Author Topic: So, whats the deal with ENY values?  (Read 606 times)

Offline Urchin

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2003, 11:09:21 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak

The problem with making the ENY directly proportional is that you end up with a few problems:

1) Unpopular, but very potent, fighters like the Fw190D-9, Bf109G-10 and Yak-9U become free perk gatherers because their ENY values are so far removed from their performance.

And the problem with leaving it as it is is you have 'very potent' fighters fighters that are unpopular for a reason (the reason being they aren't as potent as the top fighters) that go unused because the reward (granted perk points isn't much of a reward) is totally out of whack with the performance you are giving up by flying a second-rate plane in an arena full of first-rate ones.

2) Potent but practically never used aircraft get way, WAY too many perk points for relatively easy tasks.  For example, shooting down a Spitfire Mk IX (42,000 kills) in a Mosquito (2,500 kills) would yield 16.8 perk points in a directly proportianal system.

GOOD!  Do you think this might lead to the Mosquito getting used more often?  I do, which is why I think a directly proportional system would add at least SOME dynamic to an otherwise stale and stagnant game.  Of course, someone would have to take the time to change the perk values every so often, so that they remained accurate and proportional, but I don't think it would be to difficult a task.  Heck, I bet someone could write a program to keep track of the relevant statistics, and have that program update the ENY's once a day.

Keep in mind also that the ENY values have not been updated in a long time and when they were last set the Spitfire Mk IX and P-51D were trading off fro 1st and 2nd places with the N1K2 following in third and the La-7 way back in 4th.  Now the La-7 has surpassed the P-51D and is moving up on the Spitfire Mk IX.

Offline Furious

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2003, 02:58:14 AM »
Mathman, stop talking back to your betters.

Offline Mini D

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2003, 08:01:22 AM »
Damn... I'd challenge urchin to a 1:1 to defend my squaddie... but every time I beat him he whines like a little girl.  Has that always been because you were looking at gooseggs in the perk points screen urchin?


Offline Urchin

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2003, 01:59:27 PM »
Deja, thanks for your interest and for your valuable addition to the thread.  Now run on back to your dollhouse like a good girl.

Also... refresh my memory.. when exactly did you 'beat' me?  No last night doesn't count, although you are getting a lot better at it.  I gave your pimp an extra $5 for that.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2003, 02:01:31 PM by Urchin »

Offline Mini D

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2003, 02:02:36 PM »
That's exactly what you said the last time I shot you down Urchin.  And I'm sure this time it didn't help it grow any more either.

How can us lessers learn from you if you insist on being such a dolt?  We already know how to do that.


Offline Urchin

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2003, 02:07:23 PM »
No Deja.... when WAS the last time you shot me down?  I don't think its been recently, I could be wrong though.  I vaguely remember you crowing about killing me once about two years ago, you still bragging about that one?

Offline Urchin

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2003, 02:22:08 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
Damn... I'd challenge urchin to a 1:1 to defend my squaddie... but he'd just kick my bellybutton all over the place.. and then I would have to shut my mouth, so I'll just sit here and dream about being good enough to.

By the way Mini -D... shouldn't your post read more like above?

Offline Midnight

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2003, 03:31:48 PM »
You guys actually care about perk points? For what reason? Do you think some clown in an LA7 cares about his perk points? Maybe, but he will crash and burn in his perk-plane when he tries to fly it like an LA7, which is all he knows how to fly.

It's a thorn in my side for sure. Why is my Mustang ranked with such a low ENY value, lower than the dweeb king LA7? Give me a break HTC.

You know what the problem really is? HTC doesn't care too much about AH, because AHII is coming out soon (we think). So why bother to mess with AH? There's not any other WWII flight sim that can compete, so where will the customers go? I guess they'll stay right here and wait, like good boys and girls, until AHII comes out.

Do we a more dynamic perk system? Yes. Will HTC make it while AH 1 is still here? No.

My opinion. Make all the late war planes perked. Just give them an ENY value where they can make up the perks while flying them. If it costs me 10 perks to get a P-51D, fine. But if I get a 10 kill sortie in it, I would hope that I am making at least 5 more perks. That means if I can manage 20 kills, I can afford to loose 1 P-51D. I can live with perks like that.

Offline Tilt

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Re: So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2003, 07:51:05 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
why is the P-51s ENY lower than the La-7s?  

I think this is a valid point...... La7 ENY should be lower than the 51D and near if not equal to the Spit 9.............

There are some others too...........

C205, La5FN, Yak9U  all seem too high to me........ but I am using my judgement of their lethality.

I didnt realise that ENY was somehow modified by popularity.

I prefer a version of Midnights suggestion above  ..... although 20 seems a bit high.........
Ludere Vincere

Offline hazed-

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2003, 10:14:33 PM »
jees mathman did you read this thread and just decide to argue with urchin to turn the thread into a mindless arguement and avoid actually agreeing that urchin has a point?

I see more and more of this childish tactic being used. Basically first you jump into the thread.You make a veiled insult, try to stereotype the poster into one of several groups, say 'score potato' or 'luftwaffle' or 'poor flyer' etc etc. Then the poster is pretty much forced to argue back.The subject is ignored because the thread degenerates into purile nonsense.
We see this tactic used instead of the old methods because htc finally stated they were sick of the mood these posts were creating.For a while we got real civil discussions but just lately its slipping back into the old ways.

Mathman im not saying you are doing this and i hope im wrong for thinking this but this is how it appears.For instance mathman, notice how you didnt actually give your opinion on the subject.Instead you berate urchin for even caring about ENY values and your arguement?? astoundingly its 'urchin you are so good in those planes that the eny shouldnt bother you'. Now am i wrong? is this as obvious a ploy to just annoy urchin as it seems? or is this purely the best you could come up with to disrupt the thread? Now you seem intent on making urchin spend his time discussing what he meant by a line that has no relevance to the thread subject.

Hmm lets see, I feel like disrupting anything urchin posts, why  not use the ol' 2 squadies hijack routine? you know where me and a squadie post in his threads and start a totally different discussion and turn the thread into a meaningless slang match......

ENY value is part of this game. At the moment there are an awful lot of strange ENY values. Either HTC needs to give people an idea why they are set that way and put our minds at rest OR they need to do a little adjustment. Urchin IM sure would be satisfied if HTC said either 'Its set the way we feel is fair' or ' it needs adjustment but we havent had the time'.

when you think about it its not really such a huge request.Id like to know myself why the 190f8 and 190a8 are so different in ENY.
Its been asked a lot but no ones ever explained it. Maybe a breif description of how ENY's are decided would help.

Offline hazed-

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So, whats the deal with ENY values?
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2003, 10:23:14 PM »
Originally posted by Midnight
You guys actually care about perk points? For what reason? Do you think some clown in an LA7 cares about his perk points? Maybe, but he will crash and burn in his perk-plane when he tries to fly it like an LA7, which is all he knows how to fly.

It's a thorn in my side for sure. Why is my Mustang ranked with such a low ENY value, lower than the dweeb king LA7? Give me a break HTC.

You know what the problem really is? HTC doesn't care too much about AH, because AHII is coming out soon (we think). So why bother to mess with AH? There's not any other WWII flight sim that can compete, so where will the customers go? I guess they'll stay right here and wait, like good boys and girls, until AHII comes out.

Do we a more dynamic perk system? Yes. Will HTC make it while AH 1 is still here? No.

My opinion. Make all the late war planes perked. Just give them an ENY value where they can make up the perks while flying them. If it costs me 10 perks to get a P-51D, fine. But if I get a 10 kill sortie in it, I would hope that I am making at least 5 more perks. That means if I can manage 20 kills, I can afford to loose 1 P-51D. I can live with perks like that.

have to say i agree 100% with you midnight but it would still be better in my opinion if the easy to use aircraft scored a lot less than the trickier ones.At the moment the ENY values seem a bit 'off' :) make it like you said, late war  stuff takes a long time to earn even small perk amounts.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2003, 10:29:37 PM by hazed- »