you are very ill equipped to argue anything at all. Are you going to quote Fonda or Streisand next? How about Sheen, or perhaps the Dixie Chicks? Maybe  you'll quote Sean Penn. They are ENTERTAINERS (and that's using the term very loosely) you little moron, they are not experts on anything at all. They don't even have a solid grasp on the facts, nevermind reality. On the otherhand, they seem to be just your type. Arrogant, ignorant, dishonest, uninformed, and living in a dream world. Hey, why don't you quote Rosie o'Donnell on gun control too?


Little boy?  Surely not more ignorance ;)  You know nothing about me, yet you claim better education and open-mindedness!  Muhahahhhahaha.  Just like the rest of your friends, your ignorance is absolute crass.

Ummm, the words 'pot' 'kettle' and 'black' come to mind.  :rolleyes:


Roll your eyes all you want. Your ignorance is truly showing. You expected anything other than insults? After you came into somewhere you've never been before and spew your juvenile garbage and baseless insults? There is no racism here you little idiot. Not a single example. No one has been attacked on the basis of race. They've been soundly thrashed on the basis of their opinions though. I haven't written one racist word. But evidently you are entirely too stupid, arrogant and ignorant to read. Go back and find the racist comment I've made, I dare you.


If I was a Yank, yeah I suppose I would be too ashamed.  But thankfully im not.  Scared?  Why, you gonna come and beat me up?  LOL!  Not that it matters, but Im Scottish.  Yeah, you know, that race of people that actually went out and killed some Iraqis and captured Basra amidst fierce fire-fights.  Killing coalition soldiers and occupying what became a ghost town is as much as your country has done in this war.


Well, since you AREN'T ashamed, why don't you post your location? Did I threaten you? No. Did I even infer a threat? No. Would I bother to walk across the street to fight you? No.

Oh, and ignorant prettythang, last I looked, Scotland was a region, not a freakin race, but then if you weren't so stupid, you'd KNOW that wouldn't you?

Oh, regarding this war, ask the commander of British forces what the U.S. has done, genius. You're opinino on the war is about as educated and informed as your oyther opinions. Been watching the BBC and Al Jazeera?

We know what you "yank" by the way, that's probably what you are wasting your time on instead of learning the facts.


Of course Malin has respect, cos deep down you know he is right.  Now if you can just go that extra inch and actually admit it to yourself, you might actually learn something for a change instead of the usual spoon-fed bull**** you rely so heavily on.


No, Malin has respect because unlike you, at least he did not come in here spewing a bunch of juvenile insults he neither understood nor had any basis for. And no, actually, Malin is WRONG. I learn more everyday, I've already learned that you are an arrogant ignorant little pathetic moron who cannot seem to even attempt to discuss anything in a rational adult manner.


Dear oh dear, such child-like behaviour.  I suppose when you have no other means of retaliation, crap like this is the best you can do.

Glas [/B]

Retaliate? Why retaliate? This is a war? Funny, I thought this was a bulletin board. And this was a discussion. Retaliation is what you might call your pitiful attempts at arguing your point. But you have no point, nor do you have any basis for a point. The best you can do is what you did in your very first post, make a complete prettythang of yourself by hurling insults. In fact, by your third post you were reading so well that you were so stupid, ignorant, arrogant, and careless as to attribute a quote to the wrong person. Perhaps YOU should learn to read, understand, and comprehend. Perhaps YOU should learn to discuss things like a rational adult instead of like a 4 year old having a tantrum because mommy took his candy. Perhaps YOU should learn some manners.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."
