Author Topic: Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing  (Read 736 times)

Offline kidcol

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2000, 02:57:00 PM »
I'll second that Udie.

- kidcol -

Offline Wardog

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2000, 04:07:00 PM »
Yup. I agreed to pay 29.95 and have no problem with it.

Beeg, just Quit........Maybe youll be happier.

Dog out.....

Offline Cobra

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2000, 04:10:00 PM »
Check out my posts on this...I'm ok with the wait and see approach.  And I know what I signed up for and don't have a problem with this yet.

I've had it as well, and I'm not going anywhere, but calling people idiots and morons is just out of line.  You know it, or it least you should.  Beeg is a squadmate and he brought over at least 5 people to this sim.

To borrow what a squadmate said in our forum here:

I was surprisd to see responses from some of the "big" names in AH. The trivial, immature insulting and name calling has given me a new perspective of that crowd. They are worse than anything I saw in the FA NG. Good thing we can pick our friends here."

So, you are out of line, and you know it.  Don't like it tough, just back off then.

But telling people to pack up their toejam, is just plain childish.  Not sure why the AK's think they are in charge around here.



[This message has been edited by Cobra (edited 10-28-2000).]


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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2000, 04:31:00 PM »
I took the offer of 14.95 and signed an account the same day.
You old lads should be happy, you will have more flying targets, more money income for the game you love, more people supporting it and more posibilities of survival for the company in a future where other sims are arising (WBIII, WWIIOL...).
The move of the protest is a poor one. You are paying what you have asked to, and me too. Where is the problem?.
There are bargains for periods in any business and them the price is back to its normal rate.
You only can take profit of this move:
1. The price may be lowered for everybody.
2. The company may become stronger.
3. The game will spread rapidly between european players, who do not enjoy of such a strong currency.

My 0.01 €  

Offline CptTrips

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2000, 04:49:00 PM »
Any loser, and his ilk, that tries to incite a boycott agianst a company that is only trying their best to determine the lowest price break that it economically make sense for them to give us, IS a moron and idiot in my well as childish.

Thats my opinion and I'll post it anywhere he tries to start that crap.  And I don't give a flip whether you like it or not.  And if THATS the kind of crap he's going to contribute to the community, I won't shed a single tear if he prances back off the fiter arcade.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Cobra

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2000, 04:57:00 PM »
Like I are out of line...have a nice disgruntled life  


Offline sax

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2000, 04:59:00 PM »
boycott oil companies and walk. After all that excercise, sit down and relax in front of the computer and thank GOD you have HTC, someone who cares what thier customers think.

Offline AKMosby

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« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2000, 08:10:00 PM »
I am not taking sides either way with this dispute you and Wabbit have goin.All I ask is that you keep the "squads" out of it.It's between you two please keep it that way.Thankyou <S>

Offline Beegerite

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2000, 08:53:00 PM »
OK, let's try to see if I can get through;
THIS idiot isn't trying to incite a "boycott" against anyone.  I did not call this a "boycott", you did!  Boycott means you don't buy the product.  I buy the product and I'm not suggesting that anyone not buy the product.  I've suggested a silent and peaceful demonstration for those who may have an opinion but aren't as verbal as you and I to state that if HTC is willing to offer lower pricing to some they should do it for all.  Twenty four hours of abstinence so that HTC can see the other side of the coin and the potential harm to the enterprise.  What the hell is wrong with that?  You going into the cold sweats at the thought of not being able to play for 24 hrs?  Maybe you're addicted?  Do you constantly think about AH to the detriment of your other responsibilities in life?  Does playing AH constantly cause you problems with family or employer.  If so, I suggest you seek professional help.  
For those that don't think this would work, look back in history and tell me what got us out of Viet-Nam?  However, considering the fact that most people in this country as so apathetic about politics that less than 50% will vote in November, then maybe you're right.


QUOTE]Originally posted by AKWabbit:
Any loser, and his ilk, that tries to incite a boycott agianst a company that is only trying their best to determine the lowest price break that it economically make sense for them to give us, IS a moron and idiot in my well as childish.

Thats my opinion and I'll post it anywhere he tries to start that crap.  And I don't give a flip whether you like it or not.  And if THATS the kind of crap he's going to contribute to the community, I won't shed a single tear if he prances back off the fiter arcade.


Offline Cobra

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2000, 08:57:00 PM »
No Problem Mosby.

He attacked a squadmate and reduced himself to name calling.  I understand that he doesn't speak for all the AK's.  My apologies on the earlier reference.


Offline Karnak

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2000, 09:18:00 PM »
All price malcontents,
You, I and others are paying more because HTC is conducting sales research. They are trying to find out if a lower price is viable. Offering that lower price without finding out if it is viable would be foolhardy and possibly put them out of business. Giving that lower price to guys like you and I would not provide HTC with the info they are looking for. They want to know if lowering the price would result into a corresponding increase in subscribers. The only way to find that is to offer subscriptions, at a lower rate, to people who tried it and didn't subscribe and to people who subscribed and then canceled. They already KNOW that you, I and others like us would subscribe at the lower price because we are subscribed at the higher price.
If the research proves that the lower price is as good or better for HTC's business as the current price is, then they will lower it for all of us. If it does not prove to be viable, then they will still be in business and we will not see the lower rate.

They have to be allowed to get the info they need to make the service better without betting the farm at unknown odds.


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Offline Toad

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2000, 10:05:00 PM »
I think the idea that everyone is/should be paying the same price for a product is not consistent with the real world in any event.

As many have pointed out, the guy sitting next to you on an airliner probably didn't pay the same amount you did.

Cars are negotiable. A fine strip steak in beef country is way cheaper than an average steak in states that don't grow much beef.

Good whiskey is cheaper where they make it than where they ship it.

So, the universal price idea is certainly not a "right" or even a fact in most marketing.

Be that as it may, this HTC price issue needs a bit of time.

Sit back, take a deep breath and wait and see what HTC is going to do.

If it was worth $30/month a week ago, it's probably still worth a dollar a day now. If the market research goes our way it will probably get cheaper.

What will all you howlers say if, after the research is done, HTC decides to give all longtime loyal players a rate that is $1 LOWER than the best offer they made these "try but no buy" guys?

You'll take it won't you? You won't howl that it's not fair to the "no buys"?


Relax. Chill a while. Let time bring this issue into tight focus instead of fuzzy uncertainty.

THEN decide what you need to do.

[This message has been edited by Toad (edited 10-28-2000).]
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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2000, 10:39:00 PM »
Guys, my take is: shut up and wait. There was endless whining and account canceling about anything new that the HTC guys were introducing in AH (combat-trim, night, late war planes, restriction on switching country sides, cannon-hogs, no-cannon-hogs, less e-retention, more e-retention, 109XFBGAH variant not present or present). Basically HTC guys seem to be doing the right thing mostly after a while so settle in, drop your 29.95 a month and wait. I'm just awfully glad it's not 2$/minute, I'm glad there is a couple of artists (one could arguee they're just geeks, one could argue they're weirdos spending their lives building this thing, for me geek+weirdo=artist ;-) doing that stuff for us. And each time I gunned some other poor soul down, licked my lips, got a beer and realized that I'm much more balanced and friendly towards my wife since I could off-load my natural agression on the affermentioned poor soul, I think to myself: it's worth the money ;-) So, give them 2-3 months and we see how it pans out. If they still charge 3 different ways in 2-3 montsh, we ask them for the reason they do it ...

Offline discod

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2000, 01:03:00 AM »
I say Beeger for president!    As for AKWabbit...After reading your original post several times I have come to think that you may have been trying to get a rise and a laugh from readers with the FA thing rather than a personal attack on Beeger and it seems to have backfired.

Just be a little more careful how you word it next time.  

If my assumtion is wrong and in fact you were making a personal attack on Beeger then I would say to you, "What's up with that?! Bad form."

But for now I'll assume that it was just a joke gone south.

Offline Yeager

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2000, 01:42:00 AM »
The big goof from HT and Pyro was not giving us a heads up before the post questionair  offers were made vi email.

The second goof was in making the low rate accounts last as long as they are active.  They should have said a year or cancelation, whatever comes first.

HT and Pyro have made these types of decisions before and have a small but dedicated anti-following as a result (see Warbirder).

That being said, I am fine with the market evaluation.  I am confident I will be paying less for AH in the future as a result.  I think HT and crew could have just lowered the subscition fee by %30 and tripled their membership but I guess a test of sorts is fine and probably better for the business portfolio in the event they sell the product at some point in the future.

As for people canceling their subscriptions, I say let em.  People come and people go in this genre constantly.  They will either be back or they wont.  The target is those that chose not to stay after the initial preview or simply feel $29 is too much to pay.

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