Author Topic: Okinawa bugs list  (Read 2192 times)

Offline Fariz

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« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2003, 05:38:36 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
Yes fariz please send it to

cc, have sent it. Will apreciate comments.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2003, 05:41:15 PM »
Yeah .... what I thought. Ya poo-c. ;)

Offline Batz

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« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2003, 05:42:34 PM »
Fariz denies what you said that he tried to gte folks to quit. He hasnt lied to me you have.

He can respond to your bs as he wishes. He still did better then you. But I guess you were either taking one for the team or just being conservative.


Offline Arlo

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« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2003, 06:05:25 PM »
I'm a liar? You mean I really didn't see Fariz make a pizzy stink about not getting his way? You mean other allied pilots that were friends of Fariz didn't skip frames en masse that had them flying planes they didn't feel like flying and or they did actually inform someone, anyone, so to avoid sabotaging their own team? You mean I didn't see the post where someone said one of the players involved told him he was e-mailed by Fariz with instructions to do exactly what he did?

Which of that, in all or in part, is a lie again? You throw out terms much like a random word generator.

And you're the poo-c. The challenge will be left standing. And will be left standing. You can make one last whine or excuse if you want (well, actually you can whine on endlessly about it - you probably will) but your bluff was called and you reacted true to nature. But we'll let this all die down so you can pretend otherwise, if ya want. Admit it, that's what you despirately want at this point. ;)

Personally, I've never rejected an opportunity to teach or learn a lesson. It's how respect is earned ... for one or the other (though most often both). I know ... it's like you're reading Greek or somethin'. ;)

ttyl poo-c.

Offline Batz

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« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2003, 06:47:18 PM »
I dont need you to respect me, like or even care what I think. But should I end up in an f4u I will ley ya know.

You are a liar in that your portrayal of hows things are or were is purposefully wrong. I read on the allied board where 1 guy said he heard from another unnamed guy that fariz said xx. Childish bull**** that you pass off as fact.

Facts are fariz didnt wanna fly a bomber, he didnt sign up for one and was concerned that a new policy was being enacted  that denied the player the right to decide his plane of choice. Fariz is/was right. Despite all that he did fly and contribute far more then you for the allies.

You must be bitter over that but theres no need to lie. Just like your portrayal of that "challenge". I have challenged you numerous times to step and and volunteer to co an event or join the ct staff. Put up or shut up whaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaa

You lied about this flying conservative crap. I was there you werent conservative you were a wuss.

So why you think I need to prove anything to you or that I would at the very least inconvenience myself to meet a "tardlo challenge" is laughable. If you doudt my claims there is a record you can go check. When you made outrageous claims of smart flying and other bs I didnt need to dare you, I just checked the stats. They confirmed everything I have said. Should the circumstances arise and the allies are out numbered and the f4u cv isnt sunk or 50 miles away I will run up some quick kills and let you know. I dont think I even ever flew the f4u-1 so I may fly 1 before this setup ends just to say I have. But its of little concern to me what you think. I certainly wont be flying it in the area where you will be hiding at.

It certainly wont encourage you to fight.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2003, 06:54:11 PM »
Man ... that's a helluva alot of excuses and whinin! :)

Sure ... I'd love to join the CT staff. Thanks for askin. Pull some strings and make it happen. Let's see how fast this happens. :D

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2003, 07:44:57 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
Interesting.  I've only flown the F4U twice this setup, so my perspective is mainly from Axis side.  Seems to me, though, that the F4U's zoom only works if the Corsair starts with a big energy advantage.  The high speed handling only matters if you're going at high speed, which the Japanese plane set just can't do, so at minimum the Corsair is "extending."  And while the roll rate could make the Corsair effective in scissors, its energy retention at low speeds makes it toast in most of the scissoring fights I've had with it.

All of which is to say that it seems to me the only thing the Corsair can do well is B & Z.  Start it at an equal energy state and either the Nikki or the Tony are going to eat it up.  In this setup, when I fly Axis (which is most of the time), I would much rather fight a Corsair than any other Allied plane.

So, if there's a trick to energy fighting in the Corsair (stall fighting is too much to expect), what is it?

- oldman

If the F4U starts co-E with any Japanese plane that we have the pilot of said F4U has already screwed up.  The F4U should have a minimum speed (which is energy) advantage of 30mph.  It should be able to take the fight verticle against the N1K2 for a short time, but the pilot will have to extend away before too long if the N1K2 has not been downed.  Against the Ki-61 the F4U should dominate any verticle fight.

The keep the fight fast all you need is altitude and an aggressive Japanese opponent, which most are forced to be due to their speed deficate.
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Batz

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« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2003, 07:48:35 PM »

Just minutes ago

Better kd then in a zeke

I switched back because of the numbers below.

Well that and the fleet was to far away to fly around looking for just 13 enemy.

the f4u-1 fleet was way out of range.

If later in the week theres an actual fight to be found I will go back allies.

So when you gonna put up tardlo?

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2003, 07:58:03 PM »
No son, you were invited to show me, in person "the right way to 'energy fight' a hog." You in the hog, me in whatever IJ fighter you want me in (actually I wanted a Nik but I figure you're afraid of that matchup). Not you grabbin a hog and lookin for someone uppin on a runway to vulch and then posting your kills to 'prove' your point. But nice try. ;)

But no matter. I responded that I accept "your invitation" to become a CT staffer. Grease them wheels, amigo. If ya "can't" beat `em ... join `em then beat `em ... I say. :D

Get on it. I don't want any more whiney excuses. Chop-chop, hop sing!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2003, 08:00:27 PM by Arlo »

Offline Batz

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« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2003, 08:27:20 PM »
what the fek are talking about. I told you to ask for help in energy fighting. I told you I dont care enough about you to help you with anything. I never heard you say fight me in a niki. If ya need tips buy a book or ask a trainer.

Urchin is a trainer ask him.

All the kills I just got in the dhog were "energy fighting". I fought 2 ki 61s vrs me, it was macci and another dude. I worked 1 down, they had 3 k on me and  we ended up 4 k or so. 1 stayed perched while the other engaged. When the other engaged I went into him and up rolled back, after a few turns he pops out in front. He goes hard left and as I pull lead he partner nails me. A good 5 min fight salutes all round.

Second fight, I was 9k slightly higher then 2 nikis and a a6m5. The a6m5 turns into me and pulled to hit me from underneath, I pull up kick rudder flop a bit then get my nose down and fire. I only fire 2 machine guns because my stick is set fer cannon birds. But hes hurt and leaves.

By this time one of the other nikis locks ded 6. After a few scissor at lo speed 50% throttle flaps and quick reverses he slips by and I kill him. The other I see bearing down on me. I try to slip under his nose but get nailed by tuck.

Next fight is 10 min flight time to fight because the fleet has moved. I get to a12 where soulyss is fighting several ki 61s. I kill a couple before another locks on my 6.  I extended through a8 field ack ack to get him off me. He was d250 and I was scissoring like mad he wouldnt shake. Ack cleared my 6. I kill a couple then see Urchin dragging a niki and several others. I slip in on the niki and nail him. I head back north to see another ki 61 and kill him. Then Im outa gas and rtb. I ground loop so no rearm. The axis are down to 13 guys and with the long flight again I say f'it.

You cant fight any better then the guys I just fought. So stfu. Besides its not about "skillz" its about fun. You claim the only way to fly a f4u is to "be conservative" Well BS.

The ct staffer invite happened way before these last few guys were picked. I didnt see where you volunteered but email pyro or skuzzy they may let ya. Its got nothing to do with me.

But the word is this map will be used in an event. Ill co if you will. (if the cms agree).

I'll take either side just so theres no "you had nikis".

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #55 on: June 03, 2003, 10:05:05 PM »
Hey ... you ain't gotta make no excuses so don't. I checked with Brady on the CT staff thing. Apparently there'll be no openings anytime soon. ;) I've got too much of a real life to CO scenarios right now but the CT option sounded ok. Only 4 with 2 reserves, eh? You'd think there'd be more. Oh well, I tried. More than you can say. :D

Thanks for playin, your concession prize is at the door (or maybe not). ;)

Offline Fariz

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« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2003, 03:26:58 AM »
Originally posted by Arlo
I'm a liar? You mean I really didn't see Fariz make a pizzy stink about not getting his way? You mean other allied pilots that were friends of Fariz didn't skip frames en masse that had them flying planes they didn't feel like flying and or they did actually inform someone, anyone, so to avoid sabotaging their own team? You mean I didn't see the post where someone said one of the players involved told him he was e-mailed by Fariz with instructions to do exactly what he did?

Which of that, in all or in part, is a lie again? You throw out terms much like a random word generator.

Nice to know that I have masses of friends who so readily followed me, but will apreciate to hear their names pls. I also paid attention that you have major problems with logic. If I asked friends to follow me, they will do as I did, i.e. fly all frames in fighters.

What is the post your refer too, about this email I wrote? If it were on the deleted Guadalcanal forums, can you provide me with a names pls? Lets find this black email I sent and make it public! Would be difficult making public something which never existed though.

Now how bad of a team player I am. I shot down 14 planes during event (12 in logs),  including several bombers, dammaged few more, cleared friendly 6s several time, found a fleet when on patrol duty, followed the chain of command and orders, and was shot down once, attacking bombers to prevent a field bombrun. That is considering I lost connect at first minutes of frame 2 and could not participate in this frame. I also were kept as a scout at 15k all 1st and half of 3rd frame which prevented me from getting many good oportunities for fighting.

Now about you, in frame 1 you died in bomber without doing any dammage. In frame 2 you killed 2 fighters and died. In frame 3 have not showed up or died before the logs were opened. In frame 4 you have not showed up. It maked 2 kills 2 death 1 no showup, + 1 possible no showup or early death.

Arlo, you will make good, if stop making fool out of yourself.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2003, 03:47:09 AM »
We need an Arlo vs Batz forum:D

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #58 on: June 04, 2003, 12:40:42 PM »
Originally posted by Fariz
Nice to know that I have masses of friends who so readily followed me, but will apreciate to hear their names pls. I also paid attention that you have major problems with logic. If I asked friends to follow me, they will do as I did, i.e. fly all frames in fighters.

What is the post your refer too, about this email I wrote? If it were on the deleted Guadalcanal forums, can you provide me with a names pls? Lets find this black email I sent and make it public! Would be difficult making public something which never existed though.

Now how bad of a team player I am. I shot down 14 planes during event (12 in logs),  including several bombers, dammaged few more, cleared friendly 6s several time, found a fleet when on patrol duty, followed the chain of command and orders, and was shot down once, attacking bombers to prevent a field bombrun. That is considering I lost connect at first minutes of frame 2 and could not participate in this frame. I also were kept as a scout at 15k all 1st and half of 3rd frame which prevented me from getting many good oportunities for fighting.

Now about you, in frame 1 you died in bomber without doing any dammage. In frame 2 you killed 2 fighters and died. In frame 3 have not showed up or died before the logs were opened. In frame 4 you have not showed up. It maked 2 kills 2 death 1 no showup, + 1 possible no showup or early death.

Arlo, you will make good, if stop making fool out of yourself.

Hey ... you flew your and other player's fighters real good. Didn't say otherwise. I dropped a bomb on a carrier from an SBD in frame one, killed a couple zekes (and damaged another) in frame two and informed my CO that I wasn't going to be able to make frames 3 and 4 the moment I found out work was going to interfere.
In other words, I followed orders and didn't whine about it and when real life made further participation impossible, I reluctantly but immediately let the COC know.

Now while all of that may make you the perfect scenario participant and me the worst, in your (and Bratz) eyes, it doesn't excuse your spoiled brat attitude as far as I'm concerned. Truly you should have just backed out of the event instead of insisting everyone else make sacrifices so you could shine in a fighter all four frames.

Yep, I mentioned the post that another player posted talking of you emailing the group of players that, as a group, boycotted frames that had them slotted for non-fighter slots ... without bothering to notify anyone so the US side would "feel the loss of their presense." Nope, I have neither a copy of the "alleged" email nor did I even save the post that refered to it. Yep, it's conjecture at this point (though I'm pretty comfortable making it). I'm sure their (the boycotting players) similar attitude to yours and consequent actions during the event was mere coincidence. :rolleyes: Ahem. However, there are many players from that event who wouldn't have you in their units in any future event if they can help it. Apparently some had more of a negative impression from your self-centered "It's all about me" attitude than a good impression from your brilliant kill record for the event.

 I'm sure Bratz will always make sure you have a fighter slot on his side when he commands. So don't let my disgust for you make a dent in your perception of yourself. After all, it shouldn't. In that I'm sure we agree. :D I merely mentioned you in comparison to Bratz and his obvious pov of what events are all about (yeah, I didn't have to and probably shouldn't have bothered). Yep, both of you are right. It's all about you. ;)

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #59 on: June 04, 2003, 12:43:23 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
We need an Arlo vs Batz forum:D

Wacky fun. Errrr ..... :eek:

(Yeah .. I hear ya. My bad.) :o
