Author Topic: Licenses without photos  (Read 3095 times)

Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #90 on: May 30, 2003, 04:47:14 AM »
Press Release 12th January 1994

Action To Stop Execution Of Iranian Christian

MPs, Church leaders and British Human Rights Groups are appealing to the Iranian Government to save the life of an Iranian Church leader sentenced to death for apostasy.

Rev Mehdi Dibaj's execution was ordered by the Iranian Revolutionary Court following his trial on 3 December 1993. A convert from Islam, Rev Dibaj is 59 years old and has been imprisoned for ten years, two of which were spent in solitary confinement without light. He has been subjected to a number of mock executions and was repeatedly tortured.

Rev Dibaj's execution order came from Branch No7 of the Punitive Court 1 of Sari 7 (File no: 1690169 K7, Verdict No: 1766172): The court verdict stated that : "... the apostate was born a Muslim before his apostasy and as per Islamic law if he reaches maturity and voluntarily chose blasphemy (non Islamic religion or discard Islam) and so on he should be given the option to repent or be killed.

The verdict continued, "Because in adulthood and choice of Kofr (blasphemy) and non-repentance and insistence on the choice of non-Islam which the accused is the best example of and he (Rev Dibaj) insist on his belief on non-Islam with reliance on the document of the above mentioned Fatwah and documents in the primary opinion he is sentenced to execution."

The Iranian Government has stated that there is religious liberty in the country and that no one suffers in Iran for their beliefs. Only a few days before Rev Dibaj's trial, Frank Field MP received a letter from the Mohammad Safaei, Deputy Head of Mission at the Iranian Embassy in London which stated that, "Iranian Christians, like other religious minorities in Iran, enjoy the full rights and privileges to all Iranian citizens by the constitution. They are perfectly free to engage in their social, cultural, and religious activities and face no obstacles."

Revd. Mehdi Dibaj delivered his own written defence to the court. In a powerful statement, this devout church leader declared: "Life for me is an opportunity to serve Him, and death is a better opportunity to be with Christ. Therefore I am not only satisfied to be in prison for the honour of His Holy Name, but am ready to give my life for the sake of Jesus my Lord and enter His kingdom sooner, the place where the elect of God enter everlasting life, but the wicked to eternal damnation."

"1would rather have the whole world against me but know that the Almighty God is with me, be called an apostate but know that I have the approval of the God of glory.

Rev Dibaj accepted the court's verdict and decided not to write a letter protesting against the sentence. Instead he declared his will in a statement to the Court that conveys his unshakeable faith and his commitment even unto death.

Rev Dibaj's will states, 'I, Christian prisoner, Mehdi Dibaj, Son of Hassan, accept the court verdict with joy and peace. Please:

1 Expedfte the process of carrying out the sentence.

2 Submit my body to Babol Medical College for their medical use.

3 Allow the cross to remain around my neck

4 Allow Holy Communion to be administered to me before execution by two Iranian Christian clergymen.

He also asked that his belongings be donated to the church and "give my children into the hands of God who is able to keep them safe so that they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Rev Dibaj's four children named Mary, Joseph, Jesus and Angel are aged between 13 and 18 and live with his family and are supported by the Iranian Church.

Upon hearing the news of Rev Dibaj's imminent execution, David Alton MP telephone the Iranian Embassy in London. He also tabled an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons (No 317), seconded by Simon Hughes MP, which calls upon the British Government to: "...make immediate representations to secure the commutation of this harsh and inhuman decision."

In addition, Mr Alton mobilised Parliamentary support. He:-

* Spoke with Nirj Deva MP who contacted Downing Street.

* Telephoned John Gummer MP, Ann Widdecombe MP and Alastair Burt MP who all made separate representations to Douglas Hurd at the Foreign Office.

* Talked with Helmut Schaeffer, the German Minister of State who authorised intervention and directed the German Ambassador in Iran to make representations.

* Telephoned the Papal Nuncio in Iran, Archbishop Romeo Pancivoli, who said he would appeal on behalf of the Vatican.

George Robertson MP had already taken up Mehdi Dibaj's case under Jubilee Campaign's Parliamentary Adoption Programme. After reading a letter from Rev Dibaj to his son, in 1992, Mr Robertson said, 'Although it is most worrying that he is still kept in prison in these circumstances, he has clearly lost none of his spirit and that must be quite an inspiration."

Mr Robertson is to ask the Labour Foreign Affairs Spokesman Jack Cunningham MP to take up the case.

Jubilee Campaign, a British-based human rights group supported by over 100 MPs has organised Parliamentary action for Rev Dibaj for sometime. Lord Avebury, William Cash MP and Rev Martin Smyth MP are among several MPs who wrote expressing concern directly to the Iranian authorities. In 1993, Anthony Coombs MP urged the British Government to intervene, and, in replying, Douglas Hogg, the Foreign Office Minister stated, "We have made clear our concerns to the Iranians on many occasions, most recently during a visit to Tehran in September by a senior UK official when the plight of religious minorities and the case of Rev Dibaj were specifically raised."

Offline threedays

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« Reply #91 on: May 30, 2003, 05:02:41 AM »
well vulcan things work like this.. if you did born in non muslim family, you can have realigion whitch you want
but if you did born in muslim family, you cant change it, but this law has been made by someone, its not part of quoran, just part of politic
so iranian born jews,christians and other are free to enjoy their religion

edit.: Vulcan there is similary problem, when Shiaa wants to merry Sunni (sunni can accept shiaa, but shiaa 'shouldnt' accept sunni)

btw Holden i probebly didnt get your point before.. so you mentioned, that they do not tolerate other religion in IIR because of name of IIR ?

Offline BEVO

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« Reply #92 on: May 30, 2003, 09:29:47 AM »
Threedays, in Texas, from 16 to 18 yrs old your license has a profile picture on it, then 18 to 21 it's facing forward........ when I was 16, I got one with me facing forward...... when I got my first ticket, the cop saw the mistake,and made me fix it...... the DPS makes mistakes, and with security being quite a factor these days, they are trying to fix every mistake they can.

Offline JBA

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« Reply #93 on: May 30, 2003, 02:28:13 PM »
Originally posted by rc51
You have to admit that the majority of terrorist acts have been carried out by MUSLIMS!!!!!!
All they do is preach hate.

1972    Munich Germany
1979    Embassy In Iran hostages
1980    Lebanon kidnapping and murder businessman
1983    Beirut bombing 800 marines killed
1984    Achille Lauro 70 year old Jewish American in wheelchair   thrown from ship
1985    TWA 487 hijacked from Athens
1988   Pan Am flight 103
1993    WTC
1995    Kabul Towers in Saudi Arabia
1998   Embassies: Kenya, Tanzania
2000   USS Cole
2001     WTC, Pentagon, Penn. Headed for Washington
2001    Shoe bomber plane
2001   LAX airport shooting
2001    French tanker bombing
2002    Decapitation reporter Pakistan
2002   Bali night club                    2002   Café in Indonesia
2002    Snippier shooting USA Washington
2002   Moscow theater
2002     Business man in Jordan
2002   Muslim rites over newspaper article in Kenya thousands of Christians murdered
2002   Jewish hotel bombing Kenya
2003   Asan Akbar US marina grenades own troop and shoot them in back as fleeing.
2003   Saudi Arabia compound
2003   Marroco

and still growing
"They effect the march of freedom with their flash drives.....and I use mine for porn. Viva La Revolution!". .ZetaNine  03/06/08
"I'm just a victim of my own liberalhoodedness"  Midnight Target

Offline JBA

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« Reply #94 on: May 30, 2003, 02:38:56 PM »
Originally posted by threedays
ummm i cant find any stuff about limitation of other religion on that page.... ofcourse, there are not christian or atheist in the goverment, coz they have very small support there... 95% of people are muslim... and be quite sure that they know that only 20% of them is doing their homework well

oohh man come on ... does your goverment support mosqs ? does italian goverment support mosqs ??? are there muslim in  your goverment

ok they do not build churches for people, but why the hell should they, when 95% of people are muslim lol

anyway there are Jews, Synagogs, Christian, Ortodox, churches in Iran..... so before you start to whine about evil iranian president, check reality

anyway you are talking about man whitch changed Iran a lot, you pick wrong man for flaming

he bring a lot of changes for girls

anyway another goood link about iran is

we have over 300 mosques in the US now. most preaching hatered towards the US.
In Indiana the other day the head of the mosques said that he wants more muslim representaion in the US government so "they" can show "us" that "they' are her to stay..
now the use of "they" and "us" is very telling..he's words not mine. The muslims don't plan to become US citizens they want to be seperate with equal representation..This is not how America was founded or intented to be.
"They effect the march of freedom with their flash drives.....and I use mine for porn. Viva La Revolution!". .ZetaNine  03/06/08
"I'm just a victim of my own liberalhoodedness"  Midnight Target

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #95 on: May 30, 2003, 03:38:13 PM »
we have over 300 mosques in the US now. most preaching hatered towards the US.


Offline straffo

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« Reply #96 on: May 30, 2003, 03:42:20 PM »
Why did you start in 1972 ?

and I see no IRA action in your list nor the RAF or  Action Directe or  ...

Offline OIO

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« Reply #97 on: May 30, 2003, 03:44:08 PM »
funny, that sounds just like JJ and all those hispanic activists.

Although this time it aint the race card but the religious card.

uh.. what was your point again?

Offline Fatty

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« Reply #98 on: May 31, 2003, 04:58:52 PM »
So MT, should Robert Byrd be able to get his photo with his klan hood on?

Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #99 on: May 31, 2003, 05:20:34 PM »
Originally posted by threedays
well vulcan things work like this.. if you did born in non muslim family, you can have realigion whitch you want
but if you did born in muslim family, you cant change it, but this law has been made by someone, its not part of quoran, just part of politic
so iranian born jews,christians and other are free to enjoy their religion

edit.: Vulcan there is similary problem, when Shiaa wants to merry Sunni (sunni can accept shiaa, but shiaa 'shouldnt' accept sunni)

btw Holden i probebly didnt get your point before.. so you mentioned, that they do not tolerate other religion in IIR because of name of IIR ?

The point is you ramble about how wonderful it is and you can be a Christian in Iran, yet they still execute people for wanting to be Christians.

Sounds like BS, smells like BS, doesn't matter what country its from its BS.

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #100 on: May 31, 2003, 11:02:54 PM »
Originally posted by Fatty
So MT, should Robert Byrd be able to get his photo with his klan hood on?


Byrd's hood is only slightly more synthetic than Trent Lott's hair.

Offline osage

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« Reply #101 on: May 31, 2003, 11:26:54 PM »
Originally posted by threedays
welll osage im sorry but i never saw so many people sport in parks as i saw in Iran..... when somebody wear veil or cover, it doesnt mean, that she cannt sport..... guys .... you ideas about these people are funny

You think young girls enjoy playing sports in chadors in the summer heat?

It's downright dangerous and makes them smell like a bag of ass.

Forget about swimming.

Before you say how happy Islamic sportswomen are to play in cover, you should read this article.,11487,632145,00.html

"An Algerian woman, Hassiba Boulmerka defied the ayatollahs to win the gold medal in the 1500 metres at the 1992 Olympics.

As the first daughter of Islam to shine in international sport, Boulmerka was spat upon and had obscene graffiti about her daubed on walls around Algeria at a time when the Islamic Salvation Front was sweeping to power. "

You think most young Iranian women ar happy to go about daily life dressed in a stinky black bag?  Oh they must enjoy it so!
« Last Edit: May 31, 2003, 11:29:49 PM by osage »

Offline threedays

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« Reply #102 on: June 01, 2003, 01:52:56 PM »
well osage... the girls in these black cadors, are a bit diferent girls that girls with just cover ...

you should check out what is mandatory for them and what is not

the girls in loong black Cador are girls, whitch belive so they have no problem to wear it

girls whitch cover them self only because of law are girls with just some (black is not madatory) cover on the head

Offline osage

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« Reply #103 on: June 01, 2003, 04:04:28 PM »
Originally posted by threedays
well osage... the girls in these black cadors, are a bit diferent girls that girls with just cover ...

you should check out what is mandatory for them and what is not

the girls in loong black Cador are girls, whitch belive so they have no problem to wear it

girls whitch cover them self only because of law are girls with just some (black is not madatory) cover on the head

It's obvious you don't have much experience with young women, especially attractive, tanned fit ones who take pride in their athletic prowess.

Offline threedays

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« Reply #104 on: June 01, 2003, 05:08:38 PM »
LOL not realy

im afraid that you didnt get one thing.... these girls whine about cover.... they dont whine about fact, that they (90%)have no sex before marriedge.... so basicaly, they dont have need to show their butt on the street ... but its pointless to speak about it, bacause they are sooo diferent in these things..
anyway i saw many iranian girls run in parks, practise karate, play basketball, voleyball (with boys together ofcourse) and so on ...... they were playing, practising and not whinning
anyway i saw a lot off girls here using veil during the sport as well... ummm yea we are probably odd as well when we dont practise in bikini

i dont know why people worry about this, coz once majority will be agains scarf, they will just cancel that Law and only these girls in looong black one will keep them ... (these girls whitch you see in TV as "poor" muslim girls )

keep on mind that they do mind to wear veil, not about their live style... at least not majority of them