This is interesting and quite ironic for me. I think Citabria is an amazing pilot and I learned a lot from his write up on the P-38.
There was an incident that changed my opinion of the man and it is not at all unlike this incident right here.
I got into a dogfight with Citabria and after a few go rounds I decided there was no way I could top this guy so I ran to the nearest ack. I hate dying and would rather do anything I have to to survive. A little while later I spin around and, somehow, he ends up right in my sights. I fire and he blows up.
I usually squelch chanel 1 because I hate the childish name calling and whining. It ruins the imersion for me.
So Citabria comes on a private chanel and says to me, "Now you know how to kill me, run like a little girl to your ack like the sissy you are" or some such.
In any event, later I was flying around and managed to find Cit again. I also succumbed to his taunting and got into another dogfight. He creamed me, of course, from an energy disadvantage because he is a far superior pilot than I.
But here's what sucks: That was the least fun I've ever had playing this game. I actually felt worse than before I started. Is this fun cussing out people who beat you or who won't let you beat them? Insulting people you don't know?
Anyway, I just find it ironic that Citabria is on the receiving end of the EXACT SAME vicious crap he handed me.
Cit's response to the above was "Squelch me".
He makes the game be more work than it should.